Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I Take That Back

Benjamin and Henry

In our house, if you unscrew the lid of the peanut butter jar, 3 pugs will magically appear at your feet. They love, love, love peanut butter and while we give them a kong stuffed with peanut butter from time to time, they certainly don't get one every time someone removes the lid to the peanut butter.

The other night, I opened the peanut butter and the pugs were instantly looking up at me, pleading for a kong. I was in a bit of a rush, so I didn't really have time to dig the kongs out and stuff each one with peanut butter. So, I took a paper plate, cut it into 3 pieces and put a clump of peanut butter on the plates and let the pugs have at it.

At first they were chasing the peanut butter plates all over the place and then Henry had the bright idea to stand on his plate so it would stop moving. I remarked that Henry is the only smart one in the bunch and we laughed as Benjamin & Luna were getting their fair share of exercise while Henry was standing still and gobbling up his peanut butter.

A few minutes later we look over and see that Henry has finished his peanut butter and is now eating his paper plate. Yup, so much for Henry being the smart one of the bunch.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

National Popcorn Day


We just found out about National Popcorn Day. From the brief research we have done, many say the exact date of National Popcorn Day is unknown, although many celebrate it on Jan 19th.

If we missed the official day or not, the pugs were not about to let National Popcorn Day go by uncelebrated. They LOVE popcorn so in honor of the holiday we made a bag of popcorn last night.



They would have ate the whole bag if we let them, but they were forced to share with their humans.

Does your pug like popcorn?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sleepy Girl


We rarely give the pugs table scraps when we eat, however, that does not keep them from staring longingly at us while we dine hoping that someone will cave and give them a few bites to eat.

Since we rarely cave, they pugs tend to get bored just watching us eat. This is especially true for Luna. As dinner goes on, her eyes begin to droop and before you know it she is laying under the table snoring. But, don't worry, give a little piece of something to the boys and she can spring back into action in no time flat.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Caption This #172


Looking forward to your captions in the comments.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Over the weekend, we picked our first sweet potato from the garden. It was the first time we ever tried our hand at growing sweet potatoes and we were pleasantly surprised to find a potato growing under the dirt. When we planted the plants, I was kinda thinking we weren't going to have much luck.

So, now that we have this sweet potato, I need to find something to do with it. I thought about putting it in a soup I make, but I don't have any of the soup's other ingredients on hand. We need to make more food for the pugs tonight so I think I will bake it in the oven and add it to the pugs food. They love sweet potatoes and I am sure they would love to be the first tasters of the homegrown sweet potato.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Pumpkin Bread


Look at his intense focus. Benny takes his pumpkin bread very seriously.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Henry, Benjamin and Luna

OBP Reader Martha, sent a quick not to Nestle, the makers of Libby's pumpkin, to let them know how much Benjamin, Henry & Luna enjoy their product. It doesn't look like there will be any spokesmodel opportunities in the pugs' near future, but it was nice that the good folks at Nestle took the time to respond. Here is what Nestle had to say:

Thank you for contacting Libby's® 100% Pure Pumpkin.

We appreciate your kind and thoughtful comments, and the loyalty of you and our furry friends to Libby’s Pumpkin! At Nestlé, we are dedicated to you and your family throughout every phase of your lives. Your feedback is valuable to us, as it helps us to improve our products and services.

With more than a century of experience making the food your family loves, we are committed to providing you with products that live up to your high standards for taste, quality, nutrition and enjoyment - in short, "the very best."

Because we appreciate that you took the time to contact us I have included a link at the end of this email for a printable savings coupon that I hope you will enjoy! We appreciate your use of our products and hope you will visit our website often for the latest information on our products and promotions.


Stephanie Wright
Consumer Response Representative

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