Monday, September 2, 2013

A huge thank you to Ann for sending Benjamin, Henry and Luna special chewies. Ann's pugs Julia, Flynn, Beetle and Pippin love himalayan dog chew and wanted to share their favorite chew with Benjamin, Henry and Luna.
Julia, Flynn, Beetle and Pippin also shared a special tip with us to get the most out of these yummy chews. When the himalayan chews get too small, what we refer to as choking hazards, they have their mom stick the chews in the microwave for a minute and then you have pug cheetos! We will definitely have to try that.
Thanks Ann, Julia, Flynn, Beetle and Pippin. Ann is also a tireless volunteer for Central Florida Pug Rescue. Be sure to pop over to their website and see what CFPR has been up to lately.

Monday, August 5, 2013

You know, for not being able to talk, Benjamin, Henry and Luna can deliver a pretty clear message. They are not so subtly telling me that by their calculations it is chow time.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
The other night we gave the pugs a little ice cream treat to help them beat the heat. I took a little video of them slurping up their treat, but I made a crucial mistake. I started with Luna instead of Benny. As you will see in the video, by the time I get around to Ben, he has already licked his bowl clean. It's a wonder that boy doesn't get an ice cream headache.
Monday, July 22, 2013

Don't let the this picture fool you. Luna isn't resting her head funny on the floor, she is actually chewing.
I stopped at the pet store to get treats and chewies for the pugs and I saw some strange looking chews. I inquired about what they were and they told me they were sweet potatoes. So, I figured I would get some for the pugs to try.
So, far they have been a hit with Benjamin, Henry and Luna. They have lasted longer than I thought they would. The only problem is the boys are able to break them into pieces. Pieces that are way to big for them to swallow, which would be exactly what Benjamin and Henry would try to do.
I got each of the pugs their own sweet potato chew and they all ran off to their favorite chewing places to work on them. But, wouldn't you know, that when Luna saw one of the boys break a chunk of theirs off, she swooped in and grabbed the little piece and spent a good hour chewing on a tiny little piece that I would have had to take away from the boys. And when she was done chewing she still had a lot of sweet potato chew left.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Luna wasn't too happy with the esophagus sticks that we got for her, but she gave her stamp of approval for the 3' long "porkie" chew that we brought home the other day. I should have taken picture of the super long stick, but the pugs were so excited I didn't want to make them wait while I grabbed my camera. The "porkie" could easily be broken so I gave each of the pugs their own little piece and saved some for another day. The boys gobbled theirs, but Luna daintily chewed hers for hours on the rug.

The funny thing about the boys, is that after they devour their chewie and Luna still has plenty left, they look at me like, "Ma! Why did Luna get more treats than us!
Friday, July 12, 2013

There is nothing Benny loves more than getting a new chewy and retreating to his furry, white rug to chew it. Pure bliss for him!
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I'd say Benjamin and Luna are the most reliable clocks in the house, but they tend to run a little fast. They generally arrive in the kitchen for feeding time about a good 20 minutes before it is chow time. And these are the pleading looks they give me to convince me to feed them early. They look starved don't they?