Owned by Pugs

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Another Leeper Half Fail


Since it had been a while since we've tried Doris Leeper Park we wanted to give it another try. We know how great this park is, when Henry and Doris are both on! Well, both Henry and Doris were off. Henry did not want to walk and Doris was as buggy as could be. We were hoping to try the Go Pro on this trip, too. We have had the camera for a good while now but have not really played with as much as we would have like to by now. But we took this chance to see how Henry did. You can see in the photo how the camera is mounted to the special harness Henry wore.

The video shows a bit of Henry's walk. We hope watching it does not make you sea sick. Henry does not exactly walk in a smooth motion but it a good visual from his perspective. This was our first try and a good first effort. We hope to iron out the kinks, learn from this first try and move on from there. We also tried a different angle for the car mount. So, video of part of his ride home will be posted later in the week. So, even though Henry's lack of energy for walking and the mosquito overkill at Doris were not the highlights, at least we got our feet a little more wet with the super cool camera. Hope you enjoyed the video. smile

Monday, December 28, 2015

Retro Caption this #5


Memories of yesteryear. Share your thoughts.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Cat at the Table


Most nights we eat dinner at the coffee table in front of the TV. Lately, not only has Henry been taking a begging position, so has Cupid! She even has gone as far as to steal the seat of peep #2! I guess preschool rules apply to everyone in the house: On your feet, lose your seat. The thing is with Cupid, it's not like she doesn't get a table scrap or 2 here and there but she really wants to just eat it right off your plate! This cat must have been born with a double wide back bone because she is sure filled with nerve! Yes....we know....it is our fault for allowing her to train us to spoil her rotten. We can't blame her. Being perched atop the pillow pile DOES give her a better vantage point! #crazycat #cupidhascajones #bratcat

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas

From our home, to yours, we wish you a very Merry Christmas! If Christmas is not your thing, may you simply have a day filled with joy.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Home For The Holiday


I saw on FaceBook that there was to be a full moon on Christmas night this year. Since I am nobody's fool, I did a fact check since FB is notorious for sharing misinformation. (We shared a 2 moon tale we saw on FB before.) This, one, however, is true! There will, indeed, be a full moon on Christmas night. Essentially, Luna will come home for the holiday. Brother Ben will be near to the heart, as well, as we gaze to the sky to see Looney girl's glow. Solsey by day and Luna and Benny by night. Christmas, while not the same without them all, will be better this year than last as Henry is truly rebounding and is in better shape than he was 365 days ago. So, when you look up in the dark night and see the glowing ball of light, blow that girl a kissy and let her know team OBP is thinking about her and others that have crossed the rainbow bridge. For now, Merry Christmas Eve.

Christmast Full Moon

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Santa Buddha


I know we keep it all about the pugs....but something else in our lives has come to the forefront recently. We had our beloved Buddha statue stolen from our home about a month ago. Buddha, while a religious symbol to some, does not hold a religious value in our home. He is simply a little guy, who is always smiling, happy to see us and greets us each time we come home with happiness and open arms. We had Buddha for about 10 years and were without worry that he would just always be there. We decorate Buddha during holidays. He's been a baseball player, a pirate and even a hula girl at Halloween. For Independence Day he holds up a red white and blue boa.

The statue is made of concrete. So, he's heavy. It's not like one person can carry him off. It would definitely be a 2 person job. He is literally 150-200 pounds of dead bulky weight. So, anyway, we go to bed, all is well, next morning, Buddha is gone. Stolen while we slept. We do get attached to some crazy stuff at our house and Buddha is no different. We were not sure if, at this point, he was even replaceable. Like I said, we got him about 10 years ago! We went back to the place of purchase and they did not have one on the grounds. We asked, though, and they could make another Buddha since they still have the mold. And so we did, indeed, bring home a new Buddha. New Buddha has a slight flaw in his forehead but old Buddha had a scratch in his tummy. No one is perfect, right? Anyway, new Buddha is perched where old Buddha once stood and since it is Christmas time he's sporting a Santa hat and smiling as boldly as ever.

To quote Buddha, "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." To quote Timon from the Lion King, "You gotta put your past behind ya!" Words of wisdom are everywhere. LOL. Sending holiday wishes to you all from OBPland and Santa Buddha.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Retro Caption This #4

Benjamin and Henry

Another from the pug vault. What say you?

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