Owned by Pugs

Sunday, December 20, 2015

12 Days Of Christmas


Well, weren't you all in your Christmas glory and creativity last week! OBPers really came together to compile the new lyrics to the 12 Days Of Christmas! We wanted to be sure that it got put together all in order and share our appreciation of the community driven input from you all! Christie Schade started it with a pugtridge in a peartree. Then Sue VDB, Martha and Chuckie all chimed in and along the line the pugtridge in a pear tree turned into QP in a pear tree. It played out a lot through the day and showed that OBPers have a super creative side!

As we were writing for the upcoming week, we wanted to include the final cut and at that point, the lyrics had kind of faded out at 8. So, we thought we'd complete the last 4. Thus in order from 12 to 1, we have the complete song as Christie said, bring it home, and home we brought it!

12 Legs a scurrying
11 Poopy bags
10 Black tshirts ruined
9 Nights a snoring
8 Perfect Head Tilts
7 Squeaky Toys
6 Favorite Treats
5 Ny-La Bones
4 Chewy Sticks
3 Chinese Pugs
2 Shared Pug Beds and a QP in a pear tree

But no sooner than we thought we finished the last 4 lyrics, we saw that Christie actually finished it off herself! This was the final version after Christie's final edits:

12 little pug paws
11 puggies snoring
10 pieces of pugkin bread
9 pug peeps dancing
8 perfect head tilts
7 squeaky toys
6 favorite treats
5 Ny-La boonnzzz
4 chewy sticks
3 Chinese pugs
2 shared pug beds
and a QP in a pear treeeeee

Another day later, Chuckie offered another alternate version!

12 hours a-sleeping
11 hours a-napping wink
10 Robin stories
9 magic windows
8 perfect head tilts
7 squeaky toys
6 favorite treats
5 Ny-La boonnzzz
4 Chinese pugs (ie, Hank/Luna/Benny/Sol)
3 shared pug beds
2 loving peeps
and a QP in a pear treeeeee!!

Even though we think the number of pug beds should be given a higher number (said the dog bed junkies!) any and all of these renditions reflect that of Pug Life! We could not be happier to have an extended family such as team OBP! May this holiday season bring you a fraction of the joy as you all bring to us! If it does, you will be smiling non-stop!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Battle of the Bow Tie


Last week's bowtie boy post sparked some silly fun. There were a few comments that sparked this follow up post. A comment from Brenda Cooper indicated that there has been a photo of Mr. Clooney holding a pug! So, of course we did our research and found this photo! A young George was indeed holding a young pug pup!

Since that was a long ago photo, we thought we'd give a more apples to apples comparison where we have a more mature George sporting a bow tie and of course, our old Henry, also decked in his formal wear. It seemed that the popular vote did, indeed go to our very own Henry! Heck, even George Clooney himself made a post that Henry had won this round of who is most handsome.


And Henry thinks all the talk is just a hoot! He knows that of course he is the most handsome pug. He finds the whole thing so silly that he even gives us the tongue about the whole thing! Class act, H! Bow tie and sticking your tongue out at us. The real deal, a sense of humor is the way to a woman's heart. And you've won many of the ladies over! (And a few men, too!) #HenryWinsBattleOfTheBowTie #HowFunnyIfTheRealGCWouldReadThis? #NoOffenseRealGC #WeJustLoveOurHenryThePug

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Christmas Cat


When we were putting up our exterior lights for Christmas, Cupid was able to watch from the front door. We opened our front door and put up a baby gate so that she could not escape. She enjoyed that but what really made her day was when the tree and other decorations were gong up inside! She loves to lay under the tree. And not like many other cats, she doesn't really disturb the ornaments or feel the need to try to climb the tree. (Maybe this is because she is pushing 18 now but she has never really bothered the Christmas tree.)


