Monday, April 28, 2014

"Driveway Time" is my absolute favorite part of the day. During the week, driveway time happens right when I get home from work. Once I park in the garage, the pugs run out of the house to greet me (and to see if I happened to bring home anything yummy). After the greetings and the inspection of my car and lunch box, we just hang out in the driveway for a bit. It is the absolute best way to unwind!
Friday, April 25, 2014
Benjamin has always been the go to pug for cleaning up small spills, but this is an all time low for even him. I spilled a bit of chicken juice (from cooked chicken). Unfortunately, in addition to getting on the floor, it ran down the front of the cabinet as well. I thought I did a pretty good job of cleaning it up, but Benjamin clearly does not agree.
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Luna's dirty little secret, is she is a sucker for trash day. Getting Luna to go potty in the morning is an exercise in futility. However, on trash day, Luna is as spry as they come. On most mornings I can barely get Luna to move from the door. She just wants to go back inside and go back to bed. But, on trash day, Luna races down the driveway to see what we are throwing away. And she is not satisfied until she has fully inspected the bag.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

No one loves spaghetti quite as much as Solsey did, but it sure is one of Henry's favorites. Usually, I let the pugs take turns licking my plate. But on this night I got up without giving Benjamin, Henry and Luna a turn. Henry immediately sat up with his paws on the table to remind me that he hadn't had his chance to clean my plate.
I of course caved and let the pugs have their licks. However, I think Luna ended up wearing more of it than eating it.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Looking forward to your captions in the comments.
Monday, April 21, 2014

Well look at this! Luna outlasted Henry in the sun!
Both Henry and Luna were laying in the sun together, but Henry broke first and went to the shade. After Henry left, Luna sat up with her chest out a bit, super proud that she outlasted the sun lover himself!
On a different note, we have been having some issue with commenting on posts. I know some are having issues commenting from time to time. I am working on getting that fixed, but it happens so sporadically that I'm not 100% sure what is going on. I appreciate your patience while I work through this issue. If you are not able to comment let me know and I will try to work through it with you. Also, over the weekend, we had some pretty unfriendly comments. Because of that, I have turned on comment moderation. So, when you post a comment it will not appear right away. Instead it will appear after I have approved it. I will try to keep this delay to a minimum, but I appreciate your patience.
Friday, April 18, 2014

This picture is a bit of an outtake, but I love how it looks like Henry is leaning in to get a picture taken with his little sis.

When I started taking this shot, Henry was laying down next to Luna and paying no attention to me. I snapped my fingers to get him to look at the camera. Instead he got up and ran towards me. In sitting up, he leaned in to Luna and I was lucky enough to get this shot.