Owned by Pugs

Monday, November 14, 2005

Special Delivery

Special Delivery

One evening last week, when the boys and I returned home from our evening walk, we found this package by our door.  The box was business cards that I had ordered earlier in the week, but the UPS man also left two treats for the pugs that always bark whenever he comes near.

Needless, to say the boys were quite surprised to find treats waiting for them at the door.  After Ben ate his treat and we went inside the house, he even scratched at the door so that he could go back outside and check for more treats on the porch.  Lucky for them, I like to do most of my holiday shopping online, so maybe they will get lucky and get more extra special packages delivered.


Wednesday, November 2, 2005

How McDonald’s Saved the Day

Benjamin with his McDonald's Cookies

Well, Sunday was supposed to be a very special day for the boys.  We heard on the radio that the local Petco was having a Halloween costume contest for pets at 2 PM.  So, we were getting ready and planned the day around the event.  We wanted to make sure the boys were appropriately tired for the event so that they wouldn’t be jumping around like the little Mexican jumping beans they are.  So, we took them for a nice long walk and then we took them in the car for a quick drive to McDonald’s so that we would be fed ourselves and able to go the contest with a “Zen” attitude.  So, we ordered at the drive through speaker and when it came time to pay, we met a very sweet girl (the cashier) named Breeann. (I remember her name because I noticed it on her name tag and thinking what a lovely name.)  Well, she commented on how cute the boys were and she gave them some cookies.  She also told us that she has family in Vermont that have pugs, too.  It is always fun to meet other pug lovers in our daily lives.  Well, the boys shared one of the two packets of cookies that Breeann gave them and saved the other bag for later.  Then we went home, ate and packed up the goodies we would need for the costume contest.  Well, as you can see from the last blog posting that the boys are Batman and Robin this year for Halloween.  We were anxious to arrive at Petco with all the other pets and to see what they would be this year for Halloween.  (Last year’s winner at Petsmart was a bunny dressed up as a wizard and 2nd place went to 2 dancing poodles in hula skirts.)  So, we knew we weren’t the only nuts to get excited over Halloween. A few minutes later we pull in to the Petco shopping center, dressed the boys and walked into Petco.  It was about 2 minutes after 2 o’clock.  There was a customer leaving the Petco asking if we were there for the costume contest and proudly we said “Yes.”  Well, the wind was taken out of our sails when she said it was already over.  Quickly I thought to myself, “Already?  I know I had to sit that last light through 2 cycles but I am barely past 2:00.”  Seeing the disappointment on my face she said, “They announced the winner at 2:00 but you had to be here at 1:00 for viewing by the judges.”  “Oh,” I said.  We went into the store anyway and walked around as the boys excitedly sniffed the bags of dog food and treats.  Then we got back into the car and pouted the whole way home.  I felt like the mother of the child that brought her kid too late to the birthday party and the clown was gone and the cake had been eaten.  But then I noticed the other packet of cookies from Breeann from McDonald’s and that helped me to feel better.  I realized that is what saved our day.  The boys had another little bag of cookies to look forward to even if they missed out on the Petco party.  So, that is how McDonald’s saved the day.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Down on the farm

Pumpkin Bread

So, here is the follow up to the bananas for breakfast scenario from yesterday.  As many of you know from following the blog, the boys eat a special home cooked diet which consists of ground turkey, oatmeal, yogurt and pumpkin.  Well, one of my favorite places to eat dinner out is Bob Evans.  Now that it is the fall season, Bob Evans offers pumpkin bread with the meals.  While pumpkin bread is one of my favorite holiday treats, I had plenty of dinner to eat and decided to take home leftovers (or a “doggie bag”).  So, I brought home a slice of pumpkin bread.  The bread was stored in a Ziploc baggie but that did not stop Benjamin from picking up the scent.  Of course, Henry, knowing Benny’s nose is never wrong, trotted off to follow him.  I unzipped the baggie and tore off a little piece for them to try.  After one small bite it was as though their little expressions said, “Mama, our pumpkin never tasted like this before!”  And of course, there went baby Benny into his up, down, up down.  (You’d think he was doing calisthenics.)  I gave them one more small piece apiece.  (They are on a special diet to help keep them fit and because they have digestive issues, so they really shouldn’t even have table scraps but what can I say?  I AM the weakest link.)  Fortunately, for all of us, the pumpkin bread from Bob Evans is seasonal.


