Owned by Pugs

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Baby Benny Follow Up


Well, I wanted to touch base on the status of Benjamin’s medical issues. (He signed the HIPAA waiver, so I have permission for those that were concerned about me infringing upon his legal rights.);)

After much back and forth between our usual vet and the eye vet(s), the current diagnosis is a combination of dry eye and allergies. I say eye vets because we have now seen each of the 3 specialists that practice at the AVS location we visit.

Benny is being medicated for seasonal allergies (he pops a human Claritin daily) and he will go the end of this week for one more trip to the eye specialist to get his 6 month treatment plan. His maladies have seemed to have settled down. No face swelling. The licking and scratching have appeared significantly less. The true bonus is that his chest x-rays came back normal.

The unusual thing about the diagnosis of dry eye, is it is the same problem Luna suffers from, but not really the same at all. Benny produces tears. Luna does not produce tears on her own. Benny’s problem is the quality of his tears. Thus, even though he produces tears, his eyes would still be considered dry. Seemed very odd to me at first but I guess I get it now.

So, this is where we are with Baby Benny. I must say that I have also been living up to most of my end of the deal with better upkeep of the ear cleaning and wrinkle cleaning. Toenail trimming, while better is still a sore spot. During his procedure of the anesthetized ear cleaning, the vet saved me some specimens of what he removed.

Funny, even though his ears are clean, he doesn’t seem to listen any better. wink He definitely has very selective hearing, I would say. He is continues to live up to his aging man nickname of Solsey Benny! (Of course this is said the way we used to say Solsey Baby!)

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Woe Corrine, another eye regiment. You must be very energetic to keep up with all of that, or more likely you are a very devoted pug mom.

You know all pugs have selective hearing, even if their ears are sparkly clean. 

Thanks for the update on Solsey Benny (I love it).  Compared to what has happened in the past week, this is good news.

Hugs to you Gina.



My, my just look at that smile!!!  Solsey Benny (LOVE) surely couldn’t look happier to be rid of his cone of shame (he is done with said, cone, isn’t he mommy?!).

So happy to hear his chest xray was normal and as for those peepers…He jumped on the Looney train!  He couldn’t be in better care so I know all will be moist and glossy!

Love you handsome, handsome Benny!!!!

mary castagnoli


BENNY!  You look so please to be sitting sans the cone.  FREE AT LAST - right?!  I know you’ll be good for yo’ mama in getting your drops and taking your allergy meds - it sure beats eye-owies and wearing that humiliating cone.
BELLA gets REFRESH Tears drops in her eyes (mostly her right) first thing each morning and before bed at night and it helps her alot.  I’ve also noticed using cotton balls to clean her ears (soaked in her ear cleaning wash) works better than a kleenex.  For some reason, her left ear is always the worst.
If there are higher-maintenance dogs than pugs, I’d like to know.  But my dogs have always been my 4-legged children - so I really don’t mind.  Just concerns me to hear of all the more serious ailments that some of our puggers have been dealing with lately.  Hope to see/hear that everyone is one the mend - especially to little ABBY who’s been coughing and breathing hard - please be all better soon!



Corrine, well of course Benny has selective hearing…he’s male! wink

I’m not sure I know what the HIPPA waiver is…?  Oh, oh, I think I see that dreaded cone under the chair.  Say it’s not so.

Had a strange thing haappen the other day with Georgie.  I have been watching him like a hawk since his latest round of goose-honking.  I was at the computer and he was the only one in the room with me.  I heard this loud squeak like from a dog’s squeaky toy.  Looking down I saw nothing but Georgie near me, no toys, no nothing but him looking up at me.  During the next hour or so there were several more of the squeaky dog’s toy sounds.  Again, Georgie was by himself.  It got to the point that I wondered if Georgie hadn’t swallow one of Cooper’s toy squeakers as Cooper is always dismantling his toys to get to them.  When I went into the family room to read the paper, Georgie got up on my lap and that is when I realized what the sound was.  This is a bit indelicate but, it was a squeaky fart complete with smellorama.  Enuf said.

Just read yesterday’s posts.  If dogs don’t have souls, then we don’t.  But you’re right, they are a little closer to God than we are and don’t have to work hard to stay that way.

Pug hugs,
Huckle &
the Swamp Pugs



So happy for you Baby Benny! No cone and clear chest x-rays! Eye drops are no biggee. Your Mommy will get you on the right path now!

Sue VDB ~ Romeo still doing well?

Pug Mama ~ How is Abby doing today?

Praying for everyone and their babies. Hugs to you all!



