Thursday, October 3, 2013
Unfortunately, the extra dose of doxycycline has not helped Luna's cough. Feeling stumped and not know what to do next, we brought Luna back to the specialist to see if they could help us figure out how to give Luna some relief.
With the cough, a concern is always pneumonia or some other sort of chest infection, so we had more chest x-rays done. The x-rays looked good and showed no real changes since the last set of chest x-rays. While this is good, it wasn't very helpful in figuring out what is going on.
Thankfully, Dr. Moore, the specialist treating Luna, took the time to sit and chat with us and review Luna's chart and notes. After discussing things, we decided to try a different antibiotic. Fingers crossed that we will see some improvements in the next few days.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
After basking in the sun, car rides are Henry's next favorite thing in life. When he has someone to hold him, he loves to ride with his head out window. When riding in the car, Henry loves when we pass by other dogs walking. He doesn't bark at the other dogs, but he stand ups up a little taller and sticks out a chest a little bit as if to say, "Hey look at me! I'm riding in a car!".
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Looking forward to your captions in the comments.
Monday, September 30, 2013
The boys have always loved to chew. When they were pups they were crazy about pig ears. Pig ears definitely aren't my favorite chew treat. They are greasy and become choking hazards very quickly. And in their youth Benjamin and Henry could eat an entire pig ear in under 30 minutes. Because of all these cons, we gradually weened the boys off of pig ears.
It has been about 5 years since the pugs last had a pig ear and the time that has passed must have lessened my dislike of pig ears. The other day I was in a pet store and saw a big pile of pig ears and out of nostalgia I bought Benjamin, Henry and Luna each one to see if they would still love them.
Benjamin, Henry & Luna were super happy when I came home with the pig ears, but boy have times changed. Instead of devouring their ears in less than an hour, the pig ears are still very much intact days later. Benny has been giving his pig ear a good chew a little bit each night. Henry is a little distraught over not being able to finish his chewie in one session. When he is done chewing, he paces around the house trying to find a place to bury what is left of his pig ear. Luna has been working hard chewing her pig ear off and on, but at the rate she is going, I think her pig ear will last for years!
Friday, September 27, 2013
This picture is from October, 2011
All the talk about Fall yesterday got me thinking about our last vacation to Maggie Valley, NC when we went to see the wonderful Fall foliage of the Smoky Mountains. I don't think the pugs appreciated the scenery as much as I did, but I know the crisp mountain air sure put a little spring in their step.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Fall officially started on Sunday and while this season technically does not exist in Florida, I couldn't be more excited. The pugs and I have been noticing a certain coolness in air in the evenings and we have been able to spend more and more time outdoors. We have even been able to go to some of our favorite parks after dinner. Hooray for pug weather!
How's the weather in your neck of the woods? Are the leaves starting to turn? The beautiful Fall colors is one thing I definitely miss living in Florida.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
I think someone is in the kitchen, what do you think?
Out of the three with their eyes glued on the kitchen, Henry is the only one that can still jump off the bed. Benjamin and Luna are both smart enough to know that they can't handle jumping off the bed anymore.
They both send out an alert when they want to get off the bed, but they do it in very different ways. Luna sounds out a series of very authoritative barks that sound like "Get", "Me", "NOW". Ben, on the other hand, sits near the edge and whimpers as only Baby Benny can do. Two very different, but both very effect techniques.
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