Owned by Pugs

Friday, July 7, 2006

Playing at the beach

Playing at the beach

There is just something about the sand that gets everyone fired up and ready to run.  Every time we go to the beach, the pugs run in and out of the water and all around the beach.  They run hard and they play hard.  In the picture above, Luna is in the process of pouncing on Benny and shortly after she lands, Henry is going to pommel both of them.

Before we adopted Luna they told us that she was just a little girl.  I wasn’t concerned at first because I thought it would be cool to have a little one running around and I really didn’t think she would be much smaller than Baby Benny.  However, when I met her, all that kept running through my head was this girl is tiny.  Both of the boys tower over her!  Soaking wet Luna only weighs about 12lbs and Henry has at least 10lbs on her.

After meeting Luna and seeing how tiny she is and knowing how rough the boys play I became very concerned and I was just sure that the boys were going to hurt Luna while everyone was playing.  My worries were all put to rest the first moment the three of them started playing.  Luna is a spitfire!  She is quick, agile, extremely flexible and possibly plays the roughest of the three.

The beach is a great place for her to let loose and burn off some of her energy.  The boys just love to have her chase them and I am glad that she doesn’t make it easy on them.  She really keeps the boys on their toes.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Land or Sea?

Luna in her life vest

We are a water loving family.  On warm, sunny days we love going to the dog beach or spending time swimming in the pool.  But like a lot of families we are a little dysfunctional.  See, Benjamin hates the pool.  And by hate, I mean loathes!  He detests the pool so much that he insists that no one else should swim in it.  So when anyone else is in the pool, Benjamin paces, barks and whines.  He is perfectly happy at the beach splashing in the surf and rolling in the sand, but the pool is just too much for him.

Henry, on the other hand, loves the pool.  Sometimes, we have a hard time keeping him out of the pool.  There is nothing he likes more than playing fetch in the pool.

So with one pug that loves the pool and one that hates it, we have been anxious to find out if Luna is a surf or turf kind of girl.  To answer our burning question, we suited Luna up in Henry’s old life vest that he had outgrown and put her in the pool.

Luna swimming in the pool

Well what do you know?  The girl is a very good swimmer!  She is very calm while in the water and does a really good job of keeping her head up high and not splashing too much while paddling.

After a few minutes of testing the water, she was even ready to chase after her brother.

Luna chasing Benjamin in the pool

While Luna is an excellent swimmer, I can’t see her getting excited about getting in the pool.  She tolerates it if we put her in, but I can never see her just jumping in the pool on her own free will like Henry does.

So I think the question that has been on our minds for so long has been answered.  Luna is a land lover.  Looks like Benny will have someone to play with while everyone else is swimming in the pool.


Friday, May 12, 2006

Car Safety

Dog Seatbelts

The boys and Luna love to ride in the car.  It doesn’t seem to matter where we are going, they are up for going anywhere in the car.  When we first got the boys, we used to carry a crate in the back of our SUV.  While in the car, the boys would ride in the crate and they were nice and safe.

The crate worked well, but it began to be quite a nuisance.  It was too big and bulky to take in and out of the car every time the boys went on a trip with us, so we just left it in the car.  Sometimes, while out shopping it really got in the way when we would buy anything that came in a large box.  And perhaps the most annoying thing about the crate was that it rattled horribly.  With every little bump in the road the crate would squeak, jingle and rattle.

So we set off to find an alternative to the crate.  We tried a couple of different things, but finally settled on doggie seatbelts.  The kind we use are similar to small leashes with one end having a clip that gets inserted into your cars existing seatbelt fastener and the other end having a clip that gets hooked to your pug’s harness or collar.  The belt part is adjustable so you can make it as long or as short as you would like.

We have been using the seatbelts for over a year and they work wonderfully.  Benjamin, Henry and Luna all ride in the back seat and each one of them has their own seatbelt.  The belts give them enough room to move around the back seat, but are short enough to prevent them from coming up to the front of the car.  Plus, the seatbelts give me a little piece of mind because I know that they are all safely restrained in the car.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Return of the Pug Tug

Henry & Luna in the Pug Tug

Henry loves the water and when he is not swimming he likes to float in his Pug Tug.  While relaxing last week, we got the Pug Tug back out and Henry was as anxious as ever to go for a ride.  We weren’t too sure what Luna would think of the boat, but she was brave and decided to set sail with her brother.  The interesting part was that Luna would only ride in the boat if Henry was with her.  If Henry was not in the boat she wanted nothing to do with it.  Henry being in the boat really made her feel safe.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A Walk in the Park

Benjamin, Henry & Luna on the observation deck

This weekend we decided to get out and enjoy the beautiful spring weather.  We took the boys to a local park and went for a nice, long walk on the trails.

While walking we came across a bird observation deck.  The deck was about two stories off the ground and had a nice bench at the top.  Everyone eagerly climbed the stairs to the top of the deck and gazed out at the trees and the water below.  Baby Benny appears to be afraid of heights because he wasn’t too keen on going close to the edge and looking out.

We did however take a small break from our walk and enjoy the view for a bit.  During that time, everyone sat on the bench and waited while we looked around.

Benjamin, Henry & Luna on the trails

After our short break, it was back to the trails.  The boys had fun smelling and trotting along.  Little Luna was going full steam ahead and was very anxious to go exploring.  We had fun and after our long walk everyone was quite tired and ready for a nap.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Garden Buddies

Benjamin, Henry & Luna in the garden

The weather was gorgeous this weekend so we decided to spend some time working in the garden getting everything ready for spring.  The boys love to be lounging outside while we are working in the garden so we made sure to bring them.  This was Luna’s first garden experience and she did a great job.  We just have to work on her green thumb a bit because she had a tendency to stand on the newly planted flowers.

Luna squishing the flowers


Monday, February 13, 2006

A trip to the dog park

Luna's first visit to the dog park

We didn’t have any big plans for Sunday so we thought it would be a good day to take a drive and go to the big dog park in Jacksonville and let the boys and little Luna run around.  This was Luna’s first trip to the park so we were curious to see how she would do in such a huge park with so many dogs.

Luna handled it like everything else that has been thrown her way the past two weeks since we have adopted her.  PERFECTLY!  She was the perfect little lady playing with many of the other pugs and small dogs in the park.  The only tip-off that this was her first visit to the park, was that she fell into the pond in the small dog section.

The small dog section of the park has a small pond at one end where dogs can cool off.  Luna thought of the pond more like a puddle and when she was chasing Benjamin & Henry around the pond she thought she would get a leg up by cutting through the middle of the “puddle”.  Well to her surprise the “puddle” was a little bit deeper than she thought.  All in all, she handled it well.  She quickly swam to the edge and shook herself off.  Surprisingly, she wasn’t phased by any of it.

We had towels in the car, so we got her dry and put one of Henry’s old sweaters on her to help keep her warm for the rest of the trip.

The boys were up to their usually antics.  Running around the sand pile, going through the tunnels and chasing other dogs at the park.  They did a good job looking after their little sister and making sure she didn’t stray too far from the pack.

The boys running around the sand pile at the park


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