Benny you are so handsome so glad to hear the xrays were good and you are on the mend

Pug momma how is Abby doing?

mary castagnoli


HUCKLE:  My BELLE-BELLA emits her air-squeaks when she shakes her bootie really hard.  (I try to stay out of range of her atomizer when she does this.)  Think she’s such a pudge - and maybe because she’s a mouth-breather - she builds up extra air.  At any rate, I’m always relieved that (so far) my 60’s haven’t started me squeaking as well.  Little tuff to strut your stuff with that kind of “music” going on!
At any rate - BELLA & GEORGIE would make quite the pair, I think.

sue states


Benny does look very happy. Yeah! Good chest x-ray news. Had a chuckle with the HIPPA comment having worked in health care for many years! And Huckle-squeaky farts?! How funny! A BIG THANK YOU Corrine-my blog is Phoenix Ministry a ministry for helping jobless/homeless families and the issues,emotions & misconceptions surrounding this ever growing segment of our society. I also have a daily post on FB & Twitter. Pug hugs to all from the colorado 4



Huckle, we can always count on you to crack us up with your stories.  Don’t ever leave OPB.

Jennifer Moulton (Used to be Davis)


Oh Benjamin, your smiling face in this photo is SO handsome.  I hope you know how lucky you are to be so loved and adored.

PS:  Corrine, I want to see pictures of how long his toenails were!  Would make me feel like a better pug mama!



Gina, Romeo is fine.  We have an appointment with the vet acupuncturist at 10:30 today, and I will post when we get back.  I simply want Romeo to be examined and get another opinion on his back.  Perhaps it was just a wrong move he made to hurt his back, but a painful as he was, I want to make sure he has someone to help him if there is a problem.

Sue States, I will be sure to check out your website.



Forgot to mention how hilarious HIPPA comment was!

You all are CRACKING ME UP today…and most days, at that!  Too too too funny, you all are just awesome!

Good luck at acupuncturer Sue VDB.  I will be thinking of Romeo.

Pug Mama, how is Abby?

Gina, you doing OK?

If I forgot anyone, I’m sorry!  A little foggy today!

Love and prayers to all!



Huckle ~ We must’ve been typing at the same time b/c I didn’t see your post! But that story could never get old. I love it!

Sue VDB ~ definitely post when you get back so we know how it went.

Heather ~ hanging in there. Just trying to get used to the quiet in our house. I don’t think I will ever get used to it. My husband and I just sit and look at eachother in the evenings once the kids are in bed. *sigh* so boring w/o Pip. (I am dog sitting that yorkie Ruby today and I called for her to come with me and of course I called her Pip. “C’mon Peeper” I said. Ugh!) :(

sue states


Don’t feel too bad Gina, I often call our grandson Chris Jer-who is our youngest(if you can call 30something young)son. Forgot to mention(Brain fart-oppps)Daisey is using her paw more and more even full weight! Hope all the fur babies are doing better. Pug hugs from the colorado 4



Sue States ~ that is too funny. Calling your grandson the wrong name. One time I was watching some Josh Groban videos online and my husband said something to me and yep…I called him Josh. oops! I always call me kids the wrong name too. Kind of like Bill Cosby and his stand up routine… growing up he and his brother thought their names were God Da**it and Jesus Christ. And one time he called them the opposite and his brother said, “But Dad, I thought I was Jesus Christ!” Funny. Anyway!!!

Glad to hear Daisy is using her paw. These silly pugs!



I’m glad Sweet Baby Benny is done with that darn cone!  He looks so pleased!

Hellen Norton


Oh Benny so glad that darn (hat) is off. Thank goodness they do not use them on humans!! I would have one on all the time!1

I have not been on the computer much. Had over 900 emals yesterday…did get through all the missed OPB files. I have so many saved ones that grandson is going to download them to a disk!!! Yeh…then I will be ale to save even more.

I have been going through a couple of sickness issues for over a weeek. Oh well…getting old is a blessing so guess putting up with a few pbolems is really a good thing!!!

I got my OBP calanders early and believe me they are great!!! My daughter Karen called me to e sure she was getting one. She is the other really puggie person in my family.



YAY Sue States, wonderful news about Daisy!

Helen, I hope you are feeling better and am sorry you’ve been ill :-(

Gina :-(  I know how you feel.  I still call Cole Riley sometimes…and the other night my dear friend was over who knew Riley very well and he called Cole Ri twice.  I didn’t say anything, but I felt the sting. *tear*...You are in my thoughts and prayers!



