Friday, July 26, 2013
This picture is from February 2006.
This shot was taken a few weeks after we adopted Luna. Luna was curled up sleeping on one of the dog beds in my office and Benny in true big brother form, brought her a duck and squeezed himself in to make himself comfortable.
They had to share the dog bed because you know I didn't have enough beds for everyone in my office
Thursday, July 25, 2013
You probably heard Cupid's voice over in yesterday's ice cream video. When I took the video, Cupid was just diagnosed with diabetes so there were no ice cream treats for her and she wasn't too thrilled about that.
Since her diagnosis, Cupid has been back to the vet on a weekly basis to get her blood tested to see if we can get her sugar under control.
The first time we went back her sugar was too low. So, we dropped her shots to once a day rather than twice a day. The next week her blood sugar was still too low. So, we stopped giving Cupid insulin shots all together. Last friday, we took her back in for testing and her blood sugar was just right!
We're not really sure why Cupid had the shortest bout of diabetes ever, but we are not going to question our good luck on this one. That being said, we are going to keep a close eye on Cupid as diabetes can come and go in cats. But for now, no more insulin shots for Cupid.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
The other night we gave the pugs a little ice cream treat to help them beat the heat. I took a little video of them slurping up their treat, but I made a crucial mistake. I started with Luna instead of Benny. As you will see in the video, by the time I get around to Ben, he has already licked his bowl clean. It's a wonder that boy doesn't get an ice cream headache.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Looking forward to your captions in the comments.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Don't let the this picture fool you. Luna isn't resting her head funny on the floor, she is actually chewing.
I stopped at the pet store to get treats and chewies for the pugs and I saw some strange looking chews. I inquired about what they were and they told me they were sweet potatoes. So, I figured I would get some for the pugs to try.
So, far they have been a hit with Benjamin, Henry and Luna. They have lasted longer than I thought they would. The only problem is the boys are able to break them into pieces. Pieces that are way to big for them to swallow, which would be exactly what Benjamin and Henry would try to do.
I got each of the pugs their own sweet potato chew and they all ran off to their favorite chewing places to work on them. But, wouldn't you know, that when Luna saw one of the boys break a chunk of theirs off, she swooped in and grabbed the little piece and spent a good hour chewing on a tiny little piece that I would have had to take away from the boys. And when she was done chewing she still had a lot of sweet potato chew left.
Friday, July 19, 2013
This photo is from February 2011.
Three happy pugs romping on the beach. I love how Luna and Benjamin's back paws are off the ground.
When people think about the beach, they usually think about summer. However, for the pugs, prime beach weather is during the winter here in Florida. Not only is the weather beautiful, but the beaches are a lot less crowded!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Sometimes, climbing all the way in the bed is just too much work