Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Vitamin D


It is super hot in FL, but that doesn't stop Henry from getting his daily dose of Vitamin D. When I took this shot, Benjamin and Luna were waiting by the door to go back inside and enjoy the conditioned air and Henry was begging for 5 more minutes of sun time.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Caption This #299


Looking forward to your captions in the comments.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Thank You

Benjamin, Henry and Luna

A huge thank you to Ann for sending Benjamin, Henry and Luna special chewies. Ann's pugs Julia, Flynn, Beetle and Pippin love himalayan dog chew and wanted to share their favorite chew with Benjamin, Henry and Luna.

Julia, Flynn, Beetle and Pippin also shared a special tip with us to get the most out of these yummy chews. When the himalayan chews get too small, what we refer to as choking hazards, they have their mom stick the chews in the microwave for a minute and then you have pug cheetos! We will definitely have to try that.

Thanks Ann, Julia, Flynn, Beetle and Pippin. Ann is also a tireless volunteer for Central Florida Pug Rescue. Be sure to pop over to their website and see what CFPR has been up to lately.



Friday, August 30, 2013

Flashback Friday

Sol, Luna, Henry and Benjamin

This picture was taken in August, 2009

I can't remember why the pugs were not allowed into the house when this picture was taken, but they sure are putting on a great show of pouting.

The thing that struck me the most about this photo is that Luna is right there with Solsey, doing exactly what Solsey was doing. Pictures like these remind me just how much Luna loved and idolized Sol. They were alpha female partners in crime. And Luna, who is a pretty independent thinker, was always up to do whatever Solsey was doing.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Backup Puffy


While looking at old pictures, I came across this picture of backup puffy and I couldn't believe how fresh and new backup puffy looked!

Puffy and backup puffy were the first toys given to Benjamin and Henry from G-Ma. G-Ma gave the boys their puffys the first day that she met them. So, puffy and backup puffy are as old as the boys. Before I saw this picture, I thought puffy and backup puffy were in good shape. I had forgotten how fuzzy they were when the boys first got them. They may not be as fluffy anymore, but the fact that they are still in one piece 11 years later is a feat in itself!


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Luna’s Inhaler


We started Luna on her FlowVent inhaler a little over a week ago. I was very anxious to start Luna on the inhaler because I was curious if it was going to help her cough. We have gotten to a point that none of the other medicine was working, so we had a lot of eggs in the inhaler basket.

We gave Luna her first puff of the inhaler at night so we could be around to see if she experienced any negative side effects. After her first dose, the rest of the night went awesome! Luna's cough was significantly less, not gone, but a lot better. We were like play by play commentators all night because Luna would do something and we would be like, she didn't cough! She always coughs when she jumps up the step coming into the house or some other ordinary thing. To say we were a little excited would be an understatement.

After a few days passed and Luna had a few more puffs from the inhaler, Luna's cough got even better. Granted, she still has breathing and coughing issues, but she is certainly doing a lot better.

I was very concerned with how Luna would do taking her medicine, but we have a pretty good system in place to make sure she gets her meds. It is a two person job, but so far it has been working well for us.


One of us sits behind Luna and keeps her still, while the other one puts the mask on Luna's face. The AeroDawg chamber has a little indicator that lets us know if Luna is breathing in or out. It is also a good way to know that we have a good seal with the mask on her nose. When Luna is breathing in, we push the inhaler and keep the mask on for 3-5 breathes so she gets her medicine. As soon, as she is done, she promptly gets rewarded with treats and lots of praise. Of course, her brothers are right next to her during this whole procedure encouraging Luna to breathe faster so they can get to the treat portion of the ordeal faster.

We are stepping Luna down off the prednisone to see if we can get her completely off that drug. In another week, we will have a better idea of if we can get Luna completely off of prednisone.

We are super excited that the FlowVent inhaler is helping Luna. If Luna is going to be taking the inhaler long term our next task is to find out the best place to purchase it from as it is quite pricey (~$200 / 120 puffs). The best we have been able to do locally is $178 from the Sam's Club pharmacy.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Caption This #298


Looking forward to your captions in the comments.

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