Owned by Pugs

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Pugsgiving and Pugkin Bread

Ann & Benjamin

This weekend we traveled about Central and Southern Florida to 2 Pug Events.  The first one was Pugsgiving in Lakeland, Florida.  This event was quite fun for the humans but it was super special for the pugs, especially Baby Benny.  You see, Benjamin has a special admirer.  Her name is Ann.  She is with Central Florida Pug Rescue and a loyal blog reader.  After reading about the many adventures of Benjamin’s famous pumpkin bread obsession, Ann offered up her famous loaves!  She specially made Benjamin 2 loaves of pumpkin bread.  Oh, but there weren’t just 2 loaves for Baby Benny!  She made 2 loaves for each of the pugs!  How awesome is that?  It was so sweet of her do that!  As soon as we got to Ann’s booth, Benjamin’s sniffer began going a mile a minute.  Then she presented him with the bread and he got that curiously excited look on his face.  He smelled it and was like “Is that for me?!”

Ann & Benjamin

It was so funny, too because not only did she bake the loaves of bread special for them but she wrapped it all pretty with a nice green bow and a tag with Benjamin’s photo from one of the latest blogs (the one with his ear inside out.)  It was so kind!  Ann shared with us that how on the first attempt to make the pumpkin bread her own puggies jumped onto the table and snagged the original loaf.  So, it must not be only our Benjamin who goes hunting for pumpkin bread.

Pugkin Bread

We gave each of the pugs a little piece for the car ride and then the rest went in the back.  It made the next few hours in the car on the way to Miami a little difficult, though because Benjamin would go through bouts of whining and scratching toward the way back as he begged for the remaining pumpkin bread.  When we finally arrived in Miami, they received another little piece and then we had to find somewhere else to stow the tasty treat.  We ended up triple bagging it and then storing it in the hotel room safe where Benjamin couldn’t get to it.

So, the journey began with the Pugsgiving event in Lakeland and then we headed to Miami.  Thanks to Ann for making the Pugsgiving event so special to the boys & Luna!  Ann,you are just terrific.  More about the events and the trip in blogs to follow.  Don’t miss ‘em.

Monday, September 11, 2006

It’s Back

Pumpkin Bread

We were quite excited when we went to Bob Evans this weekend and their pumpkin bread was back.  We eat at Bob Evans quite frequently and their pumpkin bread is great.  .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).  Benjamin is crazy for pumpkin bread so it goes without saying that Benjamin devoured his share.  Pumpkin Bread at Bob Evans, a sign that fall is just around the corner.

Pumpkin Bread

Friday, September 8, 2006

A nice frozen treat

Ritter's Peanut Butter Ice Cream

It has been a rough couple of days so we decided to take the gang out for some ice cream.  We headed over to our favorite frozen custard shop and what do you know?  Their flavor of the day was peanut butter.  Benjamin, Henry and Luna go nuts for peanut butter so we decided to get them each a doggie dish of peanut butter ice cream.  They thoroughly enjoyed it!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Thanks, Luna!

Waiting for a treat

To help manage Luna’s dry eye issues, she gets drops in her eyes three times a day.  The little girl is a trooper and she allows us to put the drops in her eyes without putting up too much of a fuss.  To reward her for being such a good girl, we give her a small treat after she has received her drops.

The boys caught on to this and started begging to get eye drops so that they could get a treat.  So to be fair, after Luna gets her drops, everyone gets a treat.

One of Luna’s eye medications needs to be refrigerated and it has gotten to the point that as soon as Benjamin and Henry hear me get the drops out of the fridge they come running for a treat.  Furthermore, they egg Luna on and tell her to go get her drops so they can get a treat!

Poor, Luna.  She sure did get the raw end of the deal.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Standing Guard

Benjamin waiting for his turkey to be cooked

Each week when I cook the turkey for the gang’s food, Benjamin parks himself on the mat by the stove.  He stays there the entire time I am cooking and while he relaxes a bit he is always alert and ready to pounce on any morsel I may drop.

While I love Benjamin and enjoy doing things with him, I wish he didn’t try to help as I cooked turkey.  Cooking about 11 packages a ground turkey is a tedious process and I could sure use the extra foot room while I am working.  But that is where the little man likes to lay, so I just work around him.

Luna and Henry aren’t as interested in the cooking process.  They prefer to lounge in the living room while I cook.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Not Guilty

Not Guilty

Not Guilty.  That was the plea that Benjamin entered the other morning when he was accused of stealing Cheerios out of my cereal bowl.  The only problem the pug faced was that there were witnesses that saw the little pug hop up on the kitchen chair and proceed to fill his chubby little cheeks with as many Cheerios as possible before someone realized what he was up to.

Sorry, Baby Benny, you were totally busted!  If your lucky and your play your cards right maybe we can work out some kind of plea bargain.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Where’s the treat?

Searching for treats

This weekend I took a quick trip to go visit my parents. Since it was such a short trip the pugs did not come with me. However, when I got home they did give me a nice big welcome. However, I'm not sure if they were happy to see me or my suitcase. See, I make these trips many times a year and by now they know that Grandma doesn't let me leave until she has loaded my suitcase with treats. So as soon as I get home they head straight for my suitcase and start looking around for treats.

Here Benjamin is asking, "So where did you hide them this time?"

Where's the treat

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