Wednesday, March 25, 2015

As many of you know, this winter has been a doozy! This can be said for many states but for today, I am talking about our home state of Maryland (and where G'Ma and G'Pa still live). Well, G'Ma and G'Pa are now mostly retired and are considering moving South or at least possibly snowbirding. They are not looking for anything fancy and saw something that they may be interested in. So, on our adventures out with Henry, we drove by the place they are looking into and we decided to send G'Ma and G'Pa a photo of Henry "visiting them" but Henry was so smart that he knew that they were not really there. (Hence the bummed look on Henry's face when he discovered no G'Parents. Boo!)
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Before all the poop hit the fan and everyone in the OBP household got sick (and a few crossed the rainbow bridge), I was starting to take up golf. Only sort of, though. Nothing serious. At my job we sometimes take a golf break where we go to the driving range and shag balls to relieve stress, brainstorm and get some fresh air. Well, I was just starting to practice this on the weekends, too when things started to slip. Now, though, that things are starting settle, I thought I'd give it a whirl and since Henry doesn't stay home alone (except while we work), we decided to see what the folks at the golf place would say. So, we brought Henry to the driving range in hopes of them allowing him with us. And Hooray for Henry! He is allowed there! So between Lowe's and the golf place, they will be getting all of our business! Both are Henry friendly and close to home!
#HenryGoesGolfing #HenryNicklaus #HenryStrong
Monday, March 23, 2015

Looking forward to your captions in the comments.
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Always up for looking for something new and exciting that will be good for Henry, we stumbled upon another park close to home. This one we have known about but there are several bridges that go over a lake. That is why we had not been there before with the 3 pugs. Benny was not a fan of bridges (or piers, or board walks, or anything with slats underfoot).This park also has a lot of bird activity (various ducks and other crazy Florida birds) and thus, we would not have been anxious to take Luna there (as her favorite pastime was rolling in bird poop)

We had kind of forgotten about this park until recently when we were looking for somewhere close to go when our closest and favorite City Center path was holding a large event (and way too crowded for Henry). We recalled a park near a doctor's office park. We did not know the name of it until we made it around most of the loop. It is called Memorial Park. And while it won't soon be at the top of our favorite list, it is a good one to have as a back up. Come to find out, Henry is no longer that fond of bridges now either and without using a bridge, you have to walk the whole 7/10 of a mile. Not that 7/10 is so long, but Henry's max these days is just at half a mile or on a super cool day he could do 7/10 or 8/10 but on this day it was not Henry friendly enough weather to make it the full 7/10. So, it's that last 2/10 that is rough for Henry's "staff" that have to carry him. Unlike Benny and Luna who would kind of "help" adjust their weight and even distribute it when you had to carry them, Henry becomes like a wet bag of sand. He is not only dead weight but then he gets kind of "slippery" and is not easy to carry like the others were. And there is no way he would be lowered to riding in the Solsey pouch!

One of the things that was good about this park is that the sidewalks were wide and when Henry wanted to go off the path, the grassy area was pretty safe (just a few briers here and there and only the occasional ant hill. Henry could get pretty close to the water but if you give him an inch in that direction, he will take the mile for sure, so we had to be sure to keep him far enough from the water that he didn't drag us all in! Even though I know the name of this park, I will always think of it as "Duck, Duck, Henry Park" as there were so many ducks there and then there was Henry. And some of them were so big that if Henry messed with them, his goose would be cooked!
Thursday, March 19, 2015

We regularly eat dinner on the coffee table in front of the TV, but sitting on the floor is just a bit too low. So, we use the throw pillows as a booster. Well, after dinner one night recently, we lazily just left the pillows on the floor. A few minutes later, we come back to Henry on the pile! Baby Benny, king of all pillows, would be SO proud to see his little brother taking over his pillow pile.
#HenryNewPillowKing #BennyWouldBeProudOfHisBro #HenryStrong
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
This is kind of a "finale" to the week's stories even though they were told out of order. Sequentially we went Friday night to Lowe's, Saturday morning to Doris Leeper Park where we wore Henry out and then Saturday afternoon, as Henry napped, we did yard work. Here are some of the fruits of our labor.

Henry's routine includes going in and out of the front door quite regularly. Somehow, however, he often still tries to go in the closed garage door. And then in turning himself around he would often get stuck in the space between the garage door and the where the little fenced in Agave plant is. So, we figured an attractive (ish) way to block this space to re-route him away from that space. Flower boxes! Functional and pretty!

Another area that Henry has had struggles is the left side of the entry way--just to the right of the Agave. He has a tendency to get stuck on those littler spaces like door frames and side lights. So, we added a few potted plants there, too. Not only functional but we now have more curb appeal! LOL! So far the planters have helped Henry "steer" closer to the front door. These are just some of the accommodations we have done to fine tune his navigation. It's not a 5 Star Hotel, as the title may lead one to believe, but we think these accommodations are beautiful.
#TeamHenry #FlowersForHenryBoy #PlantersLineThePathHome #HenryStrong
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The trip to Doris Leeper Park was an effort to tire out Henry so that we could get done some much needed yard work. Henry doesn't really love being in the yard with us anymore when we do yard work (and he doesn't like us to be outside doing it when he is inside alone). So, we try to tire him out ahead of time so that we can get our chores done as a team. And YAY it worked! We will show you some of the things that we were doing in another post but the cool thing about the yard work this time, though, was the PRE yard work.
The evening before doing the yard work, we took a trip to Lowe's to get some supplies and we brought Henry. They let him in (even though they have a sign that says "Service Animals Only"). We tried to wheel him in a cart but he did not really dig that. You could tell that he thought it was his crate on wheels. So, we ended up carrying him most of the trip. It was cool and misty and while we were pretty miserable in the rain, Henry's presence made it fun! We now know that Lowe's is Henry friendly (especially on a rainy Friday night in the garden center when no one else is shopping). But it was another great adventure for Hank the Wonderpug!
#HenryStrong #HenryTheHomeImprovementGuy #HenryTheWetDog
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