Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Caption This #305
Looking forward to your captions in the comments.
Monday, October 14, 2013
The pugs are crated while we are away. When we get home, they are usually anxiously waiting at their crate doors to greet us. But, sometimes we are able to sneak in the house without them hearing us and we can catch them sleeping soundly. It is the sweetest thing to come in the house and hear all 3 of them snoring away. The pugs, on the other hand, don't like it when we make it back into the house without them knowing. Henry likes to pretend that he doesn't sleep while we are out. I'll keep these pictures around as proof that some little puggy sleeps quite soundly while we are out.
Friday, October 11, 2013
This picture was taken in October, 2009
This spotted dog bed was Sol's favorite bed in the house. It was located under my desk in my office, right next to my feet. While I worked, Sol snored and dreamed away. From time to time, when she would stir, I would give her head a little rub with my feet and she would settle back down and get on with her nap.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
The other evening I was laying on the sofa catching a few minutes of rest, when Henry made his way onto the sofa and precariously balanced himself on the edge. He then flipped himself backwards and looked at me as if to say, "Here is my belly. Pet it."
I've never met a dog that likes to be pet as much as Henry. He never tires of petting. I have even said to myself, I am going to pet Henry until he walks away or falls asleep. Needless to say, I broke way before he did! After 45 minutes my hands were tired!
Do your pugs like petting as much as Henry does?
Monday, October 7, 2013
Sometimes, I think Benny has gotten cuter with age. His face isn't as dark as it once was, but his wrinkles are as luscious as ever! When he was a puppy, I thought he might grow into his wrinkles a bit, but he never did.
It's funny because while Benny is very wrinkly, Henry and Luna have almost no face wrinkles. Between, the three pugs I would say we have an average number of pug wrinkles in the house, it just so happens that Benny wears them all.
Friday, October 4, 2013
This picture is from September 2009.
I have loved seeing Sol's sweet face the last few Friday's so I wanted to post another picture this week. This was one of the rare times that Sol enjoyed riding in the stroller. Most days she hated the stroller. She was much happier riding in her pouch. She loved her pouch!
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