Monday, February 13, 2012

The weather was perfect for pugs on Saturday, so we went for a nice long walk. It was a windy day and Benny was loving it. Windy days are his favorite because all kinds of smells just come to him. He will just sit with his nose up in the air smell, smell, smelling.
We walked for about a mile and when we got home Benjamin and Luna were ready for a nice long nap.
How was your weekend? Any pug fun?
Thursday, January 26, 2012

While Luna had fun mixing it up with all the dogs on the beach, the dog Luna wanted to play with the most was an adorable Dachshund named Oscar. Oscar, however, only had eyes for his tennis ball. But, that wasn't a problem for Luna. As he chased his ball all over the beach, Luna tagged right along with him. She followed him everywhere on the beach. I think that is the closest that Luna will ever come to playing a game of fetch!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

There were lots of young pups at the beach last Saturday. The pugs made friends with 2 wiener dogs, a golden retriever, a husky and a black lab. The pugs were by far the oldest dogs on the beach. At almost 10 the boys were more than double the age of the oldest non pug on the beach. The husky was only 9 months old and after watching her run all over the beach I realize I have forgotten how much energy is crammed into a puppy body.
While the boys could not keep up with the husky or the golden, I was glad to see them get in the mix a few times. Henry used his smarts and pounced on the golden in one of their games of chase. After that victory, he was content to watch all the other dogs run around. I think he wanted to go out on top and just prove to himself that he still has it.
Which is better than what Benny did. After chasing the husky and golden to no avail, Benny just stopped and whined at them.
But, Luna, at almost 8 was in the mix of everything. And this picture pretty much sums up her feisty personality. She loves nothing more than to play with the little dogs, but she isn't afraid to mix it up with the big dogs. And the thing that surprises everyone is how fast Luna is. She can really pour it on when she wants to.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Saturday was a perfect pug weather day, so we decided to take the pugs to the beach. It has been a while since we have been to the beach, so as soon as we turned into the parking lot the pugs started barking their heads off in excitement. Needless to say, we were not sneaking up on anyone.
Since it was a beautiful day the beach was packed! Lots of dogs and lots of people. The pugs made some new friends and made sure to get a sandy mess. Which to me, just means they had a good time!
I will be sure to share some pictures of the friends the pugs made, but here are a few of Benjamin, Henry and Luna in action.

To say the pugs had sand from head to tail would be and understatement. As you can see, Henry is not shy about plopping his keester right in the sand. And what is a story about a pug trip to the beach that does not include a picture of Benny mid shake.

Luna surprised us all by actually getting her paws wet this trip. She was in and out of the water and up and down the beach. I think she had the best time of them all.
Thursday, January 5, 2012

I don't know what it is about G-Pa's pickup truck, but the pugs LOVE to ride in it. They can't walk by it without wanting to go for a ride. I think they feel like big dogs when they get to ride in the big truck.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

We had beautiful weather last week and the pugs got to go on lots of adventures. Here they are being goofballs and only sorta posing at one of our favorite walking spots.
I think Henry was heading off to search for more gum. He came across a big piece on our walk and was not pleased with me when I made him "drop it". I don't know what it is about Henry, but if there is gum within a half a mile radius, Henry will find it for sure.
Thursday, December 22, 2011

I think it is safe to say that Pug Weather is officially upon us in Florida. For the last two weeks, the pugs have been able to take their favorite after dinner long walks. Granted, it is completely dark out, but the pugs don't care. After all, they don't have to pick up the poop 
And on the weekends, we can actually venture out during daylight hours without the pugs panting their heads off. And, your are sure to find at least one of the pugs in the yard or poolside soaking up the rays.
The pugs and I agree, this is definitely the best time of the year in FL.
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