Friday, May 17, 2013
This picture was taken in January 2006.
The picture was taken a few days after we adopted Luna and I believe it documents Luna's first lounge chair snuggle with the boys. As you can see, the boys were more than happy to let her hang with them, they just didn't give her much room at first.
If I were to take this same picture today, chances are Benny would still have the back of the chair to himself, but Luna would be taking up almost all of the front of the chair and Henry would either be clinging on to the edge or laying on the ground next to the chair.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Henry is high on sunbeams so this isn't the greatest picture of him, but I really like how it shows off his pearly whites. Henry's bottom row of teeth have always cracked me up. They're jagged and he definitely has plenty of room to squeeze some floss between them.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Baby Benny is trying to see if my purple slipper fits his chin.
I don't know what it is about pugs, but they always need to be resting their chin on something.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Looking forward to your captions in the comments.
Monday, May 13, 2013
We took a long walk the other night and the pugs got pretty tuckered out. Henry got very excited when he saw this truck. He thought G-Pa had come to give him a lift home! Right type of truck, Hank, just a few years too old
Friday, May 10, 2013
This flashback is from February 2010.
My two little pug ladies, Luna and Sol. There is a whole lot of alpha female attitude on that seat!
Luna rides very well in the car and Solsey did too for that matter. Luna's preferred spot is the front passenger seat. She doesn't really like to share that spot with her brothers, but she was always more than willing to share her spot with Solsey.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
One of Benjamin's duties as a pug is to supervise the weekly dog food prep. On weeks when I have to cook the turkey the process takes quite a bit of time and it can be quite exhausting to a pug. So Benny, always picks one of the black rugs to take a little cat nap on while I slave away. Unfortunately, the rugs are all positioned in front of places that I need access to while I'm working. One is in front of the stove, one in front of the fridge and one in front of the sink.
So, I tried a little experiment, and I moved one of Benny's dog beds into the kitchen to see if he would monitor me from there. Worked like a charm!
As you can see Benjamin is pretty bored by the whole process. His feedback is that I need to cut the prep time by 99% and give him half of the prepped food as soon as it is done being prepared.