Back with Romeo from the vet, and I don’t like what he told me.  He looked at the x-ray emailed to him from Mission Med Vet.  They certainly didn’t tell me everything.  Romeo’s back is full of arthritis; he has a couple of discs that are not in good shape and his spine is narrowed.

When I asked why Romeo was acting so fine, he explained this was a wax and wane situation.  I watched as Romeo was being examined and there were definitely two pressure points that Romeo didn’t like. He then had the vet tech walk Romeo around, following him.  Romeo has a slight unsteadiness in his hind legs.  Why didn’t I see that?  Me bad. 

I wondered why Mission Med Vet did not tell me all of these things, and Dr. Rowe said because you didn’t have an MRI or milogram performed to confirm these conditions.  Both of these are expensive and if I would have had either one of thesel tests performed, I would have been advised…grrrrrrr. 

Anyway, Romeo had one laser therapy, and one acupuncture.  He tolerated the needles quite well except when Dr. Rowe went to do his two front paws.  He hates having his front paws messed with and reacted to that.  The vet tech and Dr. Rowe had to calm him down, and with some restraint and sweet talk and petting, he allowed the needles.  He is scheduled for 3 more laser therapies and at least four more acupunture treatments, both twice a week.  His next appointment is Monday at 4 pm.

I also have to restart the two pain meds and the muscle relaxer, probably for two more weeks.  The ideal thing would be to crate him for two weeks, but Dr. Rowe understands the impossibility of that, especially given that Romeo was crated for 16 hours a day by himself for the first 3 years of his life. He doesn’t want Romeo to follow me from room to room.  How do I do that?  I guess I have to stay in one room, get a laptop or a tablet, bring in a portable pottie, etc. Anyone have any suggestions?  I’m at a loss.

I will probably have to keep Minnie and Missy in the basement because Missy is a barker…at everything, and I mean she barks at everything.  No matter what I do, she will not be quiet.  When my son is around Minnie is in constant attack mode and Romeo comes to his defense.  I can’t tell Mike he has to stay in his room and never come out. Even when he is in his room, if he makes any sound, Minnie is barking and ready to attack.  She has bitten him several times. 

I will also have to keep a close eye on Frankie, because he likes to antagonize Romeo, and then Romeo will go after him and attack.

Anyone want two dogs and a cat for approximately 3 weeks?

Romeo needs prayers and so do I.  Please.

mary castagnoli


SUE VDB:  What a miserable situation - Maybe you and ROMEO should stay in a motel for a week or 2, or send Mike, M&M and Frankie to a Super 8! - or I would gladly put you up at my house (Iowa) - but there would be stairs for Romeo.  I truly sympathize and feel so bad for ROMEO as well.  I have high hopes that the acupuncture is effective in giving him some relief - it seems to work miracles on people a lot of the time.  Did they say anything about glucosamine biscuits and aspirin?  A friend’s lab had problems with arthritis and that is all they did for him - bet they wish they had thought of the acupuncture - but don’t know if it’s available for animals in our area either.  I sure hope you are able to get things “settled in” for everyone at home.  You have quite the household - and me with only BELLA to fuss over. 
GINA:  Dog-sitting is a good thing to do right now.  Before I found BELLA, I would keep doggies of friends when they went out of town - and it was nice canine company, but w/out any commitment on my part.  I also call my son by my dogs’ names - unfortunately MOLLY and BELLA don’t sit real well on him, but he’s pretty understanding.



Sue VDB don’t any any answers but will keep saying prayers for Romeo hope this treatment works sending good thoughts your way and a hug for Romeo



Hellen ~ So sorry you haven’t been feeling well. I will keep you in my prayers. Any luck with adopting a new pugger?

Heather ~ I’m sorry it still stings. I’m sure it will for awhile. They have a way of getting into our hearts don’t they. How long has it been since Riley’s passing? I kind of remember you mentioning it here. I’m sorry I can’t remember quite when it was.

Mary ~ Yes…it’s comforting to have the other dog here. I don’t feel guilty taking care of her. My house is so quiet w/o one here of my own but I’m not sure I’m ready.  So funny that you call your son Bella and Molly.

Sue VDB ~ My goodness…I wonder why the first vet didn’t share that with you. But at least you know now. I know you mentioned he doesn’t like being crated but let me offer this: Remember that weenie dog that I take care of whenever her folks go out of town named Susie? Well she has back issues and once when I was taking care of her, her back went out on her. I took her to her vet and they gave her meds and said she needed to stay in her crate. Well I really didn’t want to do that to her, I felt bad but I’ll tell you what. She went in her crate and didn’t move a muscle for 2 days! She knew she needed to be in there and she knew she would feel better once she did stay. Normally, she would bark after about 5 minutes of staying in it. Maybe Romeo would be ok in the crate if you moved the crate from room to room. Keep him in whatever room you are in. Maybe that will work? I will keep thinking about it and see if any other ideas come to me. But good luck with it and keep us posted!