Monday, October 24, 2005

The Breakfast of Champions?

Breakfast Blur

This is a pretty typical view of the morning’s daily events.  The last thing I do in the morning is eat breakfast which usually consists of a bowl of cheerios, a banana and a glass of orange juice.  Well, bananas are one of the boys’ favorite “table scraps”.  So, each day, there stand Benjamin & Henry putting on their cutest “I’m starving” faces. (Henry demonstrates his below)

Henry's please feed me face

They don’t begin to stir until they hear the snapping sound of the opening of the banana.  Sometimes, if I am feeling very generous, I will dip the banana in the cheerios and a few will stick to the banana so that they have a nice crunchy/mushy combination.  It is a true testament to their different personalities, though. Henry will wait patiently but wide eyed for the next sliver of banana to come his way.  But bouncy baby Benny will go from the sit position to having both front paws on my thigh in a split second and then repeat this process.  Up, down, up, down.  He is chock full of excited “I love banana” energy.  And there sits Henry, still waiting.  His eyes seem to pop out of his head, but he is still patient.  Henry just sits waiting, waiting, waiting as Benjamin bounces and circles.  I guess they can’t wait for their daily potassium intake.  They just use their time differently while waiting.  Tomorrow I will tell you about another special treat that they got for breakfast.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Frozen Treats

Last night was a pretty nice night outside, so we decided to go out for ice cream.  They boys came and patiently waited for their very own cup of Caramel custard.  Needless to say, they loved it!  Afterwards, Benny (who loves to lick) had the cutest “cake batter” smelling breath.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Do you want fries with that?

Last night we made a run to McDonald’s for dinner.  We always go to the drive thru and bring the food home so that the boys can go with us.  Drive thrus are one of their favorite places to go in the car.

Last night the boys were riding in the back seat using their new seat belts and the back windows were down about 3/4 of the way.  We got to the drive thru, placed our order and pulled up the first window.  We paid the lady and were about to pull up to the next window when she spotted the boys peaking out of the car trying so hard to catch a glimpse inside.  She enthusiastically screamed, “Oh, puppies!” and tried to reach out to pet the boys.  The boys of course were loving the attention.

When we pulled up to the next window, there were about four people standing there waiting to say hello to the boys.  Again the boys were loving the attention and stretching as far out the window as they could.  The next thing I know someone hands a napkin out the window to us.  Inside the napkin is two chicken McNuggets.  The boys’ eyes lit up when they saw and smelled the nuggets.  We let them eat the McNugget in the car and everyone watching from the window, including two managers, got a kick out of watching them eat the McNuggets.

Needless to say, that really made the boys’ night.  It will be interesting to see how they act the next time they go to McDonalds.  I’m sure they will be anxiously waiting for their next McNugget!


Thursday, June 30, 2005

Motivating Treats

Recently, we have been eating a lot of Chinese food.  No matter what we order we always get wonton soup.  One night the boys were looking paticularly cute so we let them have one of the crunchy noodles that come with the wonton soup.  We had no idea what we had started, but it turns out that the boys think these crunchy noodles are the tastiest things ever.

So, we decided to use these noodles for good and see if they could help us get the boys’ toenails cut.  Usually, the boys get a small treat when they let us cut all of the toenails on one paw (or in Benny’s case, since he puts up such a fight, he get a treat for each toenail we cut).  Well, it turns out that these noodles really have some pull with the boys.  They were the perfect gentlemen while we were cutting their toenails.  I had never seen them behave so well while getting their toenails trimmed.  So, after their toenails were cut, we held up our end of the deal and gave each one of the boys a handful of the crunchy noodles.  They loved it!


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