Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The other day I posted a picture of Henry and how he rides in style to the vet. Well, this is how Benny chills in the car when he is going to the vet.
Last week, we took Benjamin to the eye vet for a checkup (more on that to come) and this is how he rode on the way home. His eye exam really tuckered him out.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Looking forward to your captions in the comments.
Friday, May 23, 2014

This picture was taken in May 2006.
This picture could be the scene stolen from one of the many romps Benjamin, Henry and Luna used to have in their younger years. Benjamin is indeed chewing on Henry's hind leg. Ben was forever doing that. I guess it was payback for Henry always dragging him around by his luscious face wrinkles.
And while Ben is chewing on Henry's leg, Henry is taunting Luna who is looking way too innocent. Most of the time, Luna was the catalyst that usually got these romps started.
Thursday, May 22, 2014

The other day, I decided to take Henry outside and give him one more chance to potty before I left for work. It was a gorgeous morning and the sun was shining bright. I was feeling optimistic, when Henry quickly trotted down the driveway and started smelling the tree. Then he turned away and plopped right down in the sun. He had no intention of budging, until he got his morning dose of vitamin D.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

As soon as the lawn mower stops, the pugs pitch a fit to be let outside to inspect the freshly cut grass. Once we finish with all the cleanup we let them out. With all the fuss they raised wanting to be let out, you'd think they would be happy to lay in the freshly cut grass, but most of the time they wander right out of our yard to our neighbors and hang out in their longer grass. Go figure! But, on this occasion, they all took a moment to enjoy the fruits of our labor.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Looking forward to your captions in the comments.
Monday, May 19, 2014

"Driveway time" the other night was super windy and Benny was loving life! Benny has always been driven by his nose and on windy days he will sit outside and smell the air for what seems like forever.
On this night, Benny found himself a nice shady spot and sniffed the air until his heart was content. I can only imagine all the different smells he picks up on on a windy day.
As a senior gentleman now, Benny loves it when the smells come to him rather than him going off to find all the smells. I think all that is missing from this picture is the cartoonish depiction of all the different smells wafting through the air.
Something like this.

Or better yet, something like this.