Owned by Pugs

Thursday, May 8, 2008

It ain’t pumpkin bread, but it’ll do

Benjamin, Henry & Luna waiting for a piece of blueberry bread

By now I think everyone knows that Benjamin has a thing for pumpkin bread.  So when it isn’t Fall, Benjamin is sad because there is no pumpkin bread.  Well, fear not!  I think we have found a possible replacement to get him through Spring and Summer - blueberry bread.  Blueberry bread is the latest bread choice at Bob Evans and we have been bringing some home to the pugs.  They most definitely like it.  They don’t love it as much as pumpkin bread, but it is definitely a good second choice.

On a side note, when I take photos where I put the bread on the glass table and have the pugs wait until I snap the photo, Luna always cracks me up.  She always sticks her head underneath the glass and tries to smell and lick the bread.  Guess she is learning about a little thing called the “glass ceiling.”

Friday, April 25, 2008


On Sunday, we gave the pugs their first ever knucklebones.  In the past I have shied away from knucklebones in favor of rib bones because the rib bones seem like they are a better size for the pugs and have a lot less gunk on them.  But on Sunday, they were out of rib bones so I settled for the knucklebones.  Plus, secretly, I had always wanted to see what Benjamin, Henry & Luna’s reaction would be to the size of these massive treats.

Needless to say they were more than pleased with the knucklebones.  In fact, they were wondering why I had been buying them those tiny little rib bones when they had knucklebones all along.

The funniest part of watching them eat the bones was listening to the noises they made.  They snorted, grunted, sighed and made all kinds of sounds trying to clean off the bones.  I got a little bit of Henry on video going to town on his knucklebone.  Turn the sound up and you’ll hear all the noise he was making.  Notice how even the cat was interested in getting a smell.

I only let the pugs chew the bones for about an hour every few days.  Henry actually gets a little less time because he is a much more effective chewer.  I don’t want them to overdo it.  There is a lot of gunk on those bones and much to their chagrin I think they should pace themselves.

Have a good weekend everyone!

Friday, April 18, 2008


Henry with yogurt on his nose.

It is usually Luna that ends up wearing most of her dinner, but the other night Henry saved a little yogurt for desert.  Unlike Luna, who is completely oblivious to the fact that she ends up wearing most of her dinner, Henry was aware that the yogurt was on his nose and he kept trying to lick it off.  The only problem was that his tongue wasn’t quite long enough.  I wiped it off for him, but not before I had a few minutes of fun with him. grin

Monday, March 17, 2008

Meatloaf, anyone?

Meatloaf for the pugs

I have been reading the book, Eco Dog and there have been several projects that I have very anxious to undertake.  The other day I decided to make the doggie meatloaf that was in the book.  The recipe called for ground beef, oatmeal, mixed veggies, eggs, flaxseed and garlic.  You mix it all together in a bowl and then bake it in the oven for about an hour.

It turned out pretty good.  The next time I make it I think I am going to go with a leaner meat.  Probably 99% fat free ground turkey to cut down on the grease.  But, the pugs, they gave their seal of approval when they chowed it down.

It was a little something different for them and I think they enjoyed it.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Doggie Bag

Benjamin, Henry & Luna waiting for a taste of steak

We went out to dinner the other night and I wanted to save some room for dessert so I brought home a piece of my steak for the pugs.  The pugs rarely ever get any type of red meat so they got very excited when the smelled the steak.

Luna had a hard time “leaving it” while I took the picture.  She was ready to pounce and claim that steak all for herself!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Chef Henri

Chef Henri

The official “doneness” tester.  He is, after all, a noodle aficionado!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Ode to Pumpkin Bread

Here is a little video of Benjamin, Henry & Luna enjoying their pumpkin bread treat this weekend.  Enjoy!

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