Owned by Pugs

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Caption This #172


Looking forward to your captions in the comments.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Over the weekend, we picked our first sweet potato from the garden. It was the first time we ever tried our hand at growing sweet potatoes and we were pleasantly surprised to find a potato growing under the dirt. When we planted the plants, I was kinda thinking we weren't going to have much luck.

So, now that we have this sweet potato, I need to find something to do with it. I thought about putting it in a soup I make, but I don't have any of the soup's other ingredients on hand. We need to make more food for the pugs tonight so I think I will bake it in the oven and add it to the pugs food. They love sweet potatoes and I am sure they would love to be the first tasters of the homegrown sweet potato.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Pumpkin Bread


Look at his intense focus. Benny takes his pumpkin bread very seriously.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Henry, Benjamin and Luna

OBP Reader Martha, sent a quick not to Nestle, the makers of Libby's pumpkin, to let them know how much Benjamin, Henry & Luna enjoy their product. It doesn't look like there will be any spokesmodel opportunities in the pugs' near future, but it was nice that the good folks at Nestle took the time to respond. Here is what Nestle had to say:

Thank you for contacting Libby's® 100% Pure Pumpkin.

We appreciate your kind and thoughtful comments, and the loyalty of you and our furry friends to Libby’s Pumpkin! At Nestlé, we are dedicated to you and your family throughout every phase of your lives. Your feedback is valuable to us, as it helps us to improve our products and services.

With more than a century of experience making the food your family loves, we are committed to providing you with products that live up to your high standards for taste, quality, nutrition and enjoyment - in short, "the very best."

Because we appreciate that you took the time to contact us I have included a link at the end of this email for a printable savings coupon that I hope you will enjoy! We appreciate your use of our products and hope you will visit our website often for the latest information on our products and promotions.


Stephanie Wright
Consumer Response Representative

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

We’re in the Pumpkin

Henry, Benjamin and Luna

Over the weekend, G-Ma sent Benjamin, Henry & Luna a text message letting them know that she spotted canned pumpkin in the grocery store. Knowing how surprised and excited I would be to see that pumpkin is back in stock, she even sent a picture along as proof.

The next day, at the grocery store, I headed right to the pumpkin aisle and sure enough canned pumpkin was once again lining the shelves. I bought a few cans to tide us over, knowing that I would be going to Sam's Club to stock up soon. Sam's Club doesn't normally carry canned pumpkin, but I have noticed that they generally sell it in the Fall. So, I was hoping that if pumpkin was back in most stores that Sam's would have it in stock as well.

I made the trip to Sam's on monday, I and was pleased to see cans of pumpkin piled up. I loaded up the cart with 3 cases of the cans. Crazy, I know, but, I like to have a nice stockpile and you can't always get the 29 ounce cans year round.

I would like to send a big thank you to Heather, Huckle & G-Ma who were generous enough to send us pumpkin during the pumpkin shortage.

Thursday, September 9, 2010



One night last week, I stopped to pickup a carryout order from Bob Evans. As I was waiting, I noticed their pumpkin bread was back for Fall and I got to talking to a manager about the canned pumpkin shortage. The manager explained that they had to switch to a Canadian supplier because of Libby's pumpkin crop failure last year. We talked a bit longer and before I left, I asked her if she could sell me any of her cans of pumpkin. She explained that they were #10 cans, but if that wasn't a problem for me she would be more than happy to sell them to me. The cans were huge, but I could certainly find a way to work around that. So, I left there with 3 huge cans of pumpkin. I was giddy for the rest of the night.

Before I cracked open any of the cans, I of course made the pugs pose with them. Ever since learning how to "give 5", Benjamin thinks that "giving 5" is his ticket to everything he wants in life. You don't even have to ask him. He just sits down and starts giving you his paw.

Henry and Luna

Henry and Luna seemed to be equally excited about the mystery, oversized can.

Monday, August 16, 2010

I Guess She Doesn’t Like It

I gave Luna a small bite of cucumber and the video below shows what she thought of that. Also, my favorite part is how Ben swoops in at the end and eats the cucumber and then gives me a look that says, "What? That was a perfectly good piece of cucumber." I guess it falls under the 5 second rule for the floor, but it was in Luna's mouth for more than 5 seconds.

Luna and the Cucumber from obp on Vimeo.

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