Friday, July 5, 2013

A few people asked about the OBP secret pug food recipe when I posted the lovely picture the 15 lbs of turkey we purchased recently. Before I share the recipe, let me add a little disclaimer. The boys have eaten a variation of this recipe for the last 10 years. It works for us, but this recipe might not work for your dog. If you would like to try this recipe or something similar consult with your vet before you make the switch. Also, making sure your pug has a balanced diet when feeding them homemade food is also very important. Commercial dog food is tested for that, but this recipe is not. Our approach to making sure the pugs' diet is balanced is variety. We swap out different parts of this recipe to change up the nutritional content. We also work closely with our vet and monitor the pugs' blood work regularly to make sure they are not nutrient deficient.
Without further ado, here is the recipe.
- 99% Fat Free Ground Turkey (cooked)
- 100% Pure Canned Pumpkin
- A vegetable. One of the following:
- Peas
- Green Beans
- Mixed Veggies
- Spinach
- Brussels Sprout (not a hit with Benny or Luna)
- High fiber cereal or oatmeal
- Yogurt or cottage cheese
Below is a rough estimate of the quantity of each ingredient included in one bowl. This has varied over the years and at times has varied from pug to pug.
- 1/4 cup Ground Turkey
- 1 tbsp of pumpkin
- 2 tbsp of veggies (or 1 sprout cut up)
- 1 tbsp of high fiber cereal
- 1 tsp of yogurt or cottage cheese
The boys eat this meal twice a day and also get a mid day snack. Their mid day snack is either a tbsp of canned pumpkin with Wellness kibble or sometimes canned pumpkin with a scoop of turkey. We supplement with the Wellness kibble to hit any nutrients our recipe might have missed, but more importantly to keep their bodies used to the dry dog food in case a hurricane or some other event would leave us unable to make or keep their normal food.
Luna used to eat the same meals as the boys, but now she is on a special prescription food for her kidneys.
Thursday, June 27, 2013

The pugs were super excited when they received a package from Doggy Loot in the mail the other day.
We generally order bully sticks for the pugs whenever we see a good deal on Doggy Loot, but this time we thought we would get the pugs something new - Beef Esophagus Sticks. They sounded disgusting to me, so I was pretty sure that the pugs would LOVE them.

Benjamin loved his treat!

Henry might have enjoyed the esophagus sticks even more than Benny.

And Luna was on the fence. She didn't know what to think of them. In fact, she let her bone sit unattended and it wasn't long before Benny came by and ate hers too.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The main ingredient in the homemade dog food that we make for the pugs is ground turkey (99% fat free ground turkey). The extra lean turkey can get pretty pricey and when you purchase 10-12 packs at a time, it can really run up the grocery bill.
A few weekends ago we stopped by a new meat market that came highly recommended by some friends. The meat in the display cases looked fantastic, but our eyes lit up when we say the extra lean ground turkey they had on hand and the price. We inquired about getting about 15 lbs of the turkey at a time and were even happier when they could give us a bulk quantity discount.
Buying 15 lbs of ground turkey at one time had everyone's curiosity in the shop peaked as to what we do with all that turkey. The looks on their faces when we told them we make dog food with it was priceless.
Thursday, May 30, 2013

None of the pugs like sit on the tile floor in the kitchen, so they always pick a rug. In this case, the rug by the stove was closest to the yummy smell coming from the counter and Luna didn't want to take a seat further away. So, she just nudged her way onto the rug and told her big bro to move on over!
Sitting side by side you can really notice the size difference between Henry and Luna. Henry is sorta slouching in this picture and he is still a head taller than Luna. What Luna lacks in size she makes up for in feistiness.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Sometimes the pugs do a better job than the actual dishwasher! Luckily, they do a pretty good job waiting for their turn to clean, but as you can see, Luna snuck a few licks in on Henry's turn. Sometimes she uses that little face and tongue of hers to her advantage. "Bro, I'm just going clean up the edge down here. I won't be in your way. K?"

Thursday, May 9, 2013

One of Benjamin's duties as a pug is to supervise the weekly dog food prep. On weeks when I have to cook the turkey the process takes quite a bit of time and it can be quite exhausting to a pug. So Benny, always picks one of the black rugs to take a little cat nap on while I slave away. Unfortunately, the rugs are all positioned in front of places that I need access to while I'm working. One is in front of the stove, one in front of the fridge and one in front of the sink.
So, I tried a little experiment, and I moved one of Benny's dog beds into the kitchen to see if he would monitor me from there. Worked like a charm!

As you can see Benjamin is pretty bored by the whole process. His feedback is that I need to cut the prep time by 99% and give him half of the prepped food as soon as it is done being prepared.
Thursday, May 2, 2013

When I said Luna was suffering from steroid induced hunger pangs I wasn't kidding. The other morning she took a page out of Cupid's book and camped out on her placemat waiting for more food. As you can see from the empty food bowls, they had just finished eating their breakfast!
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