AKA: Baby Benny
Whelped on March 27, 2002, Benjamin has the distinction of being my first pug. He eeked Henry out by one day to gain the title. Quirky would be a good word to describe Benjamin. He is very set in his ways and loves to stick to the routine. He loves walks & car rides and one day would love to be brave enough to stick his head all the way out the window like his brother Henry, but right now it is just too scary. His favorite foods are pretty much any food, but he really likes pumpkin bread, aka pugkin bread, cheez-its, cheerios & apples. If he isn't outside sunning himself you can usually find him perched on the back of the sofa. He is never far from his puffy, a small nondescript disc given to him by G-Ma when he was a puppy. Read more about Benny.

AKA: Hanky Doodle
Whelped on April 3, 2002, to me Henry is the emodiement of "multum in parvo", a lot in a little. He loves to play fetch in the pool, jump through the waves at the beach and ride with his head out of the window. When he was a puppy we found out that he had hip dysplasia and luxating patella. He had knee surgery to correct the luxating patella and his hipdysplasia has been managed by keeping him at a healthy weight. Laid back would be a good word to describe Henry. Like his brother he loves all food, but he is especially fond of noodles, apples and believe it or not, brussell sprouts. Read more about Henry

AKA: Looney Toon
Luna is our first rescued pug. We adopted her on January 29, 2006 from Compassionate Pug Rescue. Weighing in at about 14lbs, Luna is a petite girl, but don't let her size fool you - she packs a punch. The fastest pug of the group, I love to watch her run circles around the boys as they try so hard to keep up with her. Luna gets a slew of eye drops each day to help manage Keratoconjunctivitis sicca & other eye problems. While many think that Luna is a brindle pug, the marks on her body are actually scars. We're not exactly sure what happened during the first two years of her life before we adopted her, but she is covered in scars. Luckily, now, she is no worse for the wear. Luna enjoys nothing more than a nice warm lap to curl up in. Read more about Luna.

AKA: Solsey
Sol wandered into our life on December 28, 2008. She literally found us. Sol has the honor of being our first foster failure. We originally set out to foster her for Central Florida Pug Rescue, but after about a week, who am I kidding, a day, we knew that this little girl wasn't going anywhere. Estimated to be about 13-15 years old when we adopted her in 2008, Sol is completely deaf. She is a two time cancer survivor (oral cancer and mammary tumors) and has a serverly collapsed trachea. She is not a candidate for a trachea stint, so her trachea collapse is a terminal condition. Despite her health problems, Sol is one of the sweetest pugs you will ever meet. She has a nose like no other and has a way of smelling out tasty treats whenever she goes somewhere. She absolutely loves going for car rides and since she can't keep up with the other three she enjoys going for walks in her pouch. After a fun day of car rides and pouch walks, she loves to curl up next to your feet and snore the night away. Read more about Sol.