Mary, loved the 60s comment…it’s probably only a matter of time!?!

Gina, here’s a take off on the Cosby routine.  Our oldest son’s name is Chris and when he would turn in school papers, he put Chris T (for Tucker) and when I mentioned how it looked like ChrisT, he said he knew.  That was why he did it!  Doncha wonder about kids sometimes, although now that he is in his 40s (still a shock) his emails sometimes run together looking very much like that.  Ah, the ego of the male.

Now Sue VDB, what are the laser treatments supposed to do.  I can see the acupuncture treatment being helpful but wondered about the laser.  This would be expensive, but you might try a doggy stroller to keep him nearby.  Or a playpen, they also have them for dogs.  OMG, I didn’t know Romeo was crated for the first 3 years of his life.  What is wrong with people?  Prayers and pug hugs.

Gina, you sound good as you deal with this.  Prayers still coming your way.

Huckle &
the Swamp Pugs



Huckle ~ the doggy stroller is brilliant! It’s like he is crated but he isn’t. Sue VDB, you should look into this!

And thank you Huckle! I’m trying. I have my moments though. Like when I got the sympathy card from the vet today and they all signed it and told me how much they loved Pip and how wonderful he was and how sad they were that he passed. woo weeee….brought the tears on again. Thanks though smile



Huckle, good idea.  I have looked at some.  It would have to be enclosed because Romeo would jump out, and that’s not good. After studying it for a bit, I think the fact he was enclosed would bother him and make him anxious…not good either.  But thanks for a great idea.  I haven’t said anything to Mike about him taking up residence in the basement…not sure about approaching him with that, lol. 

I called a friend who sometimes sits dogs.  Most of them are in her neighborhood and she visits them in their home.  I asked her about taking Minnie and Missy in her home, and there was a   pause.  She has three dogs of her own, and she’s not sure about taking on two more, especially for two weeks.  Her house is not that big.  Plus the week before Christmas she and her fiance are going to Arkansas where he has a home, taking the dogs along of course.

She did suggest getting an exercise pen for Minnie and Missy and putting it up in one of my spare bedrooms.  I’ve mulled that idea over as well, but not sure that is a solution.  I have to give that more thought. I really have to think of the pros and cons to determine if that is workable.

The laser therapy is to relax and allow the muscles to relax and allow acupuncture to heal.  I can’t really explain it, but you can search laser therapy for dogs.   

Huckle, Romeo was in a home where the residents owned a bowling alley, and would be away from morning to late at night.  Romeo was alone in a crate all that time.  At one point they decided they didn’t want him anymore, so called a lady who rescued pugs.  I found her through my vet.  When I picked up Bo Peep’s ashes I asked if they knew of any pugs.  I’m one of these people I have to have another pug immediately, and I’m not dishonoring any previous pug, I just have to have that pug personality around.  Anyway I was given a phone number.  I called Pat and that very night she brought Romeo over.  I really wanted another female, but when Romeo wandered around the house, how could I say no. I knew then he was a very excitable dog, but after all he was experiencing freedom and almost couldn’t contain himself.

Hellen, hope you are feeling better.  Don’t give up on your pug.  Please respond to the facebook message from a lady who has a 2 year old pug ready for adoption.  You are in my prayers.

Gina, hope the extreme pain of losing Pip has let up just a tiny bit.  From reading your blogs, I think you really are ready for another pug…just my opinion.

sue states


OMG Sue VDB! 3 years in a crate every day for 16 hours? I can’t imagine how poor Romero must have felt and THANK YOU LORD that Romeo is with you! Gina, I still get teary over Buttons and she passed 2001 March 30th at 12:00 noon.So just take your time and know we are all always here for those whose fur babies had to leave us. Buttons & Daisey are Bostons. Daisey is now up to running oh the power of prayer! Pug hugs to all from the colorado 4



Huckle, I’ve been rethinking the doggie stroller, and DUH, I could lift him in it and lift him out…he wouldn’t have to stay in it.  I must have had a brain freeze.



