Monday, May 30, 2005

This weekend I took a much needed break from work and enjoyed a 4-day, mini vacation. On Sunday, we went to the doggie beach with the boys’ life vests and boogie boards in tow. Since it was Memorial Day Weekend the beach was pretty crowded, but the water was warm and there were plenty of dogs in the water swimming. It was hot, so the boys were very anxious to go for a swim.
The boys splashed around a bit in the area near the shore and then they hopped on their boogie boards so that we could go out a bit further in the water. We got out in the water a little bit above my waist and the boys were having a great time just floating on their boogie boards and going up and down with the waves. At this point, I was really wishing that I had a waterproof camera so that I could get a picture of the boys just relaxing in their life vests on their boards, but I was happy just being out in the water with the boys.
The boys were doing great just floating until Henry caught a glimpse of one of the buoys that was used to mark the swimming lane in the ocean. The buoy was bright orange in color and about the size of a soccer ball. It was a very thick plastic and it was tethered to the bottom of the ocean with a cord. When Henry first spotted the buoy he was about 30 yards away from it. I saw that Henry was fixated on the buoy and knowing Henry I knew exactly what he wanted to do. See, Henry has this thing about fetching in the water. Whenever he is in the pool it is his mission to pull everything out. He pulls all of his water toys out and puts them on the deck. He fetches the pool noodles and brings them out of the pool and he even tries to grab hold of the rafts and pull them out of the water as well. In his mind, he is saving them.
So when I saw him pacing on his board I knew he was about to dive into the water. Sure enough he did and he was headed straight for the buoy (don’t worry he was on his leash and I was swimming with him). After a long swim (for him anyway) we were at the buoy and he was trying to bite it and push it back to shore. I was trying to let him know that the buoy was not a toy and that he could not fetch it, but he wasn’t buying it. I brought him back closer to the shore a bit, but he was still fixated on the buoy and saving it. I was so proud of him for being so brave and swimming so far in the ocean and he was so proud of himself too. While he wasn’t happy about leaving the buoy behind, I managed to convince him that the buoy needed to stay in the water.
When we got back to our spot on the beach I got the camera out to take a picture of the orange buoy, but wouldn’t you know that I didn’t put the battery back in the camera after it was finished charging! I was really kicking myself, but at that point there was really nothing I could do!
So instead of pictures of the boys swimming at the beach, I had to settle for posting pictures of Henry swimming in the pool today.
Monday, May 23, 2005

Sunday was the pug meetup at Dog Wood park and it was absolutely fabulous! The event was from 2pm-4pm and during that time the boys must have met 30 or more puggies (unfortunately, all the pugs weren’t there at the same time, but they trickled in and out during the two hour event). The boys had a blast and even though it was pretty hot and humid, there was a small pond to cool off the pugs. This guy really knew how to keep cool.

After the boys had some fun splashing in the pond, we took a walk on some of the fenced in trails. Benjamin and Henry really love running back and forth on the trails. Here is an action shot of the boys, Benjamin is in the lead (because Henry let’s him think he is faster)
Monday, March 28, 2005
Yesterday was a fun day. We went to the doggie beach and the boys did a great job swimming even though the water was a little rough. After we got home from the beach, I made them a special turkey burger on the grill in honor of Benny’s birthday. They loved it! Since they liked it so much I think I will make them more turkey burgers next Sunday for Henry’s birthday.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005

This weekend we took a trip to Dog Wood park in Jacksonville. It is a bit far from the house, but this 25 acre fenced dog park complete with lakes, trails, tunnels and agility equipment is definitely worth the drive!
Here are some pictures from our time at the park.
Benjamin cools off in Lake Bow Wow
Henry comes running back after checking out the big tire.
The boys stop to pose for a picture while walking on the fenced trail.
Saturday, February 12, 2005
To help beat some of the winter blues we have been having lately we decided to go to the Lake to walk the trails and get some fresh air. As you can see Henry was very excited to be getting out for some much needed exercise.

Much of the lake was frozen, but I was pleasantly surprised at the condition of the trails. I thought they were going to be extremely muddy, but all things considered they were in great shape.

The boys had a great time trotting down the trail and chasing each other through the leaves and up and down the hills off of the main trail.

They ran so much that on the way back even Benny, who is usually so hard to tire out, decided to take a break and relax on the bench.

It was a great day and for the boys most great days end with them getting muddy and dirty. So next up for today is baths and brushing!
Monday, February 7, 2005
Sorry for not posting much recently, but life has been pretty uneventful lately. The weather has been chilly and it has snowed the last two weekends. So what isn’t covered in snow is a muddy mess from the snow melting.
Despite the bad weather, the boys and I were ready to get outside and have some fun. So, yesterday we made a point to go to the dog park. We went very early in the morning while the ground was still frozen to help avoid a lot of the mud. There were about five other dogs there who’s owners all had the same idea about coming early while things were still frozen, so the boys had plenty of playmates.
When things warmed up and the park started turning to mud we left and went to the children’s playground area to play on the jungle gym. The boys love to climb on the jungle gym and go down the sliding boards. This jungle gym was very large and had 6 different slides. I was very proud of them because they even went down the tunnel slides that are curved. They usually hesitate and try to avoid the enclosed slides but yesterday they were up for anything!
Wednesday, January 5, 2005
I was organizing my digital photos in a new software program last night and I came across this photo.

This is one my favorite photos of the boys. It was taken at the lake when they were just 7 months old.
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