Thursday, November 15, 2007

Last Sunday afternoon we went to the beach. It had been a while since the boys and Luna had been to the beach so as soon as we got close they got very excited. Once there, the pugs ran around like crazy, running in an out of the water with sand flying from their feet.

Henry is in the lead here and is making a sharp left to avoid being pummeled by Luna and Benjamin.

Luna just loves to strut her stuff on the beach.

And one of the few moments when Benjamin was standing still.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007

This was the scene Saturday morning while we ate breakfast on the lanai and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Luna and Henry are on the lanai and Benjamin was in the yard, directly behind them. It was a great start to a great day. Things like this are reason #106 on why I wish everyday was Saturday.
Monday, November 5, 2007

After a weekend of gorgeous weather and lots of outdoor activity, I have three very tired pugs on my hands.
We finally got our first taste of Fall here in FL and this weekend was perfect pug weather. The pugs could get out and run and go on long walks and I didn’t have to worry about them getting overheated. We kicked the air conditioning off and opened all the doors and windows and the pugs and Cupid had full run of the house and could go in and out from the screened in porch to the house as much as they pleased. They just love having free run like that.
And the pugs all got baths on Sunday along with some toenail clipping. They didn’t enjoy that quite as much as they did the good weather, but they sure do smell nice.
I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

This weekend we went to the dog park so Benjamin, Henry & Luna could get out and run around a bit. The great thing about the dog park that we went to is that there are plenty of trees in the park, which means plenty of shade. This was great for the boys and Luna because it is still pretty hot here in FL.
There were a handful of small dogs there when we arrived so there were plenty of playmates for Benjamin, Henry & Luna. The boys, of course, took to a Pit Bull puppy that was rescued from the pound. This made me very nervous at first, but she was a real sweetheart and they made great playmates (she could handle the boys tag teaming her).
Luna found a couple of little dogs her size and chased them around for a while. I snapped a lot of pictures of her playing, but they all came out blurry! I guess I will have plenty of pics for the bloopers.
After playing for a bit, Henry made himself comfortable on a bench at the park and kept watch over everything that was going on.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

We got this bench for the backyard about a year ago, so that we would have a nice place to sit while the pugs played in the yard. Like most things, the pugs thought the bench was for them. At least one of them is lounging on it most mornings and when we are all out in the yard that is one crowded bench!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I must confess, I haven’t been the best pug owner lately. Sure the pugs have been fed and they get plenty of love and attention, but I have been totally slacking in the walk department. The pugs are used to going for at least a 1 mile walk each night and for the last week there have been no walks. So that means that I have 3 wired pugs on my hands! A well exercised Benny bounces off the walls, so you can only imagine what Benny is like now. There have been times I had to pull him off of the ceiling.
Why have the pugs missed so many of their walks, you ask? Well, because I have been totally involved in getting the OBP calendar to the presses. But I am happy to say that I sent the artwork to the printer yesterday and I am now awaiting the proof. It felt good to be done and to at least have the ball in someone else’s court for an evening.
So to celebrate, we went to the park for a nice long walk. Benjamin, Henry and Luna were so excited to go for a ride in the car and were even more excited when they realized we were going to the park. They had a great time walking off all that pent up energy and for me it was a perfect way to celebrate the completion of the calendar.
My favorite thing about this park, other than the nice shady trails to walk on, is the water fountain there. It is one water fountain with three drinking spots. One for adults, one for kids, and one on the ground for dogs. It comes in so handy and means that I don’t have to carry the bulky water bottle with us.

So rest assured the calendars will be for sale soon. I should have them by the end of October and as soon as I get them they will be up for sale. I can’t wait to get my hands on a printed copy. I am very happy with how they turned out and I just hope they look as good in print and I hope you like them too!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

This weekend we planted a little garden in the backyard. The garden looks very nice, but we had ulterior motives for planting it. It seems that Benjamin & Henry have taken a real liking to lifting their leg and peeing on he screen of the screened-in pool area. Which of course means that the pee comes through the screen and gets on the pool deck and the lanai. We have fussed at them a million times for doing it, but they just look at us like, “Look, you trained me to go potty in the yard and technically I am in the yard so I don’t think I am doing anything wrong.”
So, we figured there was only one way to beat them at their own game. Plant some of their favorite plants, so that they have something to water other than the screen. Plus, the garden sorta acts like a barrier and keeps them away for the screen a bit. I say a bit, because none of them are above tramping through the garden. So far our plan is working and the boys’ attention has been diverted from the screen to the freshly planted plants.
The other thing you might noticed is that we have put down rocks rather than mulch. If we had put down mulch, Benjamin & Henry would have thought they hit the lottery. They love to chew on and eat mulch. So if we had put down mulch we would have never been able to let them lounge in the yard again.
So, Little Luna had plenty of opportunities to remind us this weekend of what a good girl she is and just how mischievous her big bros can be.

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