Owned by Pugs

Monday, December 29, 2014



The OBPers recently got a new car. Henry has definitely enjoyed the new automobile thus far. While he used to really pop his head out the window and thrive on an ear flapping speed adventure, as of late, he has been liking a more subdued ride. He wants to just lean on the window sill and let the smells come his way.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Working from Home


The few days leading up to Christmas, I was afforded the luxury of working from home. The mornings of these bonus work from home days were a little monopolized by an extra needy Henry. Henry likes to sit on my lap and "help" me work. Here, you see Henry being oh so helpful.

Just glad to have the pleasure of working from home and happy to have the little guy on my lap. smile

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Henry:  The Life of the Party


Each year we have our main family celebration on the Saturday before Christmas (and we call it our Christmas Eve party). This year that was December 20th. That is 5 full days before Christmas, so we really had to have our act together early. Now that Henry is the last pug standing, he goes virtually everywhere we go. And typically he is the diplomat of our party. He's the outgoing socialite. Our family Christmas "eve" party was no different. Henry made his rounds and was sure to say hello to everyone.


As you may remember, not long ago Henry met Reagan, our most recent new addition to our family (at that time, she was our most recent addition...we have since added another baby grand...a grand nephew has since joined us, Bradley Michael was born 12/17 in Virginia and needless to say, he was not able to attend our event this year). Anyway, baby Reagan, now 16 months, is already a budding animal lover. At Thanksgiving, she gave Henry a hug and this time, she closely spied Henry and spent some one on one time with him. While I am not sure what Reagan weighs (and isn't it true, you never ask a young lady what her weight is?) I think right now, if you were to put them each on a scale, they would probably be pretty close to the same weight.

It was too cute just watching these two little folks becoming fast friends. Reagan, having dogs at her home, too, knew that any food particles that touched the floor were automatically deemed dog treats. We were a little gun shy to allow Reagan to hand feed those treats to Henry. Henry (pre poor eye sight) was always a gentle taker but now, low vision Henry sometimes confuses a human finger for a chicken finger. So, we wanted baby Reagan to keep all her digits in tact.

Henry and Bob

Henry also paid special attention to Bob, Reagan's grandpa (the one for whom we Walked to End Alzheimer/s). Henry got up close and personal with Bob who confirmed that Henry's whiskers were ticklely. So, Henry, ever the popular kid brought joy to young and old alike. That's Henry. Just a love spreading pug.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas (2014?)

Luna, Henry and Benjamin

Much the way Facebook does Throwback Thursday, since Christmas falls on a Thursday this year...Here is a Merry Christmas wish Throwback Thursday style.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Merry Christmas from our Vet


As follow up and maitenance treatment, Henry gets a chest X-ray and abdominal sonogram every couple of months. We fell a little bit out of an exact system and now these are on a staggered system (they used to be done at the same time but now they are done with a chest X-ray done one month and the sonogram done on the alternating month). However, this month, we got a little surprise from our vet. He was shopping for a new sonogram machine. So, the sonogram sales man paid our vet a visit. But our vet needed to sample the machine on someone. So, Henry was invited to be the proverbial guinea pig. (Or I guess in this case, guinea pug.)


This was a wonderful Christmas gift from our vet as he offered us a free sonogram for Henry as he got to demo the sonogram machine. (That's a $400 value!) It was a win win. Henry received a sonogram on a newer machine with all the bells and whistles and our vet had a good patient to practice on as he used the new machine. (This, too, was wonderful.) AND we were invited to stay with Henry and observe and be a part of the process (and that, of course, was priceless).

It was a good experience for everyone. Our vet got to sample the machine and liked it and will purchase it. (It will be jokingly named after us since we are their most frequent flyers and obviously helped pay for it. hahaha!) The final bonus of all this is that now that the vet has this new sonogram machine, Henry's future sonograms will be even clearer and sharper than they were before. Yay! This new machine has "doppler" just like the weather reports! It's crazy! It was super cool to witness.

The biggest gift, however, came in the form of Henry's good health. Henry's innards were given the "all clear" sign from our vet. And there is no gift better than that.

May you and yours have the same...much happiness and good health. Happy holidays to you all.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

OBP Holiday Schedule


Hello Friends

We don't mean to make everyone worry about no story yesterday. And today's blurb is late, too. There is a perfectly good reason for this, though. G'Ma and G'Pa are here. So, this makes getting OBP updates a bit of a challenge. We didn't have time to blog ahead of schedule, so now, we are falling behind. We are sorry for the delay.

Henry is doing well, though. At least as good as expected. He works best on a strict routine and schedule but that won't be happening until after the new year. So, we are at least trying to keep the chaos to a minimum.

So, not sure what the holiday schedule will be, but don't fret if you notice we have missed a day (or 3 or 5...). We will do our best to resume to our every day pattern in 2015. In the mean time, we hope that everyone is enjoying their family and friends and the holiday season. And if you know someone who goes into the holiday season with the blues, give them some extra love and attention. The holiday season isn't merry and bright for everyone. We hope you all find joy and peace of mind this season, though.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Super Pug


Henry and I were working in the office and when I glanced over this is how he was sleeping. I think he was doing his best Super Pug impersonation. Now, if he wrapped those presents in the boxes behind him, he would indeed be Super Pug!

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