Thursday, February 11, 2016

I will preface this that we know that Lowe's is not everyone's favorite hardware store, but at this point we have to pick our battles and the fact that they let Henry in even though the sign says SERVICE ANIMALS ONLY means a lot to us. With that said, we mentioned that we went to there to get some mini fence pieces and flower bed lining for our backyard solutions. Well, we wanted to share how chill Henry was in his cart.
Seriously, WHO is a GOOD BOY?! #HenryIsAGoodBoy #henrystrongalldaylong
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

My week away with Peep #2 being on duty was an effort to get Henry up to speed to be able to be left alone again. Even if for just a few hours. Henry's cognitive state is such that he cannot always find his way around our home. He has trouble getting to the doggy door to get out to the lanai and then from the lanai to the yard. The doggy doors are of course set up so that the pugs could go out and go potty/play in the yard while we were home, but yet on their own. Henry has always been a master at this. I am sure he has prided himself by being an expert in the potty department having never had a potty accident (minus one rarity while waking suddenly from sleep, while on vacation in a different bed/home/routine over 10 years ago). Now, without help to find the door, a potty accident will likely be imminent. If it was just a potty issue, we may bite the bullet and let it be what it is and clean up any mess when we got home.
However, his physical abilities are such that if he is not on a surface (i.e. full carpet) when he tries to go to a standing position from a laying position then he is unable to do this. He will get panicky and barky. So, he is not really in a place mentally or physically where we feel ok to leave him alone. And even while I was away, Peep #2 had him in the backyard to go potty and everything seemed to be going ok, but he got stuck in the little metal guide fence/barrier from yesteryear that made it so Benny would not pee through the screen onto the pool deck. While attempting to navigate his way out/back around he fell down the hill into a very small hole/crevasse and could not get up/out. So, it's a good thing Henry was not alone and had help to get out. Since that day (actually that day---only hours later) a modification was made to the back yard (and path leading to the back yard). We are ever the problem solvers. Peep #2 took Henry to Lowe's, got some mini fencing (like what we have/what he is used to out front near the agave). Peep #2 made a mini yard for Henry. Now we will still have the problem that Henry cannot get the yard by himself, but navigating him there on leash and letting him off leash in the back yard should allow for him to be a bit safer. Peep #2 also lined the orange mesh with a plant bed liner so as Henry would be less likely to get his little paw tangled (which was also observed while I was away).

The good thing about this little mini fence being so low is that Cupid can still hop over it and back. Win-win! So we will keep working to try to get Henry to where he can find his way around the house (not just to go out to go potty but that would be nice too!). #henrystrong #solutionsallaround #problemsolvers
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
So, I was gone for a week for work. Of course I would get frequent updates. The below were a couple snapshots and their explanations.

Cupid regularly waited by the door for her mama!

Henry had to go to the vet for bloodwork. Peep #2 worked on a better way to make him comfortable in the car so that could get more wind. So, this was Henry catching the one person wind that he could.

There were a couple more "while you were away" stories that I will share but this was a brief synopsis.
#goodtobehome #henrystrong #cupidstrong #peepsstrong
Monday, February 8, 2016

This week's reply comes from a question asked by Lindsay. She had questions about what we serve our pugs. The following diet was the staple diet that the pugs were on throughout most of their lives. It was 1/2 cup ground turkey (white meat), heaping tablespoon of canned pumpkin, level tablespoon of plain oatmeal, a round tablespoon of the veggie of the week (peas, green beans, zucchini, asparagus, spinach were common choices). This was served twice a day and kept them full and at a good weight. They did later in life carry a little weight but that came from a few too many extra bonus table scraps, Calorie wise it was comparable to healthier variety dog food but was much lower in fat content than most. When considering home cooked meals the below links are the ones that came vet recommended.
Home Prepared Dog & Cat Diets
Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs
Sunday, February 7, 2016

Well yesterday was the SuperBowl. No matter which team you were rooting for, we hope you all had a fun time watching. You probably had more fun watching the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet, though! Sorry this is complete fluff this Monday. I've been on a business trip the last week and am just trying to get back into the groove. Peep #2 took vacation time to stay home with Henry and Grammy got a Henry vacation. She will need it since Henry's needs are much greater and she will need to be on her A game like never before! So, talk about a mishmash for this Monday! Whoosh! I will do my best to try to get this train back on track this week!
Thursday, February 4, 2016

One thing that has not changed in Henry's unusual state of his mind is that he still loves him some cat food. And now that Henry barks at each yummy smell, he regularly obsesses over Cupid's food. Part of the problem with him trying to get so close to the food (and likely trying to get a taste) is that there are serious obstacles in his way. You see here that he got stuck under the little chair near the cat's food table. Oh, sweet Henry, you are busted my good boy. Cat food busted! Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids and kitty food is for kitties. #sillypug

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Yesterday, we saw how Henry rode home from the vet. Today, we see how Cupid did. Usually she does a very good job in the car and not that she didn't this time, but she was a lot more wiggly and impatient for the ride home this time. Part of her attitude probably comes from that her thyroid is back out of whack. We are adjusting her meds and will recheck again in 45-60 days. In any case, Henry was chill in the car, the cat not so much.

#cupidstrong #T4toohigh #QPisoffabitfornow
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