Thursday, October 11, 2007
Darci and Abbey the pug wrote in wondering about the eating habits of other pugs. It seems Abbey will eat just about anything and Darci was wondering if all pugs were that way.
Well, I can certainly say that Henry will eat ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING! I have yet to come across anything that he will turn down.
Benjamin, has turned down a few things, but for the most part he eats everything as well. He won’t eat lettuce or cucumbers and he isn’t real fond of spinach. However, if it is high in carbs he will devour it (pumpkin bread!).
Luna, on the other hand, has quite a discerning palette. Just the other day she turned down a graham cracker and I must add this tickled the boys pink. She doesn’t particularly care for Cheez-Its either and she never eats her broccoli.
What about you? Does your pug eat everything? Or does he turn some food items down? Tell us about in the comments and vote in the poll.
Friday, September 7, 2007

Benny got a text message last weekend from Bob Evans that read “Pumpkin bread is back!” Well, needless to say, Benjamin was ecstatic and he couldn’t wait until we went to Bob Evans and brought him home a slice of pumpkin bread. Never ones to disappoint we went to Bob Evans earlier this week and brought home the pugs some pumpkin bread. They loved it!
It was also a good opportunity to test little Luna. We have been trying to teach her the “leave it” command and so far she has picked things up rather quickly. However, we have never tempted her with something as tasty as pumpkin bread before. So we put a piece of pumpkin bread on the floor for each pug and told them to leave it. Luna was antsy, but she did not take her piece until she was told. I was very proud of her!

That is the really great thing about training little Luna. She learns very quickly and is very eager to please. Henry was the same way as a pup except he wasn’t quite so eager to please. Benjamin was a nightmare. He was eager to please, but he was always so excited that he never had a clue what was going on. However, once Benny learns something, he will never forget it. It just takes awhile for him to catch on.
Monday, August 20, 2007

Every work day at 3pm this is what I see. Pugs gazing up at me, letting me know it is time for dinner. A little bit before 3pm they start to gather at me feet and somehow they know exactly when the clock turns to 3:00. If I have not gotten up to feed them by then, Benny will paw at my leg to let me know that I am neglecting my duties. He is like a cranky old man demanding his early bird special.
Thursday, July 19, 2007

Last weekend, the pugs were pretty restless. I really wanted to take them out on a long walk, but it was just too hot for them outside. So, I decided to give them a peanut butter filled kong. It is not as great as exercise, but it sure does keep the pugs busy for at least an hour. It gives them something to focus on and is mentally stimulating, which in turn tires them out.

Benjamin loves peanut butter so you can rest assured that he will not stop licking the kong until every spec of peanut butter is gone.

Unlike the others, Henry likes to chew on the kong. So he will spend hours chewing on the kong even after he has licked all of the peanut butter. When he chews on the kong, it makes an awful squeaking sound that just drives me crazy. But Henry really seems to like chewing on it so I just try to drown out the noise.

And little Luna, she gets very excited when she gets a peanut butter filled kong. She is still working on mastering holding the kong while feverishly licking the peanut butter out, so I guess she does get some exercise in because she is always chasing the kong all over the house. She has gotten a lot better at holding the kong, though. The first time we gave her one she would lick the kong for a few minutes and then look at us with a look that said, “Hey, why did you stick my peanut butter in there? Couldn’t you have just put it in my bowl?”
Thursday, July 5, 2007

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The pugs gave me a huge greeting when I got home from my trip to Maryland earlier this week, but right after they gave me plenty of kisses the first thought they had was, “What did G-Ma send us?” See, they know that G-Ma won’t let me leave until she has tucked away a little treat for the pugs and Cupid in my suitcase. So, Benny, Henry & Luna knew that my suitcase had some yummy goody for them. And guess, what? G-Ma must read the blog because she sent them Mini Ritz PB Crackers!
Thursday, June 14, 2007

I am flying up to Maryland this evening for a little bit of business and to see my Dad this father’s day weekend. It was very nice of the pugs to wish me well!
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