Monday, November 13, 2006

This weekend the weather was beautiful here in sunny Florida. There was plenty of sun but not too hot. Perfect pug weather! We decided to try out the nearby dog park. Usually we make it a day and travel over an hour to the big fancy dog park in Jacksonville but there is a dog park much closer to home that we have never given a chance. So, we decided that this would be weekend that we gave it whirl. The park, called Riviera Oaks Park & Dog Park, has at least 3 unique areas. There is a space for big dogs, a small dog area and yet another enclosure where both big and small dogs can mingle. This part has a pavilion for large human gatherings, as well. There is also a lake there and perhaps a walking path but we did not venture to that section of the park on this trip. It was great that is only about 20 minutes from home and since it is a public park, it’s free! Sweet!

The pugs had a good time. They met a few other small dogs. Of course, the one that “stands out” is Pepe, the black poodle that tried to go from dog to dog to see who he could hump the longest. Pepe’s first attempt on our pack was on Benjamin. Well, if there is one thing that will turn sweet Baby Benny into a fighting machine, that’s humping him. At first, Benjamin just looked at us as Pepe tried to defile the poor boy. He gave us a look that seemed to say, “You gonna take care of this or you want me to do it for myself?” We told Benjamin to go ahead and tell Pepe about his lack of manners. So, sweet Baby Benny put on his Exorcist voice and told Pepe that he wasn’t a pug to be messed with.

From there, Pepe thought he’d better try the “little one.” He went straight for Luna. Luna just seemed to wiggle around and out maneuver Pepe’s advances. Luna seemed to pose to much of a challenge for ol’ Pepe. So of course, next in line was King Henry. Fortunately, as Pepe was making his way for the Doodle boy, Pepe spotted a quite lovely fluffy white poodle that suited his fancy much more. Off in a different direction Pepe pranced where he promptly went to town on the lovely little white fluffy pup until the owner of that dog interrupted Pepe’s affection. It was at this time that both the poodles exited the dog park.

Whew. It would not have been a pretty picture if Pepe had tried to go back to Henry who enjoys being humped less than Benjamin. Henry turns on his chimpanzee imitation whenever another dogs tries to make him succumb to being the bottom dog.
The next truly notable dog that the pugs met was Maxine, a Jack Russell Terrier. All the pugs were mesmerized by this quick little specimen. She was a fast one. Benjamin and Luna both wanted to chase her but they each realized that it was futile. So, they just decided to chase each other for a little while.
It was then time to head on home. However, we did stop for ice cream on the way. (You can read about that in the next blog!) What a bunch of spoiled puppies, huh? Don’t ya just love the weekends?
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

On Sunday evening the weather was a little cooler here in Florida, so we decided to take the gang to the park. We hadn’t been to the park since Summer brought the stifling humidity here in sunny Florida so it was a good change of pace for everyone.
As soon as we got there, Benjamin and Henry saw the jungle gym and immediately started tugging on the leashes to get to it. The boys love to run around on the jungle gym and go up and down the slides. Luna followed the boys around as they climbed up and down the jungle gym steps and ran over the bridge, but she declined to go down any of the slides. Benjamin and Henry on the other hand were feeling extra adventurous and even decided to tackle the twisty slides. Here is a pic of Henry coming down the twisty slide full steam ahead.

After playing on the jungle gym for a bit, we hit the trails. After about a two mile walk everyone was tuckered out. Mission accomplished. On the way home, we had three tired pugs!

Saturday, September 9, 2006

Henry and I were out for a walk in the neighborhood, when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I saw a bright color and it seemed to be suspended in mid-air. I turned to look and that is when I found this guy. I have no clue what kind of spider this is, but I have never seen a spider quite like this one. It was huge and the colors were very bright.
Henry and I finished our walk and returned home. I grabbed my camera and went back out to get a picture so that I would have evidence when I told my family about this amazing spider. It goes without saying that I took full advantage of my camera’s zoom on this shot. This city girl did not want to get anywhere near this spider.
Henry was unfazed by it all. He did not notice the spider, he was too busy smelling a patch of grass to even notice me staring at it. Which is a very good thing. I wouldn’t want him getting too close either.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Each week, after we finish cutting the grass, Benjamin, Henry and Luna can’t wait to get out and run in the yard. There is something about fresh cut grass that just gets them fired up. It is great exercise for them and they run until they are absolutely exhausted. The pic above was taken after they played chase for a good 15-20 minutes.

In the yard, we have a bench so that we can relax while they are busy romping. The bench is strategically used by everyone as a pick and they love to run circles around the bench. In the photo above, Henry is peering out from under the bench trying to figure out which way Benjamin and Luna are going to run to get him.

Watching the gang run in the yard is definitely a great way to unwind and relax after cutting the grass.
Monday, July 31, 2006

While this summer has not been that hot by Florida standards, it is still quite toasty. So, we take our walks early in the morning and later at nights. This is Henry after a longer walk in the evening. As we’ve blogged earlier, he is definitely the brains of the pug trio. To cool down he will lay on the tile floor in the kitchen. Benny will lay on the rug or pillow or even on one of the throw rugs in the kitchen but never on the cool tile. Because of his “cool tile strategy,” Henry is usually the one that stops panting first. Henry is not only “King of the Yard” but his is also “King of the Smarts.”
Monday, July 24, 2006

We are well into summer and it is hot and humid here in Florida. Nothing that isn’t typical of this time of year, but it is still super hot. Because of the heat, we have had to adjust our walks. Our normal schedule is to go for a short walk at lunch time, a short walk before dinner and a long walk after dinner. This has been a good schedule for the boys and it seems to work well with Luna. The three walks get the gang their necessary exercise which makes for happy and well behaved pugs. However, since it has been so hot lately, we don’t dare venture out for our midday or before dinner walk. Instead we take a long walk in the morning around 6:30 AM and another long walk in the evening around 9 PM. Everyone loves the 9 PM walk, but the morning walk is another story. At that time in the morning, everyone is snuggled under the covers and none of them have any interest in going for a walk. However, by the time we hit the end of the driveway, they are their happy little selves and ready to go on their trot around the neighborhood.
Monday, July 10, 2006

As many of you loyal blog readers know, we hail from Montgomery County, Maryland and for the first few years of the boys’ lives, one of the greatest pleasures we had was taking them to Lake Needwood. Well, recently the northeast was hit with a phenomenal amount of rain and the natural earthen dam at Lake Needwood sprung some leaks and virtually flooded the entire park area. Water flooded the pavilions, raised throughout the hiking trails and covered playgrounds. Now, they are having to drain the lake. Though, we agree with the news reports that “safety is more important than recreation,” it really is tough for us to see photos of our old “stomping grounds” in such a sad state. Many of our most cherished memories are of Lake Needwood. You can view some of the old blog posts.
Moving to Florida was a somewhat difficult decision and friends and family would ask us if we were worried about hurricanes and such. Fortunately, our first year here, we have been very lucky in that the weather has been awesome. On the other hand, it has been difficult seeing that our old home town is struggling with severe rains. So, we just relish the memories and continue to make more happy times.
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