Monday, February 16, 2009

On Sunday, we decided to make the most of an overcast day and we took the pugs to the beach. We haven’t been to the beach since we adopted Sol, so I thought it would be fun to see what she thought of the sand and the salty air. The whole trip could have bee a disaster (more to come on that), but we pulled it together and had a really good time. The boys and Luna had fun as always and Sol really seemed to be having a good time as well.
Here are a few pics from the day.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Last Sunday afternoon we went to the beach. It had been a while since the boys and Luna had been to the beach so as soon as we got close they got very excited. Once there, the pugs ran around like crazy, running in an out of the water with sand flying from their feet.

Henry is in the lead here and is making a sharp left to avoid being pummeled by Luna and Benjamin.

Luna just loves to strut her stuff on the beach.

And one of the few moments when Benjamin was standing still.
Monday, March 5, 2007

Sunday was an absolute gorgeous day and we decided to go to the beach and take advantage of the weather before it gets unbearably hot here. Instead of going to our regular beach, we took a drive to another dog beach in a neighboring town. This park has a lot more room for dogs to run around.

Since it was their first time at the park, the boys and Luna were very fired up. They had a blast running in the sand and in and out of the water. I think they liked the fact that the beach was very wide and they could run huge circles around us.

While strolling along the beach, we came across this guy. Luna and Henry didn’t really bother with him too much, but Benny was obsessed with him. We didn’t let him get too close, but he kept trying to flop on his back and roll over it. I have no clue why. Benjamin is just a very odd kind of guy.

Everyone had a lot of fun, but I think Henry enjoyed the day the most. We sat on the beach for a bit and watched the boats go by, so Henry had a chance to soak up the sun and get some petting. For Henry, it doesn’t really get any better than that!
Monday, February 12, 2007

We haven’t been to the dog beach in some time, so this weekend we decided the pugs were due for a much needed beach day. Baby Benny and Luna had been bouncing off the walls at home with endless energy so going to the beach was the perfect way to tire them out. There is just something about the sand that makes all three want to run and run and run.

Benjamin, Henry & Luna didn’t disappoint. As soon as we got to the beach, they started romping around. In the shot above, you can see Benjamin & Henry are “it” and Luna is about to be tagged.

The water was a little chilly, but that didn’t stop Benjamin & Henry from going out and getting their paws wet. Luna dipped a toe or two in, but for the most part she stayed on dry land.

Benny was feeling particularly adventuresome and he went in the water the farthest he has ever been before. Most of the time, Benny hangs right by the shore, but this time he ventured out a few paces. The funny thing with Benny is that he goes out a little bit and then once he realizes how far out he is he turns and runs as fast as he can to shore. You can see the light bulb go off in his head that says, “Oh, no! Benny is too far from shore!”
Monday, December 18, 2006

On Sunday, we took a break from the mall and all our holiday shopping and went to the beach with the pugs. Someone had built this cute little “sandman” and inevitably Benny had to pee on it.

Henry could not, of course, be out done by his brother so he got in on the action.

And Luna, who happens to be headless in this shot due to her mother’s photography skills, had to prove that anything her brothers could do she could do better!
Friday, July 7, 2006

There is just something about the sand that gets everyone fired up and ready to run. Every time we go to the beach, the pugs run in and out of the water and all around the beach. They run hard and they play hard. In the picture above, Luna is in the process of pouncing on Benny and shortly after she lands, Henry is going to pommel both of them.
Before we adopted Luna they told us that she was just a little girl. I wasn’t concerned at first because I thought it would be cool to have a little one running around and I really didn’t think she would be much smaller than Baby Benny. However, when I met her, all that kept running through my head was this girl is tiny. Both of the boys tower over her! Soaking wet Luna only weighs about 12lbs and Henry has at least 10lbs on her.
After meeting Luna and seeing how tiny she is and knowing how rough the boys play I became very concerned and I was just sure that the boys were going to hurt Luna while everyone was playing. My worries were all put to rest the first moment the three of them started playing. Luna is a spitfire! She is quick, agile, extremely flexible and possibly plays the roughest of the three.
The beach is a great place for her to let loose and burn off some of her energy. The boys just love to have her chase them and I am glad that she doesn’t make it easy on them. She really keeps the boys on their toes.
Friday, February 3, 2006

Yesterday, everyone was full of energy, so we thought we would go to the dog beach after work to give everyone a chance to run around.
This was Luna’s first trip to the beach, at least with us, so we were curious to see what she would think. It turns out, she is very much like the boys. As soon as her feet hit the sand she was off and running.
The boys chased Luna, Luna chased the boys and at times we weren’t sure who was chasing who. There were just three crazy pugs running and running.
We didn’t go in the water as it was a little chilly, but Luna didn’t seem to mind getting her feet wet by running in and out of the water that was lapping on the shore.
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