Owned by Pugs

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Tails from the Treat Jar #10

Mini Ritz w/ PB Please

Benjamin, Henry & Luna have recently discovered the Mini Ritz crackers with peanut butter filling thanks to their grandparents.  They each love peanut butter and they go crazy for these bite-sized crackers.  The rule is that if you want something at the store you better write it on the list.  I think the boys and Luna are adding a little something to my shopping list.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Tails from Treat Jar #9

Is the cat sneaking some of these?

‘Cause if she is she is going to be in the dog house!

Cupid in the dog house

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Tails from the Treat Jar #8

Fly Safe G-Ma

It is always sad to see her go, but the pugs wished G-Ma well when she headed back home after her Mother’s Day visit last week.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Role Play

Henry trying on his cow ear

After Henry got done chewing his cow ear, he wondered what it would be like to be a cow.  So he decided to try on his cow ear and see how he would look if he was a cow.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Got Ear?

Luna chewing on her cow ear

While we were out shopping for the much needed treats for the treat jar, we were sure to bring the pugs back a special chewy, too.  We got them each a cow ear.  Cow ears are much healthier than the pig ears they grew up on and they are not greasy either so they are better for the carpets and furniture.  Here is Luna making a at go at this cow ear.  It is pretty funny how the chewies get shared around here.  Luna never really likes to be the first at a chewy.  She wants one of the boys to get it started for her.  That also helps Benjamin because then he feels like he gets a 2nd one that’s “his,” too.  So, it all works out quite well.  For the most part they are very good about sharing and taking turns.  It makes a mama proud!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Tales From the Treat Jar #7

It's about time!

As you know, the treats have been running a little low in the house.  We have been remiss in visiting our local doggie bakery.  So, we went out this weekend to re-stock.  To our surprise, the doggie bakery was closed!  And I don’t mean that we showed up during their off hours, but the shop was empty!  We immediately went into a panic!  (Can you imagine what Benny would say if we completely ran out of treats?  You would panic, too!)  It turns out they were just relocating, but we will still unable to pick up any of the pugs’ favorite treats.

It was on to “Plan B.”  It was a plan that we were waiting until the end of May to implement, however.  You see, since we are Floridians now, we are waiting for the dreaded hurricane season to begin June 1st.  This begins the time of year when we have to have a back up plan for feeding the children.  It is very hard to keep the food cool when the power goes out, so we prepare for that by having a back up cuisine available.

This is where the Plan B comes into play.  For hurricane season, the back up chow is the canned & dry Wellness brand of food.  This brand of fodder is the only other type of food that we have had any luck with in keeping the pugs’ digestive system healthy.  It is never recommended that you switch your dog’s food quickly, however.  The best practice suggests that you slowly introduce the new meal into your dog’s diet to avoid any tummy troubles.  So, since the back up food is the Wellness dry and we need to re-introduce it slowly to the pugs, we will be using the kibble as their treats in order to get them used to it in case we need to feed this to them during a power outage when their homemade meals can no longer be kept refrigerated.  Kills 2 birds with one stone.  (And it keeps us from having to explain an empty treat jar to Baby Benny!)

Friday, May 11, 2007

The View

Benny seeing what's cooking

Benjamin, Henry & Luna are always very interested when I make the food bowls for the week.  However, it takes me quite some time to make all the bowls so sometimes the pugs get bored.  Benjamin has come up with a good solution, though.  He perches himself on the back of the sofa.  From there he has a perfect view of all the bowls on the counter and he is perfectly comfortable.

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