Owned by Pugs

Monday, April 16, 2012

New Chewies


When I checked the mail on Friday evening I was very happy to see that the treats I ordered for the pugs had finally arrived. I ordered a pack Himalayan Dog Chews from a site that I just found called Doggy Loot (think Groupon meets Woot). My purchase was inspired by working mother guilt and the fact that the back story of the product mentioned Mount Everest. I have pretty much been fascinated by that mountain since watching a few Mount Everest shows on the Discovery channel.

So, when they finally arrived I couldn't wait to see what the pugs thought. To my surprise all 3 pugs liked their new chews. The pugs usually hate the chews I want them to like and love the chews that I hate. So far it looks like the chews are pretty clean (no staining or messy crumbs everywhere). They do have a little bit of a smokey smell but they sure do smell a lot better than some of the other things the pugs have chewed.



The other thing I learned is that Benjamin only chews with his eyes closed. Tried forever to get a shot of him with his eyes open, but I didn't have any luck.

Sidenote: The link to the Doggy Loot site is a referr a friend link. Meaning that I will receive $10 in Doggy Loot dollars if you make a purchase. If you sign up using the link you should receive $5 in Doggy Loot dollars (at least that is what the Doggy Loot site says).

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Doggy Bag

Henry and Luna

Whenever we go out to dinner we always make sure to bring the pugs home a little something. My favorite part of bringing home treats for the pugs is to see what they eat first. Last week, we brought the pugs home a few pieces of steak and leftover vegetables. Not surprisingly, the pugs went for steak first and then the only good pug to eat all his vegetables was Henry. Benjamin and Luna were wishing we brought home more steak.


Friday, April 6, 2012

No Pressure


Geez, Hank. I haven't even sat down to eat yet, and you are already giving me those pleading eyes. Can I at least have a few bites of my salad before you make me feel guilty?

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Waking Up is Hard To Do

Henry, Luna and Benjamin

The pugs have a very bad habit of waking up at 5am for breakfast. We don't have to get up for work until 6:15am so in order to get as much sleep as possible, we just feed them at 5am so they will settle back down after they eat and we can get a little bit more sleep. It is an awful routine that we have clearly help continue, but I love sleep and trying to get the pugs back to sleep at 5am is just too much work. I would rather feed them and head off back to bed to get that last precious hour of sleep.

When 6:15am rolls around and the alarm goes off the pugs don't budge. After all they have full bellies and no where to be. But, we have somewhere to be and one of the many things that needs to be done before we leave is the bed needs to be made. So, each morning, we scoop three sound asleep puggies out of bed and put them in the dog bed on top of the ottoman that we keep next to the bed at night. Once the ottoman is loaded with pugs, we wheel it out to the living room. From there, the pugs catch a few more winks until it is time for us to eat breakfast. Then the boys are up and ready for breakfast #2 of the day. They, of course, get a few Cheerios and a bite of banana. Luna, on the other hand, prefers to catch a few more winks of sleep.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Short Straw

Henry, Benjamin and Luna

It looks like Henry drew the short straw and got the job of begging for the dinner leftovers. I love how Luna and Benny are in the background saying, "Ask her! Ask her!" Well, at least Benny is, Luna seems a bit disinterested.

Monday, November 28, 2011


We recently had company visiting from Maryland (an old college buddy). Dogless, we went on a little human only adventure. We attended the "Flamingo Follies" in New Smyrna Beach. New Smyrna is a quaint little town that offers a street lined with shops offering an array of wonders. Well, during the Follies, they closed the street to traffic and had load of vendors selling their arts and crafts and other accoutrement.

As we made our way down the avenue, we crossed paths with another friend! It was Mary! Mary is the grandmother to Jade. Jade is a black pug we met shortly after Solsey passed away. Jade’s mom is, and I say with the utmost affection as we love her dearly and truly miss her visits, a blog stalker but only occasional commenter, "Jennifer Moulton used to be Davis".

Recently married, Jennifer had her pug Jade in her wedding. Jade, of course, is also in this OBP 2012 calendar. The photo of Jade shows her in all of her divaness at her mama’s wedding.


It was great to see Mary and we hope to Mary, Jennifer and Corey with Jade down here again soon.

Luna, Benjamin and Henry

I actually had a double bonus to see Mary again when I dropped off the OBP calendar to her. At that meeting she generously gave me a loaf of pumpkin bread to bring to the pugs. I will have a follow up to this story with pumpkin bread eating pug photos soon. So, we just wanted to give a ruff ruff (i.e. pug shout out) to our old buds!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Manning the Snacks


We had a party last Saturday night and while everyone was off taking a look around the house Henry was manning the snack table. I guess his logic was that he was already well acquainted with the office, but these snacks, those he had not yet met.

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