Owned by Pugs

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Green Paws

Henry, Luna and Benjamin

We are trying our hand at a little, container vegetable garden this summer. So far, we are having some success with our pepper plants (seen behind the pugs). We have a total of 3 plants and we have close to 10 peppers total. I have no idea what we are going to do with all those peppers, but I think that is a pretty good problem to have. At least they are in all different stages. It looks like our first pepper will be ready for picking this weekend.

We also planted a cucumber plant. We have tried cucumbers in the past without much luck, but this year's plant is looking strong. We will definitely need to be getting it a bigger pot.

The pugs enjoy checking up on the plants each evening after their walk. I water the plants and they have fun sniffing around.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010



Luna was happily chewing her bone in the living room when someone walked into the kitchen. Not wanting to overreact and lose her bone to one of her brothers, Luna continued to chew the very tippy top of her bone and cast a discerning eye toward the kitchen.

If just Luna was chewing it, a bone of this size, would last Luna a lifetime. I would say she is more of a nibbler than a chewer. But even though she doesn't make much progress when chewing she loves to spend a little time each night nibbling away.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Luna, Henry and Benjamin

To me those bags of mulch represent a lot of work. To Benny, it is the most massive pile of treats ever!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Comfort Food


Comfort food. That is what this last week has been about for people and pugs alike.

Monday, February 22, 2010

And This Little Puggie Had Roast Beef

Benjamin, Henry & Luna

Benjamin, Henry & Luna patiently waiting for a little taste of roast beef. Why is there no picture of Sol you ask? Well, that is because she is jumping around like a wild woman, barking & whining and demanding that we hurry up and give her her treat. All that craziness doesn't really photograph that well. grin

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

After Dinner Flossie


Each one of the fawn pugs received a flossie in their stocking at Christmas courtesy of their sister Solsey. The pet store where we were buying the dog food that Solsey was eating at the time had a promotion during the month of November & December that if you bought three cans you would get a Flossie for free. So, Solsey happily pledged her commitment to nine cans and earned three free flossies. One for each one of her siblings.

Benjamin, Henry & Luna were very thankful for Solsey's thoughtful gift and happily chewed their treat on Christmas day. And each day after Christmas, Henry went off to chew his flossie after dinner without fail. It was like his dessert. He enjoyed his flossie so much that we got another round when they finished up their gift from Sol.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Get Your Own Box


Benny has been known to go a little crazy for Cheez-Its. Don't get me wrong, he doesn't love Cheez-Its anywhere near as much as pugkin bread, but Cheez-Its, along with a few other salty snacks, are pretty high up on his list.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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