Monday, September 24, 2012
2nd Verse Same as the First
Over the weekend, we heard from the specialist. The specialist is of the same mind as our regular vet that a biopsy would be the next logical step. However, they are not in favor of the needle biopsy. Instead they would prefer to make a few small incisions similar to a spay and do a biopsy that way.
Before we proceed with the biopsy though, Luna is going to have another sonogram on Thursday to see if the spot on her bladder is still the same size.
In the meantime, we started Luna on a second dose of antibiotics. We are still hoping that this is some sort of crazy infection.
We will know more on Thursday.
For now Luna is doing well. She is acting like her normal alpha female self. And the best part is that we haven't seen any blood in her urine in the last few days.
Poor Luna…. I hope she gets well soon!
Puggy Love, Muffles + Lala