Owned by Pugs

Friday, April 24, 2009

Playing Catch

It might sound odd, but one of the best ways for me to unwind after a hectic day is to toss Cheerios to the pugs.  When I first started this, the pugs were kinda like the Bad News Bears.  Luna can’t see, so she is pretty much out, Sol has had part of her jaw removed and the boys, well, they were surprisingly bad.  Horrible actually.

So when we first started, the pugs were so funny that I would laugh so hard my stomach would hurt.  The funniest thing to me was Benny.  He pretty much missed every Cheerio thrown at him.  So they would bounce off his mouth or his forehead and he would chase after them and eat them.  Well, when he started to catch them, he would catch it and then look for one on the floor.  It was like he didn’t realize that he caught it.

We would play a little bit each day and I would toss Cheerios to the pugs and hand one to each of the girls.  Slowly, the boys got better.  Henry progressed much faster than Ben, but now they are both to the point where they catch almost every Cheerio thrown their way.

So here is an exceptionally long, unedited video that has plenty of my annoying commentary of the pugs catching Cheerios.  It gets a little boring after a while, but be sure to tune in around 3:40.  At that point, I tried to see if Sol could catch a few Cheerios and what do you know, she did great!  She missed the first one, but nailed the rest after that.  This was the first time I had tried tossing one to Sol and you’ll be able to tell by me excitement in the video just how proud I am of her.  Even with part of her jaw removed she can still do it!

Untitled from obp on Vimeo.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

All About Chewing

Henry chewing

Last week Darci & Abbey the pug wrote in wondering about chewing.  Abbey loves to chew and Darci was wondering if all pugs are avid chewers.  Three out of the four of my gang love to chew.  How about your pugs?  Do they like to chew and if so what is their favorite type of bone.

Looking forward to hearing all about the chewing habits of the pugs out there in OBP land grin

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bowled Over

Making the bowls for the week.

On Sundays, I make the pugs’ food bowls for the week.  With the addition of Sol, I believe we are now up to a total of 84 bowls.  Ridiculous, I know.  Sure, there are about 100 different ways that we could approach this that would require less bowls.  We could put everything in a food processor and make sorta a wet food that we could store and scoop at each meal, I could make the bowls at each mealtime instead of ahead of time, but this method seems to soothe my OCD tendencies the best and is what we have been able to stick with over the years.  So, If you ever come over to my house and open the fridge, just know that you will be staring at two shelves worth of dog food bowls.  Anything that you may want to eat or drink is on the teeny shelf third from the top.

Making the bowls for the week

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Making the most of Monday

Benjamin, Henry & Luna

We didn’t get to do much with the pugs this weekend since we were so busy doing our holiday shopping.  So, I thought we would take advantage of Monday night and get the pugs out for some much needed exercise.  The City Center near the house puts up lots of lights for the holidays and it is always beautiful.  We hadn’t been over to see the lights this year, so I thought we would take the pugs over for a nice walk around the lake and enjoy the lights at the same time.

It was such a beautiful night out that we decided to stop and get some ice cream for us and the pugs afterwards.  Needless to say, I think the pugs enjoyed the ice cream more than the lights.

Benjamin, Henry & Luna eating ice cream

Sorry for the low quality photos, I took them with my phone.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Good Listener

Henry waiting to hear his favorite word

Henry listening intently to every word I say, just waiting for me to ask him if he would like some lunch.  In the 6 years that I have asked Henry that question, his answer has always been YES!  Never once was he still a little full from breakfast or did he ruin his meal by eating to many treats.

Have a good weekend everyone!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Cherry Pie?

Benjamin & Henry

What?!?  No pumpkin!

(For the record, there was pumpkin pie, but we were not silly enough to bring any of that home with us - we didn’t want Benny to have to spend the whole night obsessing about the pie.  Don’t worry, we’ll make sure the pugs get some pumpkin bread this weekend.)

Friday, November 21, 2008



I can has pumpkin pancakes?

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