Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Luna has earned herself a new nickname - house dweller. Over the past few weeks, her routine has been to go outside to go potty and then come straight back into the house. And she doesn't mosey back into the house, she high tails it. Like a woman on a mission.
The boys are taking advantage of the easy FL winters and are spending some time hanging out in the yard. They have been laying in the sun and taking some extra time to smell around.
Luna, on the other hand, seems to think the winter has been pretty harsh. I tried to tell her that things here have been pretty great as far as winters go. I reminded her of her recent trip to MD and told her that they now have cold white stuff covering the ground, but it doesn't seem to change her opinion any. As far as she is concerned it has been like living in Antarctica the last few weeks. Care to tell Luna how cold it is in your neck of the woods?
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fall officially started on Sunday and while this season technically does not exist in Florida, I couldn't be more excited. The pugs and I have been noticing a certain coolness in air in the evenings and we have been able to spend more and more time outdoors. We have even been able to go to some of our favorite parks after dinner. Hooray for pug weather!
How's the weather in your neck of the woods? Are the leaves starting to turn? The beautiful Fall colors is one thing I definitely miss living in Florida.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The pugs could indeed "hold it" until after the storms passed. However, Benny and Luna still weren't happy to get their paws wet. And Henry, he was grumpy because there was no sun. Geez, pugs, be glad you didn't have to go potty in the rain!
Monday, August 13, 2012

The FL afternoon thunderstorms did not have very good timing last week. They were in full swing just as I got home from work. Which is also when the pugs go out to potty. Needless to say, when I got home, I had 3 pugs that were pretty sure they could hold it.
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Last weekend there was a little bit of a chill in the air in the early morning. Benjamin and Luna were snuggled up in their blanket while we played our early morning Scrabble game. Luckily, we had a nice mug of hot tea to keep us warm. Blankets in this house are pretty hard to come by. The pugs are always commandeering them.
Monday, August 29, 2011

Lucky for us Irene stayed off the coast and her effects on our weather were pretty minimal. Unfortunately, Irene travelled right up the east coast. We kept a close watch on the storm this weekend to see how Irene would effect G-Ma and G-Pa in Maryland. G-Ma & G-Pa have had quite a week. They had an earthquake and a hurricane! Geez!
I hope everyone in the path of Irene is doing OK. Our thoughts are with you all.
Thursday, June 30, 2011

We have had a lot of rainy days lately. To me, the rain is a welcome relief. But to Benjamin and Luna who hate to get their feet wet, the rain is the worst thing possible. And for Henry, the rain seems to slow things down in the potty department. The harder it is raining, the longer he will take to go potty. It is almost like he enjoys being out in the rain. So, needless to say, taking Henry out to go potty when it is raining is no fun. An umbrella is a necessity, even if it is just sprinkling.
So the theme of this week has been wet paws and cranky pugs. While the pugs hate the rain, the garden and lawn sure are liking it.