Owned by Pugs

Friday, August 8, 2008

A favorite part of my day

Henry, Benjamin & Luna

A favorite part of my day, next to bedtime, is unwinding in the yard with the pugs for a few minutes after work.  I wish I was able to set those 10-15 minutes aside everyday, but sometimes dinner, errands, the gym and life just don’t make it possible.  But, I am happy that I at least take the time a couple days of week and I think it helps me enjoy it so much more.

We don’t do much while we are out in the yard and that is what makes it great.  I get my daily dose of vitamin D, pet the pugs, watch the birds and just relax.  Some days I snap some pictures, some days I brush the pugs,  but others I just sit on the bench surrounded by Benny, Henry & Luna and do my best to take in the moment and think about nothing.

Henry & Luna

Benjamin & Luna

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Nothing in the world compares to relaxed pugs just being.



Pretty good relaxation therapy!



Pugs…..a natural de-stresser!



Love all the pictures, but especially that last one!  Pug bookends!  Birdy and Sleighbelle will often end up butt-to-butt when they are lying on the bed.  It always makes me smile.

I love to be out in the yard with the girls too.  Birdy in my lap, Sleighbelle “smiffing” every blade of grass in case there might be a scent she missed on her last patrol.  It is relaxing just to see the pugs enjoying the fresh air and being pugs.

Happy weekend everyone!

Karen B


Gym?  What’s that?  LOL!!

But seriously folks, yes, relaxing with pugs is the utmost best part of the day! 

Christina, I love your phrase “smiffing”!  That’s perfect, cuz that’s just exactly what they do in their perfect little pug way!

And OBP, your yard is beautiful!  Happy weekend!



Lovely post. Makes me want to go loll about my yard with the pugs.



Karen B,
I had to come up with a phrase to describe Sleighbelle’s uncanny ability to “sniff” and “smell” at the same time.  They really are 2 different activities.  It’s like she’s sniff/smelling as she inhales and as she exhales, so I merged the two into smiffing.  Seems to explain a pug’s talent!  I’m glad you like the term.



Aw…I try to do the same with my guys. I usually put aside saturday afternoon (late cause that’s errand day) and sunday afternoon to hang out in the yard and do the same thing!
Happy pug chillin’ everyone!



When I seen pics of OBP’s yard, I forget how hot and humid it is and why I don’t want to move back that far south. lol And to thing of the work involved in keeping the place looking that nice…wow.  Sometimes it’s nice to only have a 500 sq. ft backyard.

Have a great puggy weekend everybody, and kisses and scratches to all the puggies.



ughhhhhh, i want a pug so bad!!!  i can see why you enjoy that part of your day… because they’re ADORABLE.



Oh no, pugless one! How sad for you.  Ok, everybody, group hug… puggies, too. ((((punchanela ))))

Karen B


Oh, yes Punchanella!  You must have a puggie!  As a matter of face, get two!  (They’re small.)

Pugs are a joy and this blog makes for really fun reading and sharing!

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