Benjamin, Henry & Luna patiently waiting for a little taste of roast beef. Why is there no picture of Sol you ask? Well, that is because she is jumping around like a wild woman, barking & whining and demanding that we hurry up and give her her treat. All that craziness doesn't really photograph that well.
Each one of the fawn pugs received a flossie in their stocking at Christmas courtesy of their sister Solsey. The pet store where we were buying the dog food that Solsey was eating at the time had a promotion during the month of November & December that if you bought three cans you would get a Flossie for free. So, Solsey happily pledged her commitment to nine cans and earned three free flossies. One for each one of her siblings.
Benjamin, Henry & Luna were very thankful for Solsey's thoughtful gift and happily chewed their treat on Christmas day. And each day after Christmas, Henry went off to chew his flossie after dinner without fail. It was like his dessert. He enjoyed his flossie so much that we got another round when they finished up their gift from Sol.
Benny has been known to go a little crazy for Cheez-Its. Don't get me wrong, he doesn't love Cheez-Its anywhere near as much as pugkin bread, but Cheez-Its, along with a few other salty snacks, are pretty high up on his list.
We are trying our hand at growing some veggies this Fall. Just writing that sentence is absurd to me, but that is the northern gal in me. This is Florida and it is actually a good time for to grow certain veggies here. So, we are trying our hand at peppers, on the left side in the picture above, and broccoli, on the right side in the picture above. This is my first attempt at ever growing broccoli so we will see how things turn out.
I hope the pugs do a good job with the veggies like they did with Mimo. Little Mimo is now taller than the house!
Sol's arrival at the OBP household and her pickiness seems to have brought out the finicky side in Luna. Before, Sol arrived, Luna ate everything the boys ate with only a few exceptions. I think it is because the boys really know how to sell a treat. Their excitement for even the most routine treats has never faded and Luna was always like, well if they love it so much, I guess I should too.
I first noticed Luna picking up on some of Sol's picky eating habits at breakfast. Before Sol, everyone got a piece of banana with a few cheerios sprinkled on top. Benjamin, Henry & Luna all ate their treats. When Solsey came along we offered her the same morning treat. From day one she turned her nose up at it. Fast forward a week and suddenly Luna wants nothing to do with her banana & cheerio treat in the morning. It was like a little light bulb went off in her head and she quickly realized she didn't have to eat everything the boys eat. There are a few other things that Luna doesn't like any more now that Sol has come along.
We'd better be careful or pretty soon the girls may stage a revolt. Better treats for divas!
We stopped and got the pugs a loaf of pumpkin bread last weekend as a little treat. Despite what they might tell you, one loaf will give the pugs treats for about a week and that includes some snacking on our part as well. The hardest part about getting a loaf of pumpkin bread is finding a place to store it. No matter where we stash the bread, Benny will sniff it out and whine and scratch like a mad man once he finds it.
One day, I would love to just come home with a loaf of pumpkin bread, unwrap it and sit it in front of Benny and just see what he does. But, I would never do that because I know exactly what he would do. He would eat the entire thing in one sitting! And then I am pretty sure I would spend the rest of the evening cleaning up after him. The thought of the aftermath makes all the whining and scratching seem pretty bearable.
Luna loves to chew as much as the boys, but she has her very own way of doing it. She doesn't really chew a bone, she gums it. She'll take the tiniest piece of bone and gum it to death. Here is a little video of Luna in action.