Owned by Pugs

Friday, February 3, 2006

Running on the beach

Benjamin, Henry and Luna at the beach

Yesterday, everyone was full of energy, so we thought we would go to the dog beach after work to give everyone a chance to run around.

This was Luna’s first trip to the beach, at least with us, so we were curious to see what she would think.  It turns out, she is very much like the boys.  As soon as her feet hit the sand she was off and running.

The boys chased Luna, Luna chased the boys and at times we weren’t sure who was chasing who.  There were just three crazy pugs running and running.

We didn’t go in the water as it was a little chilly, but Luna didn’t seem to mind getting her feet wet by running in and out of the water that was lapping on the shore.


Monday, January 16, 2006

The Beach

Henry playing at the beach

Sunday was a gorgeous day and since we haven’t been to the beach in a while we thought it would be a perfect day to take the boys to the beach and let them romp in the sand.  There is just something about the sand that gets Benjamin & Henry fired up and ready to run.  In the picture, Henry is running full steam at Benjamin and putting the moves on so that he can successfully avoid Benjamin who is getting ready to pounce.

By the time we left the boys were sufficiently tired and covered in sand, which for them is a sign of a great time!


Monday, December 5, 2005

Playing in the yard

Benjamin & Henry play in the yard

The weather was gorgeous on Sunday and Benjamin and Henry spent much of their morning romping around the yard and rolling in the grass.  They had brought a few of their favorite toys into the yard and we played a nice game of chase and tug with one their favorite toys the ducky.

They also had some fun chewing and scratching on some frisbees that we got at a K9 Frisbee show a few months back.  Neither one will fetch the frisbee. They find it very hard to pick up and carry.  However, they do like to chew on it.

Henry witht the frisbee


Friday, November 11, 2005

Act 3: They Sleep

The boys sleep after a day at the park

After a couple hours at the dog park we had two tired pugs on our hands.  They slept the entire trip home and never stirred once.  Which is highly unusual for Henry because he usually gets very excited whenever he hears the the car blinker.

All in all everyone had a great trip!


Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Act 2: They Play

Benjamin & Henry enjoy the pond

Once we arrived at the dog park the boys were ready to romp.  Our first stop was the small dog area.  Once through the gate the boys quickly greeted their fellow dog park goers and then had fun playing in the sand and running around the small pond.

After spending some time in the small dog area, we went to the fenced trails section.  This is one of the boys’ favorite areas.  They love to run the trails hopping over fallen branches and running through the brush.  Here is an action shot of the boys.  Ben is leading the way and Henry is just getting ready to hop over a branch.

Benjamin and Henry run the trails

After walking the trails we headed back to the small dog area.  The boys were still full of energy and were running around the pond when a very young Boxer puppy arrived.  The Boxer was adorable, but it was very young and it still wasn’t quite sure how to interact with the smaller dogs.  As soon as the Boxer entered the small dog area it set its sites on an unsuspecting Papillon.  Within one minute of being in the park, the Boxer had pounced on the Papillon and the Pap was shrieking for help.  The Boxer not picking up on the Pap’s cues had to be pulled off of the small Papillon.

The Boxer’s owners tried to calm the boxer down and moved her away from the Papillon.  The Boxer then headed right for Henry.  I wasn’t too worried when the boxer headed our way.  The boys are fairly rough and tumble and I would consider Henry a very rough player.  He usually seeks out the biggest dog at the park and tries to play with him.

So as soon as the Boxer came over to the boys she jumps right on top of Henry.  Well Henry didn’t take to well to this and he wiggled his way out from underneath the Boxer and gave the Boxer a run for her money.  After a few brief seconds, we called Henry off to settle him down and to give the Boxer a chance to regroup.  Poor, Boxer, all she wanted to do was play, but she was just way too rough for the small dogs.

To help ease the tension, we headed back to the trails to give the Boxer some more time to get acquainted with the other dogs.  When we came back to the small dog area, the Boxer was no longer there.  Surprisingly, the boys still had some energy left and they decided to run around, up and down a huge sand pile.  Here they are perched at the top enjoying the view and acting like they own the place.

King of the park


Monday, November 7, 2005

Act 1: The Ride

Benjamin and Henry in the car
On Sunday, the weather was fantastic.  It wasn’t too hot or humid so we thought it would be a great day to spend at Dogwood Park.  Dogwood park is an enormous dog park with all kinds of fun stuff for dogs.  The only problem is that it is 89 miles away from our house.  So, needless to say, we don’t get there very often, but when we do we have a blast.

Luckily, the boys do very well in the car and enjoy going for car rides.  They seem to like the rides much more now that they have their doggie seat belts and are allowed to ride in the back seat.  Before they rode in the very back part of our SUV in a crate so they would be safe.

Even though they like to ride in the car, they knew they were going to the park and the anticipation was keeping them from resting like they normally do in the car.  For the entire ride Henry sat on the floor in the back with his head on the armrest asking, “Are we there yet?”

Are we there yet?


Friday, July 8, 2005

Oh, Henry!

Henry has really been enjoying swimming lately - I would even say that he is enjoying it a bit too much.  He is completely confident in his swimming abilities (over confident in my opinion), so he has moved on to other more difficult water related activities.  His latest is jumping in the pool.  He loves to belly flop into the pool swim to the other end, climb out of the pool and then jump back in.

His other new favorite activity is going underwater!  I have no idea why he likes to do this, but while floating on his raft he will just stick his whole head underwater.  I think it first started because he was trying bite and fetch the logo that is silkscreened onto his raft (you know he has a fascination with fetching everything in the water).  Ever since then, it seems like he enjoys sticking his head under the water.

I don’t really think that him going under the water is that good of an idea.  I fuss at him whenever he does it, but I don’t really think I have gotten my point across to him yet.  And I guess if it scared him or if it hurt, he wouldn’t do it so much! 

Regardless, it is safe to say that Henry is definitely an odd bird!

(Oh, and incase you can’t tell that orange blob in the picture is Henry in his lifevest completely under the water)


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