Owned by Pugs

Monday, November 12, 2012

Thanks, Gina!


Last week, we received a care package in the mail from Gina. When I got back from the mailbox, I let the pugs know that they got a surprise in the mailbox. They inspected the package and were very anxious for me to open it up.

Inside, was a huge bag of Grandma Lucy's Pumpkin Organic Baked dog treats. The pugs couldn't wait for me to get the bag open. Needless to say, they loved the pumpkin treats! LOVED THEM! (Gina, have you got these for Bella before? When I opened the bag, they smelled so good, that I thought about trying them myself. wink)




Not only did Gina send the pugs treats, she also included goodies for Cupid. So far, Cupid's favorite treat has been the Primal Freeze Dried Chicken and Salmon.

Thank you Gina for the awesome treats. You made the pugs' and Cupid's day!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Mixed Veggies are Not a Hit


This veggie special in the dog bowls this week was mixed vegetables. It did not go over well with Benny.

At each meal he flung his veggies out of his bowl so that he could get to the good stuff.


But, we didn't let him leave the table without eating his vegetables. We made sure he cleaned his bowl and his placemat before we let him go off and play.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Pumpkin Bread Season

Benjamin and Henry

Even though the FL weather doesn't reflect it, pumpkin bread season is upon us. And the pugs have had their fair share of pumpkin bread.

When we give the pugs pumpkin bread, I usually take a small piece and break it up into bites and give the pugs a little piece here and there as I eat a slice myself. Benny has started a new thing this year. Drooling. Yep, drooling. None of the pugs are droolers, but in between bites, Benny just sits and drools. By the time we are finished eating he even has a wet spot on the floor!

The boy sure does love his pumpkin bread!

Friday, June 22, 2012



Luna loves to chew. You can usually find her chewing while we make dinner and sometimes during dinner depending on what we are having. She usually takes a little break after we wrap up dinner and then resumes chewing just before we go to bed.

If Henry or Benny chewed as much as Luna does, we would have to stock up on bones a lot more often. But, Luna can chew for hours on end and she barely puts a dent in a bone. She can chew a bone all night and you would never know that she spent hours working on it.

When the boys chew, we frequently take pieces away because they are choking hazards. However, we can give those pieces to Luna and she can chew them for days.

For a little girl that never really gets much out of a bone she sure does love to chew.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Half in the Bag

Luna and Henry

Every day when I come home from work the pugs greet me in the driveway. Last Friday, the pugs showed and out of the ordinary interest in my lunch box. I'm not sure why, but Luna was convinced that there was some yummy treat in it. So much so that she walked right into the bag.

Benjamin and Henry

Benny, of course, thought Luna was on to something, so he pushed his way in to investigate.


All the while, Henry sat cool as a cucumber knowing that Momma always finishes her lunch wink

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Benjamin, Henry and Luna

The day the pugs have been waiting for has finally arrived! G-Ma comes to visit! And when G-Ma visits she brings a suitcase full of goodies. Benny, Henry & Luna can't wait to see what she has brought.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Room Service


After the long drive and our walk on the town we were starving so we went back up to the room. We don't like to leave the pugs alone in the hotel room, so we decided to order room service. The rain had stopped and the evening was shaping up to be gorgeous so we decided to eat dinner on the balcony. When we first arrived, the pugs were not too fond of the balcony. But, after we brought the room service tray out there, their feelings for the balcony suddenly changed and it was their new favorite place to be.

More on our trip to Miami and our 1000 pugs photo shoot next week! Have a good weekend!

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The Pug Blog chronicles the daily antics of Benjamin, Henry, Luna & Sol.

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