Owned by Pugs

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Front Yard Chillin’


One of the main things we used to do daily was have "driveway time" with the pugs. This has been something Henry has not really enjoyed again until lately and this is still slow to come back---he barely likes it anymore but this was a rare moment. It was a special day, though, I guess, we had just cut the grass, the wind was blowing just hard enough not to be gusty and the mood hit Henry. So all the stars were in alignment and Henry got busted enjoying driveway time. I guess it is not really fair to say "driveway" since technically he parked himself in the grass. So really it was front yard time. But no matter what you call it, Henry is inching back into a world of happiness. Some days are still, of course, better than others, but overall his spirits are getting high. (Did I just say my dog was getting high?! #NotWhatIMeant)

Monday, June 1, 2015

Caption This #371


Please share your comments & quips.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

A Boy and his Beach


As spring is in the air and the heat of summer seeps in, we have been trying to get Henry to the dog beach a little more often than we used to go when we had a houseful of pugs. Henry has always been the one to truly appreciate the beach experience and this has continued and is being revitalized (as Henry himself is has begun recharging). While there was nothing particularly noteworthy about his trip, we did get a few photos that were nice. This photo popped out as a special one, though. If you look closely, you can see Henry and his reflection in the damp sand.

There stands a beautiful boy and a great backdrop. #Who'sAHandsomeBoy? #HenryIsABeachBum #GottaLoveThatPug!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Spike Lands His Forever Home


We are so pleased to share that Spike, Henry's attempted but unsuccessful BFF has indeed found his new Forever Home! We are so happy and relieved (and a tad sad that it was not our own). But here is a little update about Spike that his new family has thankfully allowed us to share. Spike has a family full of besties now. He has a canine buddy, Veruca, a French Mastiff, who also happens to have just one eye! The big softy is a bit of worry wart when it comes to thunder boomers so, Spike has already helped her weather a storm. They battened down the hatches, huddled together and made it through together waiting for the skies to clear! There are also a team of kitties (3) in Spike's home and they are all working out those boundaries to which cats and dogs must adhere.


As we had hoped, Spike also has a home where not only furry creatures are his friends, Spike also has a kid friend! Yay! A child sized playmate will make Spike a happy camper, we are sure. Spike's people brother is a 10ish year old guy who is thoroughly enjoying the new arrival! Spike's new people take him and the other pup on 2 walks a day. We are sure this right up Spikes's alley! And he's taking naps and sleeping in a big bed overnight! It is just all working out splendidly. We just cannot be happier!


#SpikeHitItBig #CongratsToSpike #HoorayForNewPeopleOwnedByAPug #ThanksToCFPRForALLTheirGoodWork

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Cupid Squeaks

You will need to turn your volume up for this video to get the full effect. Cupid, sleeping like a sweet little baby, squeaks in her sleep. Without the sound, the video almost just looks like a photograph since you can barely see her moving. But with the volume cranked you can her the little princess making her sleepy noises.

#CatWithANoseWhistle #SqueakyCat #SoftKitty #SleepyKitty #PurrPurrPurr

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Heart of Hanky Doo Is Still Beating

Lately we have been recapping how well Henry is making a comeback. Right after that post, we took another of our many joy rides. Henry has always been a head of the window kind of guy. Well, he's really enjoying his renewed love of car rides. When played with sound, you can hear the Huey Lewis & the News's 80's song "The Heart of Rock & Roll" or as we were singing it in our head that day, "The Heart of Hanky Doo!"

For those faint of heart about Henry possibly falling out of the window, maybe you should not watch. (He does not fall out but we know that this makes Henry's G'Ma very nervous but please trust that there is nothing that would ever make us drop him. (If we were hit by another car then we'd be toast anyway....but really, we can't NOT give him this pleasure. He is at his happiest here.

#HernyLovesTheWind #WindInFaceDog #RebelDog #BlindDogCatchingAir

Monday, May 25, 2015

Caption This #370


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