She also has a favorite Christmas throw rug. Not surprising, it has cat decor on the mat! And even though it is not in the best condition (it's several years old and the backing is starting to disintegrate) we keep putting in out because it really is Cupid's favorite. She was a pretty good helper this year. She did a good job staying out of the way until everything was in its place. Cupid says she is now ready for Christmas. She reminded Sandy Paws to come fill up the kitty stocking with goodies and leave coal for the pug! What can we say? She's a cat! Meowy Christmas!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Flying Solo


Every once in a while, Henry has to go for a car ride where only one of his peeps is in the car. While Henry will take ANY car ride he can get, flying solo rides are not his favorites. With that said, can you deny the pleasure on this boy's face? He is enjoying the wind and the smells being delivered right to his nose!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Retro Caption This #3

Henry, Benjamin and Luna

From the vaults....

Share your comments, quips and captions.

Sunday, December 13, 2015


This is a video of Henry. Henry snoring. A passed out Henry. While there is nothing shocking about a pug snoring away, what is different about this, is that this is showing how Henry is getting comfortable again being back on the sofa. It has been ages since Henry has been comfortable enough to relax enough to get into a sleep on the sofa. But here is proof that he is slowly but surely coming back from a depression or whatever funk you want to label it. This is a huge show of progress to the Henry of old. smile #GoHank! #GetYourSleepOn #BackToTheSofa!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Memories from the Vet’s Perspective


At our last vet appointment we were reflecting on how far Henry has come since he had his kidney removed and how scary the day of the surgery was. As Henry's peeps, we remember being in heightened anxiety that day and just filled to the brim with worry. It is still a vivid recollection about how they called us earlier than expected to come see Henry and take him home. They were worried about how he was doing. He simply was not coming out of anesthesia very well at all. Peep #2 rushed there and saw this first hand. Henry was indeed a hot mess. With that said, as soon as he heard peep 2's voice he immediately got excited. Peep 2 picked up Henry and just held him tightly. Henry instantly began to melt. He was still panting and overall "off" but he knew he was in loving arms and he was starting to settle and relax. It took the entire rest of the night for him to really calm and be restful, but he made it through the surgery and getting through that night was the immediate goal. He had staples across his entire tummy area and looked a bit like a pug Frankenstein, but he was moving forward. That was all we could hope for. Upon pick up, our vet was admittedly nervous about his recovery and while he was truly amazed how fast the love of Henry's person impacted his so positively, he was still concerned about taking Henry home. He knew ultimately, though that he'd be better off at home than in a strange over night medical facility. And our vet also knew that if something were to go awry we would get him to that emergency location with the speed of light.


So, back to our vet's recollection. And how we learned the rest of the story. And I must admit that while it was gut wrenching to hear, I am completely relieved that he waited to share some of the grizzly details with us at this MUCH later date. If he had shared any earlier then I think I would not have been able to take it. And it was kind of crazy how he can speak about now with a chuckle. He was describing the surgery and how when animals are on their back (as they are when they are operated upon) all of their organs and parts fall towards the back leaving the beating heart right there on top. And when he had Henry open and was cutting his kidney out that all kept seeing was his aorta was just pulsing. He was worried that with each move of the scalpel that if he even just nicked the wrong vein that he would bleed out right there. Doc told us that he was literally sweating through this operation. It was nice to hear that he was human and was concerned, but boy was it frightening to hear just how close we were to one small move costing Henry's life. And it wasn't like the doc was tooting his own horn about what a great job he had done (but believe me, we have often praised his work!) it was more like he was also relieved to have made it through that day. We had discussed the possibility of Henry dying on the operating table and that was, of course a huge concern and would have been just awful, but we knew we had to take that risk since the cancer was not removing itself.

We have come to learn a lot in life and one of the most important things we have learned is that perspective is everything. And if you can just shift that even slightly when needed then that is a wonderful gift. In this instance, the perspective of our vet was extremely powerful. We could see from his vantage point the different type of stress and pressure of getting this "just right" because even one small move could have meant everything and not only would Henry no longer be here, but he would have had to TELL US that! We have a great rapport with our vet but I am really not sure just how that would have played out. Fortunately, everything worked out in a winning scenario and we don't have to consider the what if version. Our continued kudos to our vet and his team. We are truly thankful for all his efforts and also his steady skilled hands. So, over a year later, having that perspective puts yet another spin on memories from that day.

#thisshouldhavebeenourthanksgivingdaypost #oozingwithappreciation #henrystrong #henrymadeitthrough #ourvetistheman #henryisthemantoo

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