Friday, June 6, 2014

From the looks of it, you might think that we run a tight ship around here and insist that the pugs line up in size order - smallest to tallest.
While this doesn't happen frequently, I have caught them in this order before. I wonder if one of them has OCD or something.
Thursday, June 5, 2014

We bought a new duvet for the bed and no sooner did we put it on the bed, Luna and Henry were wanting to get up on the bed to check out their new threads. They sniffed around a bit, but then settled in giving it their seal of approval.
Since the pugs sleep on the bed, we have always opted for a duvet over a comforter because it is so much easer to wash. And with 3 pugs sleeping in the bed, let me tell you, that duvet gets a lot of washing!
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The other day Henry wanted to get up on the big people bed even though it wasn't bedtime. (I guess he just wanted to be near his "people" because I was putzing around the bedroom---putting clean clothes away, placing shoes that had been left around the house back in their proper place, etc)
I noticed how the light from the lamp caught his "no eye" while making his eye seem very sparkly. He put on a puppy face that I have not seen in a while and I was fortunate to capture that moment in time. He has been a much happier boy since having his stinky eye removed. He's adjusting well and this really shows that he is just as handsome as ever.
Who needs a second eye anyway? Not Hank! He's a one eyed winky wonder.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Looking forward to your captions in the comments.
Monday, June 2, 2014

Poor Benjamin and Luna had a very rough weekend. Both of them have collapsed tracheas so there is generally a chorus of coughing and goose honks echoing throughout the house. However, this weekend was extremely bad.
Benny got so bad on Sunday, that we sent a video to our vet to get his opinion on Benny's condition. (Our vet totally rocks! He was crazy enough to give us his cell phone number and we text him or send pictures and videos to him from time to time to answer some of the many questions we have while caring for a group of senior pugs). After viewing the video, our vet suggested that we give Benny a shot we have on reserve for Benjamin in case he gets too worked up. We had the shot on hand for quite some time now and unfortunately on Sunday, we needed to use it.
Benny took the shot like a champ. I think it was harder on us than it was on him. We tested our strategy (how we would hold him, etc) for administering the shot on Henry since he was nice and calm at the time. Henry was a good sport, but he did look at us a bit like we had lost our mind. If he could talk, I'm sure he would be saying, "You have the wrong pug!"
While were aren't 100% sure what caused Benjamin and Luna to have such a hard time this weekend, we are pretty sure the weather was the culprit. It was disgustingly humid this weekend. With summer looming, I'm hoping this weekend is not a preview of what's to come.
Friday, May 30, 2014

This picture was taken in March 2006
Last week's flashback sparked some discussion about Luna and how different she looked in her younger years. Here is a shot of Luna a few months after we adopted her in 2006. I can't quite remember when she went silver in her face, but it wasn't long after we adopted her. Every time I look back at old pictures of Luna I am shocked at just how dark her face used to be.
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Benjamin has been having some eye issues of late. He frequently has mucus in his eyes and in the morning he has been waking up with lots of crust around his eyes. To top it off, the whites of his eyes have started to be red and irritated looking.
We decided to take Benny to the eye vet. The same eye vet that Luna has seen for years and who just did Henry's eye surgery. (I guess Benny was feeling left out of the eye exam club). Benjamin had his exam and much to our surprise they diagnosed him with dry eye. It was surprising to us because Luna suffers from a very bad case of dry eye and her eyes actually look dry. Benjamin's eyes, on the other hand, are always moist looking, almost too watery. But it turns out that the quality of Benjamin's tears is poor. So even though his eyes are moist his tears aren't able to properly refresh his eyes. So just like Luna, Benjamin suffers from dry eye.
We left the eye vet with a course of eye drops for Benny that will help with his condition (all different from the drops that Luna takes of course). We have been giving them to him for a few days and have already seen a some progress. He no longer has the crust around his eyes in the morning when he wakes up. Hopefully Benny will be feeling better soon.