Friday, May 16, 2014

You see that little, tiny, chubby cheek of Luna's? That is where I constantly plant big 'ole kisses. Whenever, I pick her up, I always give her a big smooch. Unlike Henry, Luna doesn't mind getting kisses. A lot of times, she even gives me one right back. I sure do love this sassy little lady.
Thursday, May 15, 2014

The other day, as I was rushing around getting ready to leave for work, I ran into my office to get something I needed. Henry seeing me go into my office, thought I must be having a work from home day. He excitedly jumped up on his office "chair" and settled in for a day of work. I let him relax in the office for a bit and then I had to break the bad news to him. Fortunately, he took it all in stride.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Benny used to sit like this from time to time when he was a pup, but as he has aged he sits side saddle more and more often. It must feel good on the ole joints.
I also want it to go on record that Benny is sitting in wet grass. It is almost impossible to get him to even walk in wet grass, but on this day, he threw caution to the wind and just plopped right down.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Looking forward to your captions in the comments.
Monday, May 12, 2014

The big pillow is the place to be in the morning. After the pugs eat their breakfast they settle in for their first morning nap. If you didn't know better you would think this was the only bed in the house!
Friday, May 9, 2014

This was the scene on our way to the vet the other day. I usually recline the passenger seat so Henry can easily get into the backseat if he wants to without any assistance from me. If he doesn't want to ride in the backseat, usually he curls up in the front seat. But, on this particular day, he decided he would just recline.
Once we arrived at the vet, we got the lingering stitch taken care of in record time and then we were back on our way home.
Thursday, May 8, 2014

I worked a half a day from home recently and this was the scene in my office. All three were snoring at once. It was quite a productive afternoon for me!