Thursday, July 31, 2014

On our last visit to the pet store, Henry and I struck a compromise and we left with neither a fish nor a dog bed. Instead we bought a brain game. The one we bought has 3 different games that are all a variation of hiding a treat. One involves turning over little cups to reveal a treat, the other moving a disc to reveal the treats and the third requires the pooch to slide the cups to get the treat.
We thought this game might be fun for Henry and would requiring a little bit of thinking which would be a good thing. The easiest game seemed to be the one where you knock over the cup to reveal the treat. So we loaded up the game with treats and added the cups. To help Henry get the hang of things we even put treats in the open spaces. Freebies so to speak to get him interested.
Here's Henry's first attempt at the game.
Henry quickly eats all the "free" treats. He knows that there are more treats under the cups, but in typical Henry fashion, he decides he better hang back and ask for permission to eat the cover treats. He wouldn't want to cause a ruckus.
While Henry was waiting around for someone to uncover his treats, the cat became pretty interested in the game. So we gave her a turn. She certainly wasn't waiting for permission to eat the covered treats. She managed to figure out how to slide the green circle to reveal little bits of hidden roast beef.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Benjamin has always been the go to pug for cleaning up small spills, but this is an all time low for even him. I spilled a bit of chicken juice (from cooked chicken). Unfortunately, in addition to getting on the floor, it ran down the front of the cabinet as well. I thought I did a pretty good job of cleaning it up, but Benjamin clearly does not agree.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

No one loves spaghetti quite as much as Solsey did, but it sure is one of Henry's favorites. Usually, I let the pugs take turns licking my plate. But on this night I got up without giving Benjamin, Henry and Luna a turn. Henry immediately sat up with his paws on the table to remind me that he hadn't had his chance to clean my plate.
I of course caved and let the pugs have their licks. However, I think Luna ended up wearing more of it than eating it.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Confession: we eat dinner in front of the TV every night. Love it or hate it, its just how we roll and it works well for us. We don't use TV trays or anything fancy like that, we just sit on the floor and eat off the coffee table. Well, we aren't completely uncivilized, so we we sit on a pile of pillows while we eat.
Which makes dinnertime to Benny a compilation of his favorite things - food and pillows. So every night when I am bringing dinner to the table, I find Benny sitting in my "seat" just waiting for the food to be brought to him.
Monday, February 3, 2014

We didn't celebrate with the bunless Big Mac that Luna has been wanting since we rescued her, but we did have some special frozen custard. After dinner, we went to one of our favorite ice cream shops and got a special doggie dish of frozen custard. We got a big scoop of banana for the pugs to share and it came topped with a milk bone.
When we split the ice cream for the pugs, we never put the milk bone in the bowl. We usually save it for later. Henry, however, knows that the ice cream comes with a milk bone and after he finishes his ice cream, he always comes to beg for the milk bone. He usually ends up with the whole bone to himself because Benjamin is off licking every drop of ice cream out of the bowls and Luna is too busy chasing her ice cream around the bowl. Like anything else she eats, Luna inevitably ends up with her ice cream all over her face.

Monday, September 30, 2013

The boys have always loved to chew. When they were pups they were crazy about pig ears. Pig ears definitely aren't my favorite chew treat. They are greasy and become choking hazards very quickly. And in their youth Benjamin and Henry could eat an entire pig ear in under 30 minutes. Because of all these cons, we gradually weened the boys off of pig ears.
It has been about 5 years since the pugs last had a pig ear and the time that has passed must have lessened my dislike of pig ears. The other day I was in a pet store and saw a big pile of pig ears and out of nostalgia I bought Benjamin, Henry and Luna each one to see if they would still love them.
Benjamin, Henry & Luna were super happy when I came home with the pig ears, but boy have times changed. Instead of devouring their ears in less than an hour, the pig ears are still very much intact days later. Benny has been giving his pig ear a good chew a little bit each night. Henry is a little distraught over not being able to finish his chewie in one session. When he is done chewing, he paces around the house trying to find a place to bury what is left of his pig ear. Luna has been working hard chewing her pig ear off and on, but at the rate she is going, I think her pig ear will last for years!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Benny has always been prone to throw a tantrum when he can smell that there are treats nearby and that he is not getting them. But, on Saturday morning he threw quite the tantrum over a bag of treats that always sit on the counter. The treats are biljacs and we use them to give the pugs pills. We also use them as a reward after Luna gets her inhaler.
On Saturday morning we gave Luna her inhaler and then gave all the pugs a reward for Luna doing such a great job. 3 biljacs per pug to be exact. After the pugs got their treats we zipped the bag backup up and put them on the counter. Well, Benny wanted more treats and this is the little show he put on to get more.
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