Wednesday, March 23, 2011

While the pugs were helping us do yard work, the mailman drove past the house and true to the nature of the dog the pugs gave him the what for. I'm not exactly sure why the pugs have the need to bark at the mailman. Often times he brings them goodies in the mail. Apparently, the genetic makeup of dogs has not yet learned of the Internet and all the goodies that can delivered via the postal carrier. I'm sure dogs of the future will love the mailman and anxiously await his arrival. This will probably all happen right around the time dogs get opposable thumbs as well. 
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

We have been doing a lot of yard work lately and since the weather has been so nice the pugs have been "helping" us.
So they can help and we can have our hands free, we use 15' leashes and hook them to a stake in the ground. We setup some towels and a bowl a water near the front door so that they can have shade when they want it but they can also get a little sun.
When we first go out into the yard, they start out full steam ahead, sitting in the sun. But, after about 15 minutes of watching us work they have retreated back to the shade.

By about the half hour mark, I even heard Benny snoring.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Remember how I said the pugs were model doggie citizens when we went on our latest adventure? Well, I forgot about this little episode until I was looking at my pictures. The boys got a little fired up while crossing our first street. It looks like Henry is trying to run Benny off the road.
Monday, March 14, 2011

To help make up for yesterday's lost hour, we decided to celebrate the extra daylight hour by taking the pugs on a Sunday drive and going for a little walk in a different neighborhood. Since the pugs had never been there before they were super excited and were high energy the whole time.
There were a few streets that we crossed on our walk and I just love the way the pugs always stayed in the cross walk. They are very good doggie citizens.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The four pictures below were taken in a 2 second span while Benjamin and Henry were chasing each other on the beach. After, I pulled the pictures off my camera, I couldn't help but laugh.

Nothing unusual going on here. Henry caught up to Benny and is showing him a little brotherly love.

Benjamin, quickly turns the tables on Henry and swings around and is doing his best to pounce on Henry.

But, Henry swings his hips wide and from the looks of the sand it looks like Benny is hitting the brakes.

And the next photo in the series is the one above. I have no idea how the boys ended up like this. Apparently, Benjamin zigged when he should have zagged. And the look on Henry's face with his ears flipped up is priceless. I'm not sure what he is doing with his paw either.
A lot can go on in 2 seconds.
Monday, February 21, 2011

Saturday was gorgeous pug weather and we decided to spend the day at the beach. A lot of other people thought Saturday was a great beach day too because the beach was very crowded. There were people, dogs & kids everywhere.
We walked along the beach for a while before we found a spot to setup camp. We setup the blankets and within a few minutes the pugs had sand all over the blankets. Just they way they like them! But, you can't expect to go to the beach and not get sandy. Especially, when you have 3 pugs in tow.

A lot of dogs stopped to say hello as they passed our camp on the beach. To my surprise, I even managed to catch a dog playing fetch in the background of Benny's picture.

Henry was in need of a pair of shades because he was squinting in every picture I snapped of him.
The pugs did a lot of running around before they were finally ready to settle and take in the sights from their blankets. We were even lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the DirectTV blimp passing in front of the lighthouse.
Thursday, February 10, 2011

A walk at the City Center falls under the "Somewhere Fun Walk" category in our data tracking experiment. I love going to the City Center and the pugs really enjoy it as well. There is a nice path that meanders around a lake that is a half mile long. When we go, we usually try to get a mile in with the pugs, which would be just two simple laps around the lake, but Henry refuses to walk around the lake twice. He will actually sit down and refuse to take another step. Not because he is too tired and can't walk, but because he has a rule that he will not walk at the same place twice on one walk. Been there smelled that, is his motto. So to extend the walk we have take a couple side routes. And Henry loves the side routes, because there is nothing he loves more than getting off the beaten path and exploring.
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