Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving 2015


From OBP to you and yours....we wish you all a very happy, healthy and safe Thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for and you, the readers (our web friends) are high on this list of who we value and appreciate. While there is so much more we have to be thankful for, we will leave it with a simple HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Gone Golfin’


We had the luxury to take Henry on a mini adventure recently. This included a trip to miniature golf course. Henry did an AMAZING job navigating the course, being patient at each hole and only blocked (inadvertently) one shot!


While of course, this is all about the Hankster and his grand adventures, it should go without saying that Peep #2 took the win by 5 strokes after Peep #1 started collapsing around hole 12. Henry didn't care who won or lost, he was just happy to be out in the cool evening air and hanging out with his peeps.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Ask OBP #18


This week's Ask question comes from Christie. She shared that her Olive will kick up the dirt/grass after she has done her business. Her boys Vito and Luigi do not do this. She wondered if our pugs do/did the same. Yes, Christie, Benny and Luna both did this and not only after going potty but also just on occasion after a specific smell that they wanted to top. We had pretty much seen it as a dominance type of behavior. There are a couple of theories why dogs do this, though.

The first theory is that they are "covering" their mess. Like they are cleaning up after themselves. I am not sure if I buy into that but it sounds nice, doesn't it? Here is a little article to support theory.

The other theory is that they are marking their territory even more. They did their business, and now they are leaving more of their scent behind. (Dogs have scent glands in their paws.) This is more to what Benny and Luna would do. They would poop or pee and just kick up a dirt and be so proud of themselves like they showed that last dog who was boss! Here is more on this theory.

I think we've asked this before, Christie but I am going to ask again. Is Olive a dominant doggy? I feel like I keep hearing stuff that indicates that she is but I think you have said that she is not. From an outside perspective, you may want to consider that she is. smile And there is nothing wrong with her being a dominant little diva! Luna was the best at the role! She was a hotsie totsie and did it well! Benny had only a few dominant traits but marking stuff was sure a big one! If he was a human man or boy, he'd be one of those guys who would just pee in the middle of Mardi Gras and think it was a hoot! Whoosh! Thank goodness he was dog! LOL!

Due to the upcoming holidays we will be reverting back to Caption This on Tuesdays. But we will go back to Ask OBP early in 2016. We want to be able to give our full attention to our responses and with a busy holiday season that may not be possible. So, be sure to be jotting down some questions over the next few weeks! We'd love to have some good ones to start the year with!

Sunday, November 22, 2015


We finally bit the bullet and bought a GO PRO camera! We had been waiting so long to see what Henry looks like to passersby as he rides with his head out the window. While this was our first try at mounting the camera on the car, it is not the ideal view. We realize that we get a lot of side mirror in the scene. We will continue to fiddle with it to find the best mounting location for ultimate Henry viewing. For now, enjoy our first effort. #HenryIsOneHappyPug #PugOutTheWindow #HighFlyingPug #FeelTheBreeze #WindInHenry'sFace #ThisIsTheLife

Thursday, November 19, 2015


The only thing that Henry might like more than walking in the rain, is being towel dried after a rainy walk. In his younger years, toweling Henry off would always spark a play session. After we dried him off, he would get fired up and run circles around the house and try to run off with the towel. Now, getting dried off is sorta like a mini massage for him. He groans and grunts and loves every minute of it.

The other day, it rained during our morning walk and we both got wet. When we got back to the car, I attempted to partially get Henry dry before we went home. Henry was sitting on my lap and as I started to dry him off, he flipped onto his back and just melted. He was like a wet noodle. Try as I might, he was not sitting back up, he was quite content to be toweled off while he relaxed.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Quite the Shopper


Every once in a while, we will take Henry to the pet store instead of a park for his nightly walk. Usually we will do this when the weather is bad or if we need to pick something up at the pet store. With Henry's active nose, we find that he gets in about the same amount of steps, if not more, just wandering the aisles of the store as he would in the park.

Henry's routine is to zig zag down the aisles smelling everything on the bottom shelf. Some aisles get more attention than others, but he pretty much hits every aisle. As he is "shopping" he sometimes knocks things off the shelf, so whoever is holding the leash is also his personal cleanup crew.

And while Henry was busy sniffing away on his most recent outing, he caught the eye of a kitten that was available for adoption. This kitten intently followed Henry and wanted to get and play with him so badly! Since the kitten was in one of the upper cages, Henry, of course, did not even notice the kitten.

#PayAttentionHank #YouCantSmellTheCuteKitten

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Pug at Work


It was a rare event, which was not even supposed to happen according to the clause in the lease that reads "no dogs allowed in the building" but Henry, the rule breaker said, "hey, you only live once" and away he went into Peep #2's workplace! Peep #2 actually got permission from the BIG boss to allow Henry into the building after hours when Peep #2 had to work on a special project. So, Henry was permitted a quick jaunt into the building. He grabbed some water and air conditioning. He scoped out some of the building and of course gave a lot of the space the sniff test. Fortunately, he played it cool and didn't have any accidents (or any "on purposes" marking something he found fishy). There was not a lot to do or see, but he did well marching the hall ways. And now Peep #2 gets to have a good memory of the boy a work! #WorkingDog #HenryWorksHardForTheMoney


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