Thursday, February 2, 2012

It looks like Henry drew the short straw and got the job of begging for the dinner leftovers. I love how Luna and Benny are in the background saying, "Ask her! Ask her!" Well, at least Benny is, Luna seems a bit disinterested.
Monday, November 28, 2011
We recently had company visiting from Maryland (an old college buddy). Dogless, we went on a little human only adventure. We attended the "Flamingo Follies" in New Smyrna Beach. New Smyrna is a quaint little town that offers a street lined with shops offering an array of wonders. Well, during the Follies, they closed the street to traffic and had load of vendors selling their arts and crafts and other accoutrement.
As we made our way down the avenue, we crossed paths with another friend! It was Mary! Mary is the grandmother to Jade. Jade is a black pug we met shortly after Solsey passed away. Jade’s mom is, and I say with the utmost affection as we love her dearly and truly miss her visits, a blog stalker but only occasional commenter, "Jennifer Moulton used to be Davis".
Recently married, Jennifer had her pug Jade in her wedding. Jade, of course, is also in this OBP 2012 calendar. The photo of Jade shows her in all of her divaness at her mama’s wedding.

It was great to see Mary and we hope to Mary, Jennifer and Corey with Jade down here again soon.

I actually had a double bonus to see Mary again when I dropped off the OBP calendar to her. At that meeting she generously gave me a loaf of pumpkin bread to bring to the pugs. I will have a follow up to this story with pumpkin bread eating pug photos soon.
So, we just wanted to give a ruff ruff (i.e. pug shout out) to our old buds!
Monday, November 21, 2011

We had a party last Saturday night and while everyone was off taking a look around the house Henry was manning the snack table. I guess his logic was that he was already well acquainted with the office, but these snacks, those he had not yet met.
Friday, September 30, 2011

You may be wondering what the heck Luna is eating out of, but before you think we have officially lost our minds let me explain. This is our version of a raised feeder for Luna. I know, there are plenty of raised feeders out there and I'm sure I could find a few if I spent less time shopping for dog begs, but I have looked for feeders for Luna and haven't found any that fit her needs.
With Luna's neck issues, she does't like to bend down to eat from a bowl on the floor. So, we need some sort of a bowl that is angled that allows her to eat with minimal strain on her neck. The feeders we have looked at have either been too tall or too low or don't have the right angle. So, we went about creating one ourselves. It isn't aesthetically pleasing, but it gets the job done.
Friday, September 16, 2011

Another reason I think Benjamin loves to sit on his pile of pillows is to be closer to the cat's food. The smell of yummy cat food wafting from the cat's spot on the counter always torments Benny. The pillows bring him closer to the yumminess, but yet he is still so far, far away. Poor Benny!
Have a great weekend everyone! Don't forget to get your photos submitted to the 2012 Calendar Contest by Saturday.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Good news for the pugs - Pumpkin bread is back at Bob Evans! We brought home a special loaf to share with the pugs and they were so excited I couldn't torment them by making them pose for pictures. Let's just say it went a little like this.
But, I think the surprise of the day was when Cupid showed interest in the pumpkin bread. She didn't actually eat any, but she did spend a good 5 minutes licking the crust. It's official. She has been hanging around the pugs way too much!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

This is a picture of Henry with one of the new bones the pugs got the other night as a treat. Henry had been chewing the bone for a good hour at least and in this picture he is done chewing and ready for a little nap. However, he doesn't want Benjamin or Luna to get his bone, so he just sits with it in his mouth. He must have sat there for 15 minutes or more before his eyelids finally got too heavy. The joys of siblings.