Owned by Pugs

Monday, December 10, 2012



Luna is wrapped and ready to be put under the tree.

Over the weekend, we went shopping for holiday presents for a shelter pet that we sponsored. The best part about it was that on our shelter pet's wish list was a dog bed! Well, needless to say that was the first thing on the list I bought.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Halloween Outtakes - Part 3


While Luna proudly wears her hat, she has a hard time sitting still for the camera. She loves to walk right up to the lens. Sometimes, she also forgets which end is her best side.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Halloween Outtakes - Part 2


Until we brought out the treats, Henry was throwing a little tantrum. He was upset that his Halloween costume once again had a hat. Almost every Halloween costume he has ever worn included a hat. He wants to know when he can get a costume that does include a hat?


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Halloween Outtakes - Part 1


I know Halloween is over and it is pretty much full steam ahead to Thanksgiving and Christmas, but I wanted to share some of the outtakes from our Halloween photos. I snapped over 400 pictures to get the few gems that I posted last week.

Most of Ben's funny pics involved him wearing his hat on his chin. He seemed much happier with it there. Although, he did try to wear it on the side of his head for a bit too.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Benjamin, Henry and Luna

Happy Halloween from the Crayola Crayons!


Screaming Green


Mr. Blue


Tickle Me Pink

Benjamin and Henry

Henry, Benjamin and Luna

Henry, Benjamin and Luna

I hope you have a spectacularly spooky Halloween. We are certainly thinking of all of our friends in the Northeast.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Halloween Ideas

Benjamin and Henry

One of the things we talk about almost every evening when outside with the pugs is "What are Benjamin, Henry and Luna going to be for Halloween this year?"

For some reason, our well of ideas has run dry. What do you think? Do you have any suggestions on what the pugs should be this year for Halloween?

Monday, September 3, 2012

No Labor Day

Benjamin, Henry and Luna

In honor of Labor Day, Benjamin, Henry & Luna decided to take a day off from their usual toils to relax. It's really tough for them to take a day off and I am sure they are going to have a lot of work on Tuesday to catch up on after the long weekend.

I hope you are taking a page out of the pugs' book and having a relaxing day.

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The Pug Blog chronicles the daily antics of Benjamin, Henry, Luna & Sol.

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