Sue VDB ~ I am trying to feel better but sometimes it’s really hard. But I think you might be right…I might be ready. There is just such an emptiness here and it’s heartbreaking. I think I’m struggling with feeling bad about “replacing” Pip even though that would be impossible. I just can’t get my heart to understand!

Sue States ~ I’m not surprised that you still get teary eyed even though it’s been a little while. Our puggers leave a big impression on our hearts. So much unconditional love from a small, wrinkled, snorty package.

Bunk the Pug


Oh my pug, how sad. Benny, I really think you should tell the human taking care of you that the best cure for dry eyes and clogged ears is a nice big spoon-full of peanut butter. I’m also glad you got your ears cleaned out so that you can go back to ignoring the humans like any regular pug.



Gina, everyone is different.  I have found when I lose a very dear pug, and they have all been precious in their own unique way, the only thing that helped me was to get another pug that my previous pug sent to me.  I truly believe that.  You won’t be replacing Pip in any manner, shape or form, and you will never, ever forget him.  He would be smiling down from the Rainbow Bridge, knowing that you are, if ever so slightly, beginning to healm and know you have another baby to love in a different way. That has helped me each and every time, but like I say everyone is different.

pug mama


Abby isn’t very good.  She has lots and lots of mucus plugs, lots of white-ing out on her right lung field, her heart borders on the high end of normal if not enlarged, definitely larger than 2 months ago xray, coughing continues.  We went back to the plan the vet school came up with almost 3 yrs ago, with the specific meds they used that time, to see if we can get this under control better, much less make her more comfortable.  We came home with 4 meds today, going to watch her carefully over the weekend, and say lots and lots of prayers.  Thank you for all your care and concern, it means a lot. 

Corrine, Abby sounds like she has Benny’s type of dry eye.  They explained it to me that tears have 2 components: mucus and liquid, and Abby had quit making the liquid, so when she was first diagnosed, she had big eye goobers (just the mucus part).  Cyclosporine works wonders for her, she also had a remarkable improvement after some time on the ointment.



Sue VDB ~ Thank you so much. I am leaning towards really looking for another baby b/c I’m just so sad. I think Pip would be ok with it. He certainly wouldn’t want me to be sad. Thank you my dear.

Pug Mama ~ Tons and tons of prayers going up for Abby right now. Please keep us posted on how she is doing.



Pug Mama, I am so sorry to hear this news about your Abby.  I hope and pray the meds you brought home will help her tremendously. I know that all of us at OBP are keeping you and Abby in our thoughts and prayers.  Please know we are here for you, and keep us posted.

(((((Pug Mama/Abby)))))



Bunk the pug, I can’t imagine putting peanut butter in their eyes!  wink

Sue VDB, you had a valid point with Romeo jumping out of the stroller, although my friend’s stroller has a zippered cover over it.

Gina, you are not now nor will ever be replacing Pip.  Can’t be done.  And you are not being disloyal.  Consider the fact that you loved Pip so well, and him you, that you are honoring that bond with another precious pug.  When you get to that point of acceptance, then you are probably ready for another pug.

Pug mama, hoping for the best for you and for Abby.  Prayers and pug hugs.  Please keep us informed.  We worry with you.

Lilo N me


Wow, this is such a long thread I hope I don’t forget all the comments i have and who for lol.

Benny you are a handsome devil as always, and soon your eyes will sparkle just like your lovely sister Luna’s.

Lmao @ the HIPA comment Corrine.  HIPA is the Health Information Privacy Act for those not familiar with the term.  That means you are not allowed to speak about someone’s health care to anyone else without permission.  Up here in Saskatchewan they don’t even want us to admit the patient is even in the hospital.  I think that’s going a little far.

Lmao @ Huckle’s mystery squeaker and Mary’s fear of beginning to squeak herself!

Sue VDB the x-pens are great even for the other dogs.  I am thinking of getting one for around her, but given Romeo’s past history I completely understand your reluctance.  They are wonderful and have 8 sides and are not so confining as a crate and come in various sizes with lots of room to roam. 

Gina, I was going to say the absolutely same thing as Sue VDB did about Pip sending you someone to keep you company. I think that he may have even had a paw in you having your current visitor.  I myself have yet to lose a pug, but i’m pretty sure I wouldn’t last too long without one.
As far as calling them by the wrong name, well I think this new little guy is going to have a complex.  We keep calling him she, whoops!

Hellen I am so happy to see a post from you.  I had been worried about you and I am sorry to hear you have been having some illness.

Pug Mama so sorry to hear about Abby’s troubles. I pray these interventions help her to feel better soon.

Prayers for all in need, pug hugs and love to all
Lilo n Me

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