Owned by Pugs

Friday, December 12, 2008

Good Listener

Henry waiting to hear his favorite word

Henry listening intently to every word I say, just waiting for me to ask him if he would like some lunch.  In the 6 years that I have asked Henry that question, his answer has always been YES!  Never once was he still a little full from breakfast or did he ruin his meal by eating to many treats.

Have a good weekend everyone!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Cherry Pie?

Benjamin & Henry

What?!?  No pumpkin!

(For the record, there was pumpkin pie, but we were not silly enough to bring any of that home with us - we didn’t want Benny to have to spend the whole night obsessing about the pie.  Don’t worry, we’ll make sure the pugs get some pumpkin bread this weekend.)

Friday, November 21, 2008



I can has pumpkin pancakes?

Friday, November 14, 2008

No Dessert for Luna

Luna's spinach

The bowl you see is Luna’s and that blobber you see in there is her spinach.  At my vet’s recommendation, each week, I add a different veggie to the dog’s homemade food.  The main purpose of the veggie is to help keep the pugs full and the variety of veggies is to help them get different vitamins and such.  This week’s veggie is spinach and while none of the veggies are Luna’s favorite, she won’t even eat her spinach.  She is also good at eating around her spinach, because I put her spinach on the top of all her other food.  She some how works it to the side and leaves it at the bottom of the bowl every time.

Henry, who is a veggie lover, loves spinach week because he gets a double serving.  He gets his and Luna’s.

Henry eating Luna's spinach

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin Ice Cream

Pumpkin Ice Cream

Last weekend, we had a friend visiting from Maryland.  One night we headed out for ice cream and when I saw they had pumpkin ice cream I knew I had to bring a doggie dish home for the pugs.

Benjamin & Luna eating ice cream

The only thing the pugs like better than when I bring home ice cream is if they get to go with me to get the ice cream.  The ice cream shop is outdoor only and has several serving windows and the building itself has lots of very big windows so you can see what is going on inside.  The windows have low ledges so if the pugs stand on their hind legs they can see inside.  We mostly take the pugs in the summer and in the summer there are always long lines.  It took a while, but the pugs have learned that they need to wait in line and can not simply rush up to the counter.  I make the boys sit and they become intensely focused on the serving window and they anxiously scoot up each time the line moves.  It is really the funniest thing to watch.  When they get to the front of the line, it is paws up and they spend the whole time peering into the window.  Luna passes the time by getting attention from everyone in line.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Bully Sticks

Benjamin, Henry & Luna with their bully sticks

A few week’s ago, Mike from Best Bully Sticks sent over a few bully sticks for Benjamin, Henry and Luna to enjoy.  The boys and Luna each love to chew and we usually give them a new bone on Sundays for them to work on while we unwind and watch TV and get ready for the work week.  Yesterday, we gave the pugs each their own bully stick and they went to town!

Benjamin & Luna smelling out the bully sticks

Thanks, Mike for sending over the yummy treats!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Watering Hole

Benjamin, Henry & Luna

Benjamin loves to chew and when he chews for hours on end in the evenings he naturally gets thirsty.  During a normal chewing session, he makes a couple of trips to the water bowl and it isn’t uncommon for him to come close to emptying the pugs’ huge water bowl.  But while he empties the water bowl, I would be surprised if he actually drinks more than a few tablespoons of water.  We have labeled him the most inefficient canine drinker because he somehow always ends up soaking his chin and that cute little bit of extra skin under his neck with water.

I always thought he just dipped his chin in the water while he was drinking, but this super slow motion video of a dog drinking may shed a little bit of light on the subject.  In any case, I found this video of how a dog drinks very fascinating.

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