Owned by Pugs

Sunday, January 2, 2005

Dog Park

Yesterday was a beautiful, sunny day and the boys and I decided to take advantage of the fantastic weather and spend some time at the dog park.

We are lucky enough to have two dog parks very close to our house. The first park is narrow and long and has a grass surface (well, now the park is mainly dirt). This park is only about two minutes from home. The second dog park is about ten minutes away and is a bit larger than the first. Instead of being grass its surface is made up of really tiny pebbles.

We decided to head to the dog park that is a bit farther away because the boys always seem to enjoy that park more. I’m really not sure why, you would think they would like running on the grass over running on the stones. But for some reason that is not the case!

Since it was such a beautiful day the park was very crowded. When we arrived there were about 25-30 dogs already there. It is always funny when we first go into the park. When new dogs arrive many of the dogs come up to the gate to form a “welcoming committee” for the new arrivals. So on our way into the park there was a crowd of dogs by the gate. But the boys just made their way into the pack and then Benjamin darts out of the crowd and is on his way running around the park with all of the dogs following him. I think his size really works to his advantage when in crowds. I’m pretty sure he just runs underneath all the other dogs and makes his way out.

The boys were very playful and were really working off some of that extra holiday energy. Unfortunately, I don’t have pictures. I forgot to bring my camera! Bad mommy!


Thursday, December 2, 2004

A Day at the Lake

There was finally a break in the clouds last Sunday, so we decided to go to the Lake to enjoy the good weather.  The boys had a great time chasing each other and running in piles of leaves.  They met some other pups that were out on the trails as well and while the water at the lake was quite chilly they managed to get their paws wet while climbing on some of the rocks at the lake’s edge.

Here are some pics of the boys in the action:

A great time was had by all!


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