Thursday, November 13, 2014

The sun has been shining and that means that Henry has become a permanent fixture in the yard. The only way to get him back into the house is to pick him up and carry him. And even then he practically turns himself inside out to avoid being picked up.
I know he enjoys the sun, but I think he is also drawn to rolling around in the dirt and grass because he just got a bath this week. He has to do something to get that clean feeling off of him. We'll see if we can't do something this weekend that will dirty him up a bit.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

After 13 good years, the time came to get a new car. Last week we traded in our Nissan Xterra and got a Subaru Outback. It was a bittersweet day because we had so many memories with the Xterra - especially pug memories. That was the car that we picked up Looney in when we adopted her, and it is also the car that probably still has some of Benny's vomit in it, tucked away in some nook or cranny.
Subaru is known as being a very pet friendly company and we almost took Henry on the test drive with us. We thought he would have fun, but we figured we better leave him behind so that we could fully focus our attention on the car buying process.
After we bought the car and brought it home, Henry seemed pretty happy with it. If he had his way, he would have had us purchase a gigantic pickup truck. Pickup trucks are his favorite. And the bigger the better.

Its not a pickup truck, but I think Henry will be pretty happy running his errands in this car.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

With all the fun Henry has been having lately he was way overdue for a bath. Henry has never minded bath time, but this time he was a little tuckered out from all his adventures. If we would have let him, I think he would have fallen asleep in the tub.
Monday, November 10, 2014

Looking forward to your captions in the comments.
Sunday, November 9, 2014

The weather this weekend would be considered cold by many Floridians, but for Henry, it was awesome pug weather. And since Henry is feeling so much better we took full advantage of our time together this weekend.
The weekend kicked off with Henry taking a long walk around the neighborhood on Friday night. We were able to get out before it got dark and Henry really liked that. He did the whole loop around our neighborhood, which is about 1.25 miles. It has been a long time since Henry has been able to walk that far without being carried or getting a "ride" home. We watched Henry closely for any signs that he was getting tired, but he easily finished the walk and bounded up the driveway at the end to get home for dinner.
Henry rested up on Saturday morning and by Saturday afternoon he was ready to get out and about again. This time we went to one of our favorite parks that has lots of shade. Henry got a nice walk in there and met a few other dogs too.
Sunday was an overcast day, but Henry was ready to get out for his usual Sunday morning jaunt. This time we went to a local shopping center that has a lake with a little fitness trail. Henry did the whole trail and a few little extra bump outs. After that he rode with his head out the window the whole way home.
It is so awesome to see Henry feeling so much better and happy to be out and about.
Thursday, November 6, 2014

As many of you already know, we are a bit over the top when it comes to the pugs. After Benny and Luna passed, Henry is a bit more anxious and doesn't really like to be left alone. So, when we leave Henry home alone, we like to be able to check in on him from time to time to make sure he is resting comfortable. So we decided to get a wifi camera and put it in his crate room. Then we can pull up the feed on our phone and see how Henry is doing. Crazy, but it sure does make us feel better knowing we can check in on him at anytime.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Henry still isn't crazy about the stroller, but he is starting to learn to like it. If he is tired enough he will concede and agree to ride in it. Of course he would rather be carried than pushed, but he is way too heavy to be carried any real distance. It's a slow process, but Henry is learning to like the stroller.
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