Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Benjamin, Henry and Luna have always been big chewers. But as they have aged, their chewing habits have changed a bit. Instead of chewing everyday throughout the day, they go through chewing spurts instead. They might not touch a bone for a week, but then they chew nonstop for a few days.
Benjamin is on one of those chewing spurts right now and I don't think it is going to end until he completely chews all of this particular bully stick. Not only has he been chewing on this stick in the evenings, he has also been gnawing on it after lunch when Grammy comes to hang out with him. In fact, Grammy sent me this shot!
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Looking forward to your captions in the comments.
Monday, May 5, 2014

Every year, Henry gets a special outing all to himself to the Bark at the Park game for the Daytona Cubs. We were all set to go to the game on Friday, and we were even halfway there, when we found out that the game had been rained out. Not wanting to disappoint Henry, we came up with a quick plan B and headed to Petsmart. He hadn't been to the store in a long time so we let him pick out some new chewies for himself. And then we made him pick some out for Benny and Luna
He was even kind enough to pick out a new toy for Cupid. Looks like he scored a pretty good bit of loot!

Friday, May 2, 2014
Yesterday's video was of sleepy Benny. Today's flashback is of a much more active Benny. I think my favorite part of the video is Sol looking on shaking her head at how much energy these young whippersnappers have!
Pugs Playing from obp on Vimeo.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
I have always said that Benny loves his routines and this video is even more proof that Benny operates on his own schedule. Grammy comes to see the pugs during the day and when she leaves she puts them to bed. Benjamin, Henry and Luna get a few hours of nap time in their crate before we get home from work. The pugs know when it is getting close to quitting time for us because they are always hear us come in. The other day I came home from work a little early (shortly after Grammy put the pugs to bed) and Benjamin was passed out! It was very clear that he wasn't expecting anyone to come home so early.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Henry's recovery from his eye surgery has been remarkable. He has taken everything in stride and we have been amazed with how quickly he has adjusted to having only one eye. However, this weekend, we did notice a bit of a bump near where his eye is stitched shut. After a few minutes of investigation we quickly realized it was a stitch! When we took him to get his stitches out they forgot to remove one. We tried to remove it ourselves, but it was not coming out. We are going to take him to the vet to get hopefully that final stitch removed.
This is the second time that this has happened with Henry. When he was a pup, he had a minor surgery and they left one of the stitches in him then. For some reason, Henry likes to hang on to his stitches.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Looking forward to your captions